14 May 2016

Advent Of The Cosmic Night

"LET US REMEMBER that our existence in this fallen world, in this emergency order, is only justified when we walk the True Path that leads back to the Divine Kingdom. Nothing is left to human experiments; on the contrary, the Logos perpetually emanates radiations that make us walk a long, long way of experience in the "school of hard knocks" if necessary and which, ultimately, bring us into contact with various higher powers and possibilities.

In the case of a positive reaction, that is to say, if we surrender ourselves unconditionally to those higher powers, then a new birth develops in our microcosm, a transfiguration, the emergence of a New Man, who is eternal and who is able to return to the "House of the Father".

If we react negatively and do not walk the Path that is shown us, then the said radiation powers will empty our microcosm of this non-responsive, resisting personality by death, and they will repeat this as long as is necessary. We have nothing to hold on to, because our own little world is ever fated to be eliminated and recycled.

Our emergency order, being a dualistic one, will pass, and we cannot prevent it. Everything arises and everything fades away, only in order to rise up again. Never can this emergency order, this dualistic nature, be made permanent, for it is fundamentally apt to change. Personality follows personality, each time in a new aspect of the world and, thus, there is no end to the fresh opportunities that the microcosm receives for a return to the Promised Land. This process continues life after life and death after death, until, at the end of a Cosmic Day - a major world cycle or sidereal year - a radiation law releases a universal Force that wipes out every kind of fallen, unintegrated life on Earth.

A Cosmic Night is now setting in during which the face of the Earth will be entirely changed. Thereupon, as has been the case cyclically for ages upon Earth, a new Day of Manifestation dawns and, under altered conditions, the process is started once more in order that the remainder of humanity may now react in the correct manner. Messengers of the Gnosis descend anew, to once again show mankind the only Path of Liberation."

From Chapter 6 of "The Great Play" - The New Call

~ g


Unknown said...

Hi and thanks for the post.
I have been reading rosicrucian litterature for few years.
It really brought lot of insight on a lot of subjects.
But when analysing the work of rijckenborgh some questions arised.
You are talking here about the emergency order or the fallen order comparatively to a divine order.
So my question is, how can we talk about something undivine when everything emanate and originate from the divine?
Which lead to why you classify the 7th cosmic field undivine and the 6th cosmic field divine.. By that logic the inhabitants of the 5th cosmic field will find those of the 6th cosmic field as a fallen order.
So on what basis you qualify a cosmic plan undivine when the whole creation come from the same source.

BrotherGee said...


Perhaps an analogy would be helpful: on the one hand, we have a stream of mountain-fed, crystal clear and pure running water. On the other hand, we have a stagnant pool of raw sewage, complete with industrial run-off.

Both of the above examples involve the idea of "water", but from which would it be safer to drink from? Which of the two is more akin to what the pure idea of water should be?

It is true that this emergency-order emanates from the Divine, but it is a fallen order and therefore does not represent or express the pure idea of what the Divine Kingdom is. Divinity is static, unchanging, eternal, in harmony with the Plan of the Logos. Duality (our fallen, dialectical nature-order) is temporal, ever-changing, and constantly at odds with the Plan of the Logos, as man follows only his own flawed laws and self-focused logic. That is why "death" exists in this fallen universe, so that man, in his error, will not crystallize beyond the point of Salvation. Because this fallen nature-order is the opposite of That Which Is True, the prefix "un-" is placed in front of the word "Divine" to indicate this relationship.

To summarize, the difference between Divine and un-divine is rooted in their different states-of-being. Although the 7th emanates from the 6th, it is not the 6th, just as the waste water described above is not the same as a pure stream of running water. That being said, this "sewer" that man in his ignorance loves so much, can be purified and returned to a state of Divinity, which is what the Universal Brotherhood has been tasked to do.

