30 December 2008
The "Crucible of Chaos" and The Seed of The Sixth Race
I recently wrote the following in a post dated 11/29/2008:
"The United States simply offers a naturally diverse environment of a necessary intensity for a particular group of Spirits to develop in".
Questions have arisen about this Statement, considering that the U.S. doctrine of Affirmative Action "forces diversity". Also, it is felt by some that the allowed illegal immigration of Mexicans across American borders "forces diversity". There is also a School of Thought that maintains that the Races in America are constantly fighting, constantly at one another's throats. In my respectful Opinion, when we view Circumstances through these "filters", we are "looking through the wrong end of the telescope".
Allow me to attempt to address these concerns.
The comment that I made about the United States being the "seed bed" for the next, or Sixth Root Race, was not made in order to exalt that nation above all others. This is an occultism that has been held to be Truth for millenia. The fact that America has a dark and slimy under-belly does not alter this occult Truth. Let me re-phrase my statement. The United States is the country from which "the seed" of the Sixth Root Race will primarily be chosen. That does not mean everybody, although it well could if "everybody" got their act together and began to live Lives of Love and Unselfish Service. That also does not mean that there would not be any People selected from other countries. All those "who make the grade" will be eligible, regardless of their country of origin. Finally, the statement doesn't mean that those who don't make the grade now won't be able to do so later.
The Diversity of Races and Cultures mixed together in the U.S. provide an intense Crucible for "separating the ore from the slag", so to speak. Those who hold onto thoughts of "being different" from the next Soul because that Soul's Human Vehicle is a "different color", or speaks a "different language", or is from a "different geographical region" are falling victim to a Negative Mindset of Racial Superiority. This is another Trap that has been deliberately set to Trick us into failing to recognize that we are ONE with the Soul standing next to us despite the Outward Earthly appearances and circumstances!
The New Earth will exist in a Dimension where those who cannot work with Beings who are different from them will not be able to function. Because there are beings in this Universe whose "outer" appearances ARE VERY DIFFERENT FROM THE HUMAN FORM. Prejudice, bigotry and ego-based feelings of "being different" will not be welcome on this New Earth and thus, those Souls who cannot shake those traits here in our Earthly schoolroom will have to continue their Lessons somewhere else in the Universe until they finally do.
Yes, there are major problems in the U.S., as there are in all nations. And yes, the United States can be viewed as a hellhole if we watch the Television that our Controllers want us to watch, view the News that our Controllers want us to view, listen to the Radio that our Controllers want us to listen to and Choose to congregate with Others who feel the same way. When we live this Way, we become indoctrinated into believing that there are 350 million people in the United States who wallow in degradation, exploitation, self-righteousness, egocentrism, barbarism, etc., etc.
This is profoundly untrue. ONLY A SMALL MINORITY OF HUMANS CONSCIOUSLY AND CONSISTENTLY LIVE, BELIEVE AND BEHAVE IN THE MANNER THAT I'VE JUST DESCRIBED. The majority of Humanity will OCCASIONALLY behave in such a Manner from time to time. They are "neutrals" who can swing either way depending upon the Strength of their Will. Then there is another small Minority comprised of those who are consciously and consistently trying or who have succeeded in Teaching themselves to live a Higher Life.
The reason that many believe that the entire nation is a mess because we are PURPOSELY bombarded NON-STOP with these NEGATIVE thought-forms by a 99% Controlled-and-Directed Media. If we are not careful, we will fall into The Trap of believing that entire nations are Cesspools and that "all" human beings of a certain race, color, creed or station of Life are worthy only of our Hatred and Animosity. Again, this is untrue. This is a MYTH that has been crafted by our Controllers to Demoralize us, to Depress us and to make us feel Helpless and Angry. These are all base, lower Emotions, the very ones that will keep our Souls from attaining that "rosy glow", the very Lower Emotions that will hold us back, just as sure as I am typing these words.
