28 September 2014
I'm Only Human!
No, you are not.
You are an emergency-order being, a temporary phenomenon charged with the duty of awakening the True Man that sleeps within your microcosm.
We are gods in embryo. As with any embryo, without the proper conditions it will not achieve its aim. Certain things must happen for a hen's egg to become a chick. If those things do not happen, that egg becomes someone's breakfast.
Essentially, we are faced with the same situation. If we do not find the Mysteries of the Light while we are incarnate, our personality will be removed from the microcosm, post-mortem, to be replaced by an entirely different personality upon reincarnation. However, if while incarnate we manage to answer the call of the Gnosis and begin to walk the Path that leads to ultimate Liberation, our personality will persist after so-called death and will not have to return to the material world via the agency of childbirth. As it is written, we will "go no more out" (...he that overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out - Rev 3:12).
Do not waste the opportunity that lies in front of you. You have been touched by the Gnosis to some degree, or else you would not be reading these words. Grab the Golden Thread and follow it to its glorious end, thereby avoiding a fate similar to that of the tasty fried egg.
~ g
27 September 2014
There Are No "Others"
- originally posted in July 2009. Re-posted with edits -
One of the hardest things in the world for us to do is to understand that we are a Unity of One. What we do for One, we do for All, including ourselves. The following quote is from an entity known as "Hidden Hand":
See yourself within all Others and treat Others as You would like to be treated Yourself. Then remember this one crucial thing:
There are no "Others".
A very simple, yet profound statement. When we serve the group, we serve ourselves by default, as we are a part of the group. It doesn't work the other way around.
It's a huge shift for us to make, as we have spent thousands of incarnations pretending that we were Separate from each other. But it's a shift that can be made. We simply need to open our minds to the memory of what was and to the realization of who we truly are.
all love,
~ g
26 September 2014
Seek. Live. Know.
The following is in response to a recent comment.
You are a Seeker, as are many of us. Our seeking inevitably brings us to a borderland, a ring-pass-not. Having seen everything else the natural world has to offer we are left frustrated, confused, jaded and cynical. The world's spiritual supermarket offers us nothing lasting, nothing true. We sigh in despair, ready to throw up our hands in defeat.
It is at this point of abject disillusionment that we are most susceptible to the touch of the Gnosis. The heart knows that there is "something" out there. It is when we are through chasing on the horizontal level that the heart takes a step towards That Which Is True.
How do we know that the Universal Doctrine is not just another New Age scam or flavor-of-the-month spirituality? First off, one must do his or her due diligence. The School of the Rosycross has always maintained that insight is the first step of the Fivefold Gnostic Path. This means that a certain amount of study is in order. The Seeker must learn the true nature of the world to which he or she has been bound for thousands upon thousands of years. This is why Jan van Rijckenborgh, a Sent One, went to great lengths to expose the workings of the reflection-sphere, as well as the archons and aeons of this nature-order. The transfiguristic process was carefully explained in The Coming New Man.
The Gnosis is nothing new. It has been with man since The Fall - many millions of years. Although most of the recent writings (by recent, we mean the last 75,000 years or so) explaining the Gnosis and the Path of Liberation have been destroyed or hidden away by those who wish to keep us ignorant, important works managed to survive primarily because humans do not recognize what they are reading when confronted with it. van Rijckenborgh had the ability to translate these ancient works so that the modern Seeker could understand. Indeed, that was a major part of his mission during his incarnation. Some examples:
Egyptian: The ancient Corpus Hermeticum is interpreted and explained by JVR in four volumes of The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis.
Chinese: The Tao Te Ching is interpreted and explained in The Chinese Gnosis.
Gnostic Christianity: The gnostic gospel Pistis Sophia is interpreted and explained in The Gnostic Mysteries of Pistis Sophia.
Insights into the workings of this nature-order are explained in Elementary Philosophy of the Modern Rosycross.
The Transfiguristic process is explained in The Coming New Man.
These works were not written for monetary gain or personal fame. They were written for you, for all those future Seekers who, after endless wandering in the night of the world, would cry out in despair for the Truth that had eluded them for so long.
So the advice here is to begin at the beginning. You must do the work. Gain insight into Man's plight and Man's path to salvation. After doing so, something within you will decide whether what you have been exposed to rings true or not. You will either walk away in disappointment or you will move joyfully to the second step of the Fivefold Gnostic Path - a deep yearning for salvation. But first, you must gain the proper insight.
Seek the Truth. Once found, Live the Truth. It is by living the Truth that you will come to Know the Truth.
Seek. Live. Know.