All of the Cosmic Domains above the 7th are Divine. All of the inhabitants therein are in harmony with the will of the Logos. There is no ego or self-identification, therefore these Divine beings do not look down upon lower-vibrating Domains, including the 7th, our Physical Domain. In fact, it is due to their strong Compassion and deep, impersonal Love for their fallen brothers that a portion of this Universal Hierarchy has united as Servers in the Divine Plan of Salvation, in an attempt to awaken all of mankind and help us to navigate the True Way, the Path of Return that will bring us Home.

If you feel that either of your questions have not been answered, please let me know.

~ g

Unknown said...


You said "It is true that this emergency-order emanates from the Divine, but it is a fallen order and therefore does not represent or express the pure idea of what the Divine Kingdom is".
That statement seems to carry a little contradiction.. Something cannot emanate from the divine and be undivine.. The undivine has to come from another source outside of the divine creation.. That is the only way it can make senses.
The divine will automaticly transmit the divine characteristic to whatever creation is being made.
If a man and woman engage in the process of creation, what will come out , can just reflect human characteristic.. If animals involved in the same process , what will come out will reflect animal characteristics..
So from a divine creation perpective, I don't see where the undivine can come from.
For the undivine to exist , it has to come from a different source.
The example you took with the running water implied that there are external sources that pollute the water (the industrial waste etc..).
"Un"-divine mean not divine.. For something to be "not" divine , it has to have a different source of creation which complicate the matter.
On the other hand , having a creation with 6 cosmic fields seems that something is missing..we know that God create in 7 days , we have the 7 colors of the light spectrum , the 7 musical notes , 7 chakras etc.. How come we just have 6 cosmic fields.
Thanks for your insight.

BrotherGee said...

There are seven Cosmic Domains, not six. We inhabit the Seventh. There is no inconsistency.

Regarding the divine/undivine paradox: It was not the intent of the previous response to imply that something undivine was birthed by Divinity. What was created by the Divine was not properly maintained, and ceased to exhibit any traits of Divinity. The back-story is as follows:

Original Heavenly Man fell from the Divine Kingdom when he attempted to use God's powers for his own selfish purposes. By way of a process, this lowered the vibratory rate of these microcosms to such an unsustainable level that they could no longer remain in the Divine Realms.

These microcosms were thus lost and without a home. However, God never forsakes the works of His hands, and so a separate region of the All-Manifestation was set aside as a place of development for these microcosms, one that would match their lowered vibration and allow them the opportunity to regain their lost inheritance. That "place" was the physical universe, duality, the Seventh Cosmic Domain.

Speaking technically, it is acknowledged that all Cosmic Domains emanate from the forces and energies of the Domains above them. The forces of the 1st Cosmic domain were stepped down to create the 2nd, the forces of the 1st and the 2nd were stepped down to create the 3rd Cosmic Domain, and so forth. Following this pattern, one can see that the forces of the 1st through 6th Cosmic Domains have been used to build the 7th, and continue to do so. Without the higher six Cosmic Domains, this 7th Cosmic Domain could not exist. So, yes, the 7th was created out of Divine root substance, emanated from higher Domains. Unfortunately, due to mankind's wrong-thinking, the 7th has not remained in the pristine condition under which it was created.

Even so, Divine energies are streaming into this "undivine" universe every second of every day. These forces are of extremely high vibration, higher than most humans are able to link up with. Thus, these energies are either mishandled by humanity or hijacked by the aeons of this nature, who utilize these energies for the purpose of maintaining this nature-order.

However, if a Seeker can manage to attune to these Divine energies, he or she can awaken the Divine counterpart that sleeps within the heart - the Spirit-Spark Atom - and re-establish a link with the Divine Kingdom. From that humble awakening, a candidate can begin to walk the Path of Return.

Divinity is not a place or a location, it is an attribute, it is a state-of-being, quantified as a specific range of vibration. The 7th Cosmic Domain does not vibrate within the range required to be considered a Divine realm, even though it owes its origins to the Divine. To be "not divine", as you put it, simply means to not possess or exhibit the attributes of Divinity.

