27 August 2016

Hold Fast

"The Pupil should not mourn about passing distress and deceptions...often they can effect a direct destruction in his Inner Being. He should always allow the waves of Doubt and Unrest to wash over him, while continuously holding on to the Anchor he has found."

As repeatedly mentioned in this blog to those who have embarked upon the Path: no matter how you fail, or how many times you fail, never give up. That is exactly what the aeons of this nature-order want you to do! Always continue on. Maintain your focus on the Path you have chosen and the Goal that is within reach. You are not unworthy of Transfiguration. In fact, you are eminently worthy of the Divine Promise by way of your lost birthright, which has been found once more.

It is your Destiny to return to the Divine Kingdom as Children of God once more, as Sons of the Fire. You are not fighting to obtain something that you have never had. You are striving to regain that which has always been yours: eternal life in the True, Divine Universe that is not-of-this-world.

The prerequisite for success in this endeavor is to release your attachment to the things of this world, no matter how much they attempt to lure you back into their clutches. Focus your desires on those things which are not-of-this-world. As stated in the Holy Language of all ages, "Wherever your heart's desire is, therein lies your Treasure".

So, hold on.

~ g