~ g
25 September 2014
"Love Yourself"
We hear it all the time:
"The best advice I can give you is to love yourself".
"You can't love anyone until you learn to love yourself".
"Learn to love yourself first".
At first glance, harmless and helpful, right? Empowering, eh?
In truth, the above is the exact oppositve of what one should be trying to do as mankind enters the Aquarian Age. Learning to love ourselves puts the focus on ourselves. It turns our attention inwards, towards what we think is good for us, what we desire, what we want to do. This self-focus shuts out others and serves to color life as a "me-against-them" proposition. The following advice is for those who aspire to become a part of the New Race:
Love all others, so as to be loved. Forgive all others, so as to be forgiven.
~ g
22 September 2014
"For You It Shall Be As Food"
A pupil of the Spiritual School will be a vegetarian because animal cells obstruct and even make impossible the task he has to fulfill: the methodical demolition and annihilation of the old nature and the revivification of the Divine nature. Vegetarianism is therefore a fundamental condition for admission into the School of the Rosycross.
The human organism consists of cells of which there are different groups. Cell groups of the same kind together form one specific organ. Every cell is a little world of in itself, a complete microcosm. Each has its own metabolism. Cells are fed by forces attracted by cell nuclei, while other values leave cells after having performed their tasks. Cells also die and are completely replaced by new ones. These strange processes, which to material science are still almost impenetrable mysteries - as is the problem of the maintenance of the brain-cells, for example - are clear to esoteric science, which teaches that, without any exception, it is dangerous for human beings to use the cells of animal bodies as food.
There are three levels on which the damage can make itself felt: the spiritual, moral and material levels, causing spiritual, psychological or physical defects. For instance, to eat fish fosters perversity, horse meat passion; to eat beef fosters stupidity and sententiousness; pork fosters cruelty, brutality and over-confidence; to eat mutton fosters falseness and to eat fowl fosters idiocy.
Nations and individuals who eat a great deal of any of these meats clearly show signs of it. Every cell is a power center, suitable only for the organism to which it belongs. Any foreign cell in the body will therefore cause damage in some way or the other. Apart from the physical, psychological or spiritual defects, a meat diet brings about a strong binding with the earth.
As Man in his fall sank ever deeper into the material life-field, he adapted his food to his state-of-life. Some esoteriscists maintain that this change in diet has taken place under divine guidance, but this is quite wrong. Just as man himself was the cause of his fall, so he himself always chose his foods accordingly. Seven phases can be distinguished:
1. the fruit diet, composed of the produce of the vegetable kingdom;
2. the vegetable diet;
3. the addition of the products of living animals;
4. the addition of the flesh of killed animals;
5. the addition of alcohol, which causes befuddlement of the mind;
6. the addition of nicotine, which causes degeneration of the aural sphere and the nerves, that is, the consciousness;
7. the addition of synthetic foods and synthetic medicines, which cause disturbances in the vital body through mineralization of the life ethers.
In passing through these seven phases, mankind has now sunk to the bottom of this stratum. Via these seven phases his entire bodily figure has become degenerated, diseased and miserable, simply through the effects of food and stimulants.
If we add all the other causes of our downfall and consider the material , moral and spiritual interactions we will realize how matters stand with us. The crystallizing and degenerating foods which are so harmful will not be taken away from mankind. Therefore, every individual will have to renounce them as a result of a personal decision.
To be able to make such a decision, one must be ripe for it. No one can be talked into it. Those who make it do so primarily because they are urged by remembrance, which has been guided and purified by the Hierarchy. Their decision is supported by an attitude of life which is as broad as possible so that nothing can be omitted. For the candidate on the Path of Liberation it is necessary to free himself from narcotics. In this way he liquidates the fifth, sixth and seventh phases of his downfall.
It is well-known that alcohol dulls the mind. However, even the smallest quantity has a strong effect on the pineal and pituitary glands. Alcohol drives out a man's positive consciousness and makes him open to all kinds of negative forces and influences.
Nicotine brings about an immediate degeneration of the respiratory system, the heart sanctuary, the blood, the sex organs and the nervous system. Tobacco is a Mars-herb. This Mars-narcotic affects the iron in the blood, its red pigment, the sex organs, the motor nerves, the left hemisphere of the brain, the muscular movements, the astral body, the motor segment of the spine and the rectum. It irritates and causes explosive, excessive and violent reactions. These are the pathological properties of this Mars-narcotic. Anemia, sexual desires, nervous disorders, infantile paralysis, spinal diseases, hemorrhoids and rheumatism are among the consequences of the use and mis-use of nicotine. What alcohol brings about only partly, nicotine does continually; it makes the entire being dependent on earthly powers and earth-bound spirits. It makes the Prodigal Son satisfied with his hog-slop.