The reasons for the lowering of vibration are not due to outside influences. There is no "outside". The pollution that has occurred and continues to occur in this physical universe is the result of human error within this physical universe. We have created the sewer. One can try to apply a certain rationale and state that "Since we come from the Divine, we are Divine" but that would be the utmost folly. We have but to look around us and see that there is nothing "divine" about the planet that we live on, let alone the rest of the physical universe.

We are fallen beings. Divinity is a state-of-being that we must work to regain. Unless and until that Great Work is accomplished, we shall remain undivine.

~ g

Anonymous said...

"Divinity is static, unchanging, eternal, in harmony with the Plan of the Logos."
I think you should also add 'stagnated'. Of what use or purpose is a state of unchanging stagnation. The Ultimate truth is that the SOURCE is/was/will always be in a latent state of stagnation. The only way for the SOURCE to experience itself was to divide itself (emanate from itself) the subsequent cosmic realms. Therefore in order to experience itslef, the emanations started 'vibrating', thus giving rise to 'space' and 'time'. Every realm that vibrates is bound by 'space' and 'time'. The SOURCE cannot divide itself, this is the paradox....therefor everything that exists 'outside' the source (and all such emanations are vibrations) are actually illusions. If it vibrates, it is an illusion. Within the vibratory illusory realms, the permutations and possibilities are as infinite as the type and form of vibrations. Ultimatley all the vibrations will cease and all of existence with the million different dogmas, ideas and functions are just 'dust in the cosmic wind' in the never ending dream/waking cycle of the SOURCE.
The simplicity of the above explanation is likely to offend many people. Tell it like it IS, nobody likes it. So we garnish it with love, hate, evil to build up the drama. 'Experience' is only possible within duality.......the SOURCE wishes to experience itself.

Unknown said...

The story of creation as you present it seems very interesting.
But in that story , there are some points which are not very clear.

You said " Original Heavenly Man fell from the Divine Kingdom when he attempted to use God's powers for his own selfish purposes. By way of a process, this lowered the vibratory rate of these microcosms to such an unsustainable level that they could no longer remain in the Divine Realms."
That intro already carry lot of questions.
How come the original heavenly man can make mistakes..I mean he is omniscient , omnipotent etc.. He can see before hand all the consequences of his own actions..
I mean he is DIVINE.
Again how come a divine being can make undivine actions.
To say that a divine being can make mistakes will questionned their divinity.
We usually make mistakes by ignorance or by stupidity..A divine being is omniscient. How can he be ignorant or let's say stupid.

Then the second part
" These microcosms were thus lost and without a home. However, God never forsakes the works of His hands, and so a separate region of the All-Manifestation was set aside as a place of development for these microcosms, one that would match their lowered vibration and allow them the opportunity to regain their lost inheritance. That "place" was the physical universe, duality, the Seventh Cosmic Domain."

The question is how can a divine being lost his powers so that he need help and assistance from God to create a separate domain.. As far as I know a divine being is omnipotent and able to solve his own problem by himself.. If God create beings with the incapacity to solve their own problem , then it means that those beings are not fully divine.

There are other points on your comment that need clarifications but I will start with the two statements above.

Thanks for your insight.

Anonymous said...

A little more on the "The Divine Plan"....

God created forms from His/Her/Its own Being, placed a spark of Its Divinity in them, and sent them on a path of spiritual evolution so that these sparks could one day realize their true identity as Him and in that moment God would meet God. At that moment, God, for His own enjoyment, would experience His own bliss.

“Life, because it is life, cannot ever be static, for that way lies stagnation. Life is rhythm, motion, progress, unfoldment, development, the reaching out towards perfection all the time. Unless there were constant gradations of life, unless there was a constant pilgrimage on the rungs of the ladder of progress, life would not be life. It is in the variety of evolution, with its multitudinous stages of development, that life becomes life.

“If all were at the same stage, if perfection were attained, if there were no necessity for further striving, no need for new attainments, no need for still greater expression, then the incentive to live, to achieve, would gradually become extinct. The motivation of life is always onward, striving to reach out to clasp that which is at present beyond its grasp. And it is always in the striving, in the attempt to conquer, seeking to triumph over difficulty, that the spirit finds itself and God is at work amongst us.