I don't see America through Media-Controlled Glasses. Yes, there are "bad" people, "stupid" people and especially "selfish" people. But that goes for every nation and every sub-race on Earth. I've found far more decent people in my Travels than bad. If we begin to look at The Bigger Picture we should begin to understand that we can't risk our personal Soul Growth by worrying about what race supposedly commits the most crimes, or what race is pouring across our borders, or fretting over which race is being given preferential treatment. We can't look at what appears to be "negatives" in our Earth Lives and not see the Truth behind these Negatives. Once again, please hear me clearly:
Recognize that we are at Ground Zero of a Firestorm of major proportions. Those who are able to see their way past the swirling winds of Selfishness, "Me-ness" and "They-ness" by recognizing that there is only a "WE-NESS", will weather the Storm successfully.
We are headed for a New Age and New Way of Living. In order to get there, we must discard Old Thinking, and begin to think in a New Way.
All Love,
~~ G
P.S.: Always From Chaos, Comes Order.
25 December 2008
"Make" Me
No One Can "Make" You Feel Anything.
"She made me so angry!"
"That makes me feel sad".
"He made me feel bad".
"That made me feel this, or this made me feel that".
We hear or utter these expressions everyday without giving a single thought to what we are hearing or saying. This sort of thinking is one of the main reasons that We tend to believe that we are not in Control of our lives. If HOW WE FEEL is in the hands of another, then we are indeed POWERLESS. However, that is a fallacy based on our Ignorance of the Fact that WE are the only ones who are Responsible For How We Feel.
No one can "make" us feel a certain way. We feel the way we wish to feel, based on our own individual Choices. The important thing to remember is that most of us choose our emotions Subconsciously, while the developed Soul will make these Choices CONSCIOUSLY. Once we learn to CONSCIOUSLY react to negative stimuli, we can eventually regain control over our Emotions and reach a highly-valued state of Balance.
Think about it. Someone says something to us or infers something about us to which we "take offense". If it's not true, we'll get angry. If it hints at truth, we'll get depressive thoughts about ourselves. These are REACTIONS that we subconsciously CHOOSE to feel.
For example, someone is unemployed and living with their Mom. If some random person calls them a "moocher" and a "bum", the unemployed person will tend to react in one of the above two ways (aggressive or depressive), simply because that person recognizes a certain truth behind those statements. There is a truth there that the person is unable to defend, or has struggled to deal with. This "tiny seed" of recognition can cause a person to lash out at the one who had the temerity to remind them of their unemployed status.
The offended person is not really mad at the one who spoke these words, they are simply angry at their own inability to effectively deal with their joblessness. This inability, coupled with difficulty in dealing with negative outside stimuli (i.e. other people's thoughts and words) leads them to react using the most primitive tools Humanity has in its arsenal: Anger and Self-Hatred.
What if the following happened instead? Similar situation, different approach. Some random person or maybe even a someone close to you says or does something that starts to elicit a negative reaction from you. You're ready to go "aggressive" or "depressive", but wait! What if you take a single moment to recognize that regardless of this Stimuli that is being presented to you that YOUARE STILL IN CONTROL! YOU HAVE THIS INSTANT TO CHOOSE HOW YOU ARE GOING TO "FEEL" ABOUT THIS, HOW YOU ARE GOING TO REACT. YOU MUST CHOOSE WISELY.
It is at that point we can give ourselves the Opportunity to navigate Situations in a controlled manner instead of just reacting and lashing out willy-nilly. We take a moment, take a breath and stop to realize that what is being said to us is being said with the express Intent of trying to draw a certain reaction from us. People say these things to us because their intent is to HURT us, to trigger the Emotions inside of us that we can LEAST control. Once we realize that WE are the Custodians of our Emotions and that WE control when, where and how they are brought to the surface, our Lives and the way we treat Others will improve DRAMATICALLY.
No more of this, "I'm an emotional person, that's just how I am". That's a cop-out. That's just us saying that we are too LAZY to assert control over our lives. Even more, it indicates that we may actually enjoy exploding over this or brooding over that every minute of every day.
Which do you want to be? The Captain at the wheel, in control of the Destination of the Ship? Or the Captain of a Ship with a broken rudder, depending on the capricious Winds to take you where you wish to go?
When we automatically react aggressively or depressively, we REWARD those who are trying to hurt us. We also LESSEN our own Vibrational Energies and leave ourselvse open to Physical Illness and Spiritual Weakening. If we can learn to Ignore these assaults upon our Emotions, if we can learn to maintain a Balanced response to negative Stimuli, our Adversaries LOSE their effectiveness and We stand to Reap unimaginable Benefits.
