05 May 2016

The Auric Being (Re-Post)

Originally posted on 6 April 2014 ~ g


The pupil must know then that there are three great hindrances to finding the True Path.

- the first is our I-being and all the delusions of the material-sphere

- the second hindrance emanates from the reflection-sphere and all the forces and entities active therein, whilst

- the third and, to date, scarcely mentioned hindrance emanates entirely from one's own microcosm and especially from its least-known part, the auric being. This third hindrance exerts its full influence when the pupil threatens to escape the first two.

The auric being is a field organized in a sevenfold manner, in which all the powers and organs of the microcosmic firmament are present. Besides its readily conceivable spherical shape, this auric being also has the form of a personality, but a much larger personality than the earthly one which we know, which we are. You will certainly understand that the auric personality is a being of light; and as this personality bears the organs of the lipika, one can rightly speak in a certain sense of a heavenly being, a shining, sparkling, mighty being, two metres high at the very least, full of multi-dimensional splendor.

Therefore one must say that every microcosm possesses two personalities; an earthly form and an auric form. But this auric heavenly form with its almost cyclopean stature, equipped with great abilities, must certainly not be confused with the Original Figure which must be born gain in the microcosm and which will again be able to enter the Original Human Realm, the Immovable Kingdom. Just as the earthly figure of the microcosm must be renewed by transfiguration, so too must this heavenly figure.

In occult literature in particular the auric personality is referred to as 'the higher self', as 'the true man', as 'the god within us', and the pupil is induced to merge into perfect union with this higher self. Highly sensitive persons or those with mediumistic characteristics from time to time receive impressions from the higher self, or are occasionally confronted with it. In a state of mystical-religious exaltation, the lower self is often overshadowed by the higher self. The ignorant imagine such overshadowing to be experiences of special divine grace but in reality they see nothing other than their own auric prototypes.

The well-known stigmatist Therese Neumann, who was quite at home with the heavenly virgin and was virtually worshipped as a miracle of the church, was not the victim of an illusion or a trick of the reflection-sphere, but established a negative-occult connection with her own auric being. This was her "heavenly virgin"! Experiences with Jesus apparitions, etc., obtained in mystic exaltation, all have exactly the same cause.

If you examine your own experiences on the basis of this information, you will probably arrive at the conclusion that you too have experienced the touch of this auric being at some time or other, that you too have seen or felt something of this sort.

You will perhaps ask: "Where does the auric being obtain its splendour and glory? Why is it so mighty? What is its nature, aim or being? Is that being good or bad?

In order to obtain a satisfactory answer to these questions, you must consider everything the Universal Doctrine has imparted to you up to now concerning the auric being.

The auric being is, among other things, a firmament of sense centers and focal points. All these principles together form a unity, a flaming fire, a synthesis of great powers in which a certain fire has been kindled. One of the expressions of this flaming unity is a fiery, shining apparition in which we recognize the gigantic image of a human form, grotesque, magic, strangely imposing.

Another expression of this huge fire is the small world arising within this firmament, the micro-planet, terrestrial man, the lower self. We are begotten of this flaming auric fire, we are maintained by this fire. Thus the auric form finds its reflection in our earthly form but in turn is fed and maintained by the activity of our existence. It is therefore obvious that when we look up in exalted adoration to our microcosmic firmament, to our own microcosmic heaven, a response is sent by our own fire-god from whom we originate and exist. It is equally obvious that if we want to tread the path of the true Divine mysteries with the I, with our own non-transfigured small world (~ g: "microcosm" literally means 'small world'), the auric fire-god will bar our way. For out of their mutual dependence follow the I-centeredness and self-maintenance of the ordinary self.

So there is indeed a 'god' within us: the lipika-being. It is our creator, we are its creatures. This creator can never relinquish his creature, for in their mutual dependence the destruction of the creature means the destruction of the creator. In other words, although it has a form, the fire-being in our own firmament in many respects possesses 'impersonality'. It is bad when we are bad, it is good, when we are good. And it will be broken up when we break up our own self in the process of endura. To say that we stand upon the Path while this lipika-being is still alive with all its old power, is to lie.

From "Two Figures in the Microcosm" - The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Lipika-being def.

This is the auric firmament, the entire system of sense centers and power foci in which man's karma is embedded. Our earthly, mortal being is a projection of this firmament, which determines its possibilities, limitations and character.

The auric being, or lipika, represents the entire burden of sin of the fallen microcosm. It is the old (microcosmic) heaven which must pass away and be replaced by a 'new heaven'. This transformation comes about as the result of a total reversal of life, with the aid of the Gnosis, and it leads to the formation of a 'new earth', the resurrection of the true man in whom Spirit, Soul and Body once more form an imperishable unity in accordance with the Divine Plan.

"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and the sea was no more" Revelations 21:1

~ g

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