Apart from some specific characteristics, the other narcotics have a similar effect to that of alcohol and nicotine.
The synthetic substances contained in foodstuffs and drugs cause dehumanization of the vital body. They cause it to lose its individual vibration and to show increasing similarity to the planetary ether. In this way man becomes like a mineral, which is the worst form of crystallization and materialization. In this way, the chain is closed.
The candidate who has freed himself from the fifth, sixth and seventh phases of his descent will now also take leave of the fourth phase, that of eating the flesh and products of dead animals. Once this phase has been overcome, there exists an elementary basis for the great purpose of pupilship. In the further development of his eating habits, the candidate will exercise the greatest possible discretion so as not to fall into extremes.
Generally speaking, the diet should be composed of fruits, vegetables and other edible plants, certain herbs and products of live herbivorous animals. The diet should be adapted to individual needs and great caution should exercised in laying down rules for others. We should not force our own eating habits on others, for one person may well need more proteins, carbohydrates, fats or mineral salts than another.
From "Attitude of Life and Nicotine, Alcohol and Other Narcotics" - Elementary Philosophy of the Modern Rosycross - J. van Rijckenborgh
Everything begins from below-upwards. Walking the Path of Liberation requires a that our physical and subtle vehicles obtain and maintain a certain state of purity. This cannot be if we persist in defiling the temple with all sorts of unnecessary and harmful products. It is one thing to not know any better. Such a person cannot be found completely at fault, due to ignorance. However, once one has come to know better, there is no excuse. It is only a stubborn I-centeredness that will prevent that person from making the changes required in order to walk the Path in earnest.
People want to eat whatever they want, drink whatever they want, ingest whatever hallucinogenic substance that they want. This they call "freedom", when in fact, all they are doing is slamming more padlocks on their personal prison.
If one wants to walk the Path in earnest, then one will have to give up the things of this world that are designed to obstruct that Journey. Those who are ready, will know it instinctively. Those who are not, will walk the Path in name only. May it be so that you belong to the group that has remembrance and that these elementary requirements will not faze you in the least.
"...behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is upon the face of the whole earth, and every tree which bears fruit yielding seed; to you it shall be for food" - Genesis 1:29
~ g
19 September 2014
Don't Be This Guy
Remember the Divine Purpose for which you were created. Locate the Golden Thread that leads to the Path of Return. Then follow that Path to Liberation from the nature-of-death.
~ g
18 September 2014
Nobody Dies
There is no death. Life withdraws, it does not cease. The physical form remains behind and disorganizes. We call it decay. What is actually happening is that natural life processes are continuing. The individual elements that were held together in an organized fashion by the forces of the etheric body are released from their bonds. They return to the earth from whence they came (like attracts like).
The so-called "dead" individual persists beyond the veil, alive as ever. The only difference being that the physical body has been shed. The individual does not become an angel, or all-powerful or all-wise. One crosses over essentially the same as one was during earth-life. So, if one was a jerk in life, they will remain a jerk in the reflection-sphere, at least for a time.
The remaining vehicles are dissolved after shorter or longer periods of time. First, the higher portion of the etheric body, then the desire body, then the mental body. Eventually, there is nothing left of the personality that inhabited the microcosm in the life just ended. John Doe no longer exists. You will no longer exist. Only your experiences and karma will be retained, stashed away in the lipika where they will remain until the microcosm links up with a new physical vehicle and a fresh personality is constructed.
Repeat the above thousands of times and you will have what passes for existence in the nature of death. Man is on a treadmill, without having the slightest notion of being there, nor of how to get off. There is only one way to dis-engage from The Wheel of Death and Rebirth:
Seek the One Goal Of Humanity, the Path of Liberation. Free the Other One that lies sleeping within your heart sanctuary.
Nobody dies. Your microcosm is eternal, but it is trapped here in a temporal world. May you find the strength to awaken from your slumber and do what you were created to do.
~ g
01 September 2014
Exterminate With Extreme Prejudice
We know the Cathars as the preceding brotherhood. The medieval Roman church did its level best to eradicate the influence of the Cathars upon the people of southern France, Spain and beyond. In appearance they did succeed, through cold-blooded murder and intimidation. In truth, they ultimately failed, as the presence of you, this writer and all those who continue to answer the call of the Gnosis unassailably proves.