I speak from experience, as I grew up with a hair-trigger temper and am now the calmest, most gentle person you would ever want to meet. Nothing fazes me unless I choose to be fazed. Even in those very rare occasions when that happens, I automatically "catch" myself and consciously return myself to Balance. I am in charge of my Emotions, just as I am in charge of my Body and my Thoughts.
I'm here to tell you that there is nothing like Knowing that We are indeed "The Captain of our Ship and The Master of Our Soul". It's important for us to understand the foregoing because our ultimate aim is to improve the state of our Individual Aura, Vibration, call it what you will in preparation for Ascending to our next State of Being. One of the best ways to raise these Invisible Assets is to learn to consciously control our Physical and Emotional reactions to Physical and Emotional stimuli.
Happy Holidays!
All Love,
~~ G
23 December 2008
The Mathematics of 2012
I want to try and give an example of how common math and astronomy combine to paint a compelling picture of the signifcance of December 21, 2012.
Mathematics is the only truly "universal" language. Two plus Two equals Four no matter what Galaxy you're in. Okay, okay. In an Infinite Universe there may be galaxies where Two plus Two equals One Hundred and Seventy Million. Let's not complicate things, okay? *grin* The point is that Cosmic mathematics are as precise as any man-made clock, even moreso. The movement of the Planets around our Sun and the movement of our entire Solar System around ITS central Sun compose precise Cycles of Time that interlock with even grander Cosmic Cycles.The Astronomical Key
Many have heard about the Mayan calendar and the Mayan End Date. The calendar, which starts in 3113 B.C., precisely calculates dates, solar/lunar eclipses and the orbit of Venus for at least 5,000 years. Several cycles of time in this meticulously accurate calendar end on the same date -- Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012. Now, some people say "What's the big deal? It's a CALENDAR! There are always beginnings and endings". Well, yes, that's true. And if the calendar were to stand by itself without additional information from other sources, the matter could probably be left there. But other studies have been made which indicate that there is an astronomical key to the end date provided by the Mayan's calendar.
On that particular Winter Solstice, something amazing is going to happen in this Galaxy. It has been determined by astronomers that on that day, at precisely 11:11 am (Universal Time) our Earth and our Sun will be in direct alignment with Galactic Center. That is the very center of this Milky Way Galaxy, where an Energy of tremendous tremendousness resides. This peculiar "szyzgy" (the alignment of three or more celestial bodies in the same gravitational system along a straight line) will Focus the Power and Energy emanating from Galactic Center through our Sun which will then transmit that focused Energy on towards the planet Earth. What will be the result of this? I believe that the result will be the Final Transformation of Earth from a 3D/4D planet to a 5th Dimensional planet.
When this information regarding 2012 was discovered and published, many more people began to take the Mayan End Date seriously. People began to see that it was not just an arbitrary end to a calendar, but a precisely calculated endpoint in a precise time-keeping device. Naturally, the mainstream scientific community has doggedly refusing to give this information any serious study and spend most of their time ridiculing those who do not believe this is just myth, superstition or coincidence. That's cool. People are gonna find out about it anyway.
The Astrological Key
There are 12 known Zodiacal signs. The "zodiac" is a distant band of constellations (groups of stars) that encircle our Solar System. As the Earth revolves around the Sun, it also moves through these zodiacal constellations. Here's how it works:
This year, at the Spring Equinox (usually March 21 or so) the Sun will rise in the East in a particular constellation, or Zodiac Sign (right now, that constellation is Pisces). Next year, on the Spring Equinox, the Sun will again rise in Pisces but it will rise slightly to the left of where it rose the year before. This phenomenom is known as "the Precession of the Equinoxes" because the equinoctal sunrise "precedes" the position in which it rose the year before.
Every zodiacal sign spans 30 degrees of space. Some astronomers will dispute this because they claim that the constellations are aligned in fixed, equally-divided segments. I could argue that point now, but I won't. Right now, I'm here to present the math. Anyway, 30 degrees times 12 signs = 360 degrees. It takes the Earth 72 years to "precede" through one degree of space. It follows that at such a rate, the Earth will pass through one Zodiacal sign (30 degrees) in 2,160 years. At 2,160 years per sign, the time required to pass through all twelve Zodiac signs comes to 25,920 Earth years. This number represents a Major Cycle ofTime.