All love.

Anonymous said...


I think you should do away with moderation and comments should be uploaded immediately. If you 'fear' trolls, I really doubt that the average person would even take a second glance at this site.
"Life' and its evolution is certainly not etched in stone. Moderation would imply that only those posts or queries that meet your 'approval' is uploaded. All are seeking answers, and the urge to 'return' is ingrained in all. Some may have the maturity to pose the questions in a civil manner, others might be more tolerant and vociferous in their opinions.
This site has been of tremendous help to so many, you are indeed doing a great service, albeit in an impersonal, distant and anonymous manner.
We often refer to 'Divine' love as an impersonal love. Impersonal love is as useful as impersonal 'hate'. It does not lend the impetus to urge and merge.
Having said that. looking forward to your answers on the above posts and mine.
I too disagree with a 'static' divinity. Words and language are such limited forms of expression, maybe you can shed a little more light on the usage here.

BrotherGee said...


(1) Divine beings can make mistakes. How? Two words:

Free Choice.

(2) In addition, divine beings can lose "their" powers when they cease to act in harmony with the will of the Logos. In truth, those powers do not belong to the divine entity, they are of God. They are made available for use by the divine entity due to the link established with God. As long as this link is maintained, God's power can work through the divine being. When the divine entity attempts to use these powers for selfish purposes, or begins to think that he is God, problems will arise.

Having a degree of omniscience does not protect one from one's own curiosity or selfish desires. Everyone knows that crack cocaine and methamphetamine will hook you instantly and subsequently destroy your life, but there is never a shortage of folks who continue to try it, subsequently experiencing first-hand the power that those chemicals have over the physical body.

The story of the fallen Watchers in The Book of Enoch is not a fable, although those who control humanity would like for all to believe that it is so. It is a documented account of how, in the distant past, divine beings did fall from Grace.

~ g

BrotherGee said...

Re: Moderation

Moderation of comments has not been chosen out of "fear". Be assured that 99% of all comments are published. It would do no one any good to release the other 1% because that fraction is characterized by negativity and hatred.

Moderation is not censorship. If one has something to contribute to the advancement of his fellow man and is not completely in error, one is welcome to comment. Those who wish to disrupt the proceedings will no longer be allowed to do so. Unfortunately, it is always the many who have to pay for the sins of the few.

You say that trolls are not interested in this site. On this point, we will have to respectfully disagree. There are those who hate what this site represents yet continue to monitor and return to it, hoping that someday moderation will be lifted and they can once again seize the opportunity to wreak their special brand of havoc. If these ones are seeking a forum, they will not find it here.

In every classroom, there will always be students who sit in the back of the class and provide a disruptive force. Ashamed of their ignorance, they endeavor to mock and disturb those students who truly want to learn and the ones who teach them. Such behavior will not be tolerated in this space, and that is a decision that was arrived at after long and careful consideration.

There is no time to argue or engage in battle with those who do not see. Let them go their way.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Free Choice
We cannot use the words ‘free choice’ and ‘mistake’ in the same breath as these are a totally contradictory corollary and negates each other. It would be more advisable to substitute with the words ‘action’ and ‘consequence’. There is no such thing as a mistake in this evolving creation, there are only things that ‘serve a purpose’ and those that don’t and even then they are also relative arbitraries.
We are all seeking answers, each and every sentient, conscious being in the universe. However the truth is made apparent to each only to the degree or extent that one is capable of understanding. There are so many theories, each propagating their versions of the truth, but that is just what it is…..versions of it. Is there an intrinsic, unchanging, infallible absolute TRUTH? Well…maybe, but should there be such a truth in the first place. Isn’t life in itself sufficient to give purpose and meaning, do we need to know any more than what is already revealed. Are we trying to fathom the spoilers of this celestial game.
I love music. Many of my friends are audiophiles. Sometimes we gather to listen to music (surprisingly this still happens in this age), however when I am taking in the songs and trying to fathom the emotional content of the songs, my audiophiles friends are listening for the subtlety of the bass, the purity of the mid-range, they are not listening to music, they are hearing their audio equipment. This is a classic case of too much analysis and advance knowledge, completely detracting and rendering null the holistic experience of listening to music.
Ironically, the same seems to be happening in matters pertaining to spirituality (whatever that means). I mean, I don’t even understand this physical body where my conscience resides (maybe it is the other way around) when we are using terms like auric body, astral body, mental body and lipika being. Do we even have a clue what we are talking about? I think most of it is self-delusional condescending scholastic thinking to imbue some sense of non-existent importance and urgency in what to most would be a most mundane and bland existence.
The CREATOR did not make puppets. LIFE is dynamic.