Why Were the Teachings of the Original Christians Brutally
Suppressed by the Roman Church?
Catharism was for many years the prevalent form of Christianity in large
areas of France, Spain and Italy. The Cathars called themselves the friends of
God and condemned the literalist Church as the Church of the Anti-Christ. They
claimed to be the living inheritors of the true Christian heritage that had
persisted in secret and which still had large numbers of adherents throughout
the world.
Like the original Christians, the Cathars were vegetarians, believed in reincarnation and considered the Old Testament god Jehovah to be a tyrant...
The Cathars were respected for their goodness, even by their opponents. The Catholic Bernard of Clairveaux writes:
"If you interrogate them, no one could be more Christian. As to their conversation, nothing can be less reprehensible, and what they speak they prove by deeds. As for the morals of the heretics, they cheat no one, they oppress no one, they strike no one."
Despite this, the infamous Inquisition was set up by the Roman Church specifically to eradicate the Cathars, which it did with ferocious enthusiasm, burning alive men, women and children. From 1139 onwards the Roman Church began calling councils to condemn the heretics. Pope Innocent III declared that 'anyone who attempted to construe a personal view of God which conflicted with Church dogma must be burned without pity'. In 1208 he offered indulgences and "eternal salvation", as well as the lands and property taken from the heretics, to anyone who would take up the crusade against the Cathars. This launched a brutal 30-year pogrom which decimated southern France. Twelve thousand people were killed at St Nazaire and ten thousand at Toulouse, to give just two examples.
Like the original Christians, the Cathars were vegetarians, believed in reincarnation and considered the Old Testament god Jehovah to be a tyrant...
The Cathars were respected for their goodness, even by their opponents. The Catholic Bernard of Clairveaux writes:
"If you interrogate them, no one could be more Christian. As to their conversation, nothing can be less reprehensible, and what they speak they prove by deeds. As for the morals of the heretics, they cheat no one, they oppress no one, they strike no one."
Despite this, the infamous Inquisition was set up by the Roman Church specifically to eradicate the Cathars, which it did with ferocious enthusiasm, burning alive men, women and children. From 1139 onwards the Roman Church began calling councils to condemn the heretics. Pope Innocent III declared that 'anyone who attempted to construe a personal view of God which conflicted with Church dogma must be burned without pity'. In 1208 he offered indulgences and "eternal salvation", as well as the lands and property taken from the heretics, to anyone who would take up the crusade against the Cathars. This launched a brutal 30-year pogrom which decimated southern France. Twelve thousand people were killed at St Nazaire and ten thousand at Toulouse, to give just two examples.

Béziers sacked and burnt 22nd July 1209
The inquisitor Bernard Gui instructed that no one should argue with the
unbeliever, but 'thrust his sword into the man's belly as far as it will go.' At
Beziers, when asked how to tell who was a Cathar and who was not, the commanding
legate, Arnaud, replied, 'Kill them all, for God will know his own.' Not a child
was spared.


Carcassonne taken by Crusaders 15th August 1209

Montségur - last stronghold of the Cathars
The Inquisition
By 1215, the Council of Lateran established the dread Inquisition. During the
next 50 years the toll of those killed by this infamous arm of the Church
climbed to one million, more than in all of the other crusades against heresies

Cathars and supporters burnt at Montségur 16th March,
Throughout these trials, Montségur quietly defied the Church, standing as a
bastion of faith. The brave Cathari and their supporters resisted for six
months. but, through an act of treachery, the difficult mountain was scaled, and
in march of 1244, Montségur surrendered. Singing, 205 Cathars marched down the
mountain and into the large bonfires awaiting them.
At Montségur, at Minerve, in the dungeons of Carcasonne, it is told that
the Parfaits went willingly to their fate, helping others at the same time
achieve release without fear or
Yet despite the persecutions, the Gnostic free spirit could not be
Excerpted from The Trail of Gnosis - Judith Mann
Mainstream history books make not a single mention of this unholy crusade. Those who control what you see and hear do not want the masses to obtain any contact or link with the Gnosis, which is where exposure to the the history of the Cathars would eventually lead. This writer had to wait until mature adulthood to find out about the Church's bloody vendetta to usurp the pure rival that posed a threat to its corrupt teachings. But, as noted at the top of this post, despite their most diligent and bloodthirsty efforts, they...have...failed.
"At the end of 700 years, the laurel will be green once more"
- Bélibaste, the last Cathar to be burnt alive
in the Corbières village of Villerouge-Termenès in 1321
in the Corbières village of Villerouge-Termenès in 1321
We're back.
~ g
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