28 May 2016

The Buried Jewel

If you take a diamond and place it in the light of the Sun, you will see it sparkle and gleam, its many facets refracting the pure white light of the Sun into brilliant and diverse colors.
Now take that same diamond and bury it under ten feet of earth. The Sun is still present and giving off its Light but that Light is diffused and blocked from reaching the diamond by several feet of soil. Because the Sun’s rays penetrate everything, in theory, the diamond is still receiving the Light. However, due to its condition of entombment, it cannot react as before.
It is the same with the Spirit-spark entity, the fallen Original Heavenly Man. We still carry the Divine Spark of God in the center of our microcosms. Within us lives that part of The Unknowable One from which we emanated long eternities ago. Unfortunately, in many Spirit-spark entities, the Divine Atom, the Jewel in the Lotus, is unable to respond to the radiations of Light, unable to receive and reflect the full power of the Gnosis because it is buried and obscured by the heavy vibrations of this dark, physical realm.
We must claw away at the “soil” that has buried our Diamond. We must do what is  necessary to expose our Spirit-spark once again to the Light. We do this by making the decision to turn away from that which is offered to us by the material world. We do this by gaining insight into the gnostic Path of Rebirth. We do this by surrendering the “I”, placing the needs of our I-being in the background, while doing all that we can to address the needs of our fallen brothers and sisters. By rendering Service to others, we perform God’s work in the realm of the Fallen. In effect, we become God’s hands, feet, eyes and ears on Earth, which has been the Plan all along. 
We can return to our former Divine state only when we make the decision to renounce the world and all the matter therein. It will not be by words that this decision is made, but by deeds. We must put our hands to the plow and live the Path chosen. Only then will our Diamond sparkle and gleam once more. Only then will the bridge between Heaven and Earth be restored.
~ g