Moderation....well that is 'your' choice. After all, it is your blog and all are just visitors.

More Love.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the insight.
Just for me to have a more sounding understanding of the whole thing, I will just come back on certain point of your comments that require more light.

1- You state that "a divine being can make mistakes".. may I ask you, is it by ignorance or by stupidity.
And who shall we blame here.. the divine being or their creator.
If a divine being can make mistake then by analogy even the God of creation can make mistakes..coz a divine being is just the reflection of his creator.

2- "Free choice".. I don't believe in that type of free choice.. If you say to someone you have choice , you can either follow me and live or not follow me but you will die.
We can't call that free choice.
That free choice is a trap.
It is a soft dictatorship.
Real free choice implies that if the person choose to follow you , he can be happy and if the person choose not to follow you, he can still be happy.
That story as you put it, just has one path fundamentaly .. if a divine being try to exert their free choice on the opposite direction, they will be in serious trouble.
Is that really free choice?

2 - "As long as this link is maintained, God's power can work through the divine being". You talk about the fact that the divine link has to be maintained if not they will lost their powers... I thought God was ommipresent , everywhere and filling with his presence all his creation.. How the divine link can be lost..God is present in each and single one of the atoms of his creation..In fact we are living within God's body.. We are God's atom if I may say..How can the link be lost.

3- " When the divine entity attempts to use these powers for selfish purposes, or begins to think that he is God, problems will arise." Alright so where the need of selfishness come from.. who put in their make up the need of selfishness.. I learned in marketing that beings dont create needs but just desirs.
A need is natural when the desir is a way to satisfy the need.
For instance , hunger is a need, human did not create that , it is part of their make up .. the desir on the other hand can be made to satisfy the need.. for the hunger you can desire to eat a fruit , a snack, a burger etc..
Selfishness is also a need.. the beings did not create that but they just found a way of expressing it.
So the question is who put in them that possibility of selfishness and for what purpose.

4-"If he think he is God, problem arise "
I thought God created those beings so that at some point they will also be able to achieve their own Godliness.
I mean even at a human level , when you make children , the goal is that one day they can accomplish as far as you did or even more.
I don't think the goal is to keep them under your dictatorship forever.
And I thought the greatest hommage is when someone want to become like you..Because he admire you so much that he want to resemble you, have your qualities and attributes etc.
If you ask to a kid , what's your dream and he say I want to become like my daddy..I dont think the daddy will cast him out for trying to become like him.

5- "Having a degree of omniscience does not protect one from one's own curiosity "
For me omniscience means you know it all .. so what are you curious again about? you know it all already .. what more are you looking for... if you are still looking to know then you are not omniscient.

Hope you can shed more light on those points so that we may be able to defeat ignorance and nonsense and get closer to the truth.

Andrew said...


I really can't see how humans fell from their divine state unless this was God's plan. The characteristics of the Soul is said to be Unity, Freedom and Love. If that is the case why want anything else?

My idea is that there is a Creator and his Creation and our task as human beings is to become an instrument of awareness. Something like the children's game of hide and seek. The Creator is concealed in his creation and we as humans must become aware of this. At the core of our being God has left us a present, the Rose.

I think to find this present we have to become as little children or ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven as the bible says.