Here is a list of the last twelve Zodiacal Ages and the year in which they began:
21748 BC - Capricorn
19588 BC - Saggitarius
17428 BC - Scorpio
15268 BC - Libra
13108 BC - Virgo
10948 BC - Leo
8788 BC - Cancer
6628 BC - Gemini
4468 BC - Taurus
2308 BC - Aries
148 BC - Pisces
2012 AD - Aquarius
Every 25,920 year the Earth moves through one Precessional Cycle. Earth Changes take place and there is normally a shift in the Earth's magnetic field. This has become known as "pole shift". It is believed that the planet physically flips on its Axis. Volcanic eruptions, floods, earthquakes, everything happens at once as the Earth "plows under" all surface traces of Life and pushes the "restart button". At the end of the three such cycles, Opportunities are made available for those who are "ready" to move on to Higher Existence -- Ascend. The last group of Humans who were successful in moving through The Gate of Choice were the ancient Mayan, about 75,000 years ago. The violent, human-sacrificing remnant that we know of today were those who were left behind -- and for good reason, apparently.
What's different about the Times that we are now living in is that the Earth is through with Hosting this "Kosmic Kindergarten". She is tired and has petitioned Creator Source for Release. This is where the alignment with Galactic Center comes in. The alignment provides the Earth with the Opportunity to permanently ascend to a Higher Dimension and to take her place as one of the most beautiful planets in the Milky Way Galaxy.
So, there are TWO things about to happen here. Human Ascension, which is available every 25,920 x 3 years and Planetary Ascension, which is available at the end of an even Greater Cycle of Time, spanning hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of years.
The Great Pyramids were built where they are for a Reason. The Giza Plateau was not just some randomly chosen site. There is overwhleming evidence that The Pyramids of Giza were built on what the Ancients knew to be "the prime meridian". This is what we know as "0" longitude. The modern prime meridian is, of course, in Greenwich, England. However, this meridian is about 31 degrees west of the Ancient Prime Meridian that runs through the Giza plateau.
On December 21, 2012 at 11:11 am (UT) the Winter Solstice Sun will rise over the Giza Plateau. The alignment that I referred to above of Earth, Sun and Galactic Center will take place. What happens after that...? A clue to the veracity of this information can be found on the Giza plateau. When the Sun rises on that day, what constellation will be rising with it?
Leo, whose symbol is a Lion. Just like the Sphinx which was built facing East. As if to let us know. As if it were waiting.
The Prophetic Key
Modern seers and clairvoyants, when asked to peer as far as they can into the future, all state that they can see nothing past the year 2012.
The 11:11 Key
In numerology, 11 is what's known as a "master number". It represents Man's mastery over his Lower Self. How interesting then, that the number eleven is associated with Sunrise on December 21, 2012. To take it one step further, if you add up the digits in the date 12/21/2012, you will get... "11".
What are the odds? What are the odds?
Something's about to happen. Something BIG. Although Time is running out for Humanity to Awaken, there is always time to Change, to get our Minds and Souls right.
I'm not trying to predict any dates. I don't know when "The Event" is going to take place. No Man knows. I just know that the Signs are present all around us, trying to alert us to the fact that we are living in very Special Times and Climactic Times.
Get Ready, my Friends. That's all I can say. Get your Hearts, Minds, Bodies and Souls Ready. As sure as the Hour strikes on a Clock, these Cycles are going to come to an End...soon.
Don't get caught short.
All Love,
~~ G
22 December 2008
Encouragement For Those Who Seek TRUTH
Searching out the Truth of this World and trying to do so before The Gate opens can be a daunting task. We are at first BURDENED WITH EVERYTHING WE HAVE BEEN TAUGHT BY OTHERS WHO WERE AS IGNORANT OF THE TRUTH AS WE. The most important thing you can do in order to regain your own intellectual sovereignty and move closer towards the Truth of things is this:
Learn To Think For Yourself.
Don't accept anyone's word for anything just because they have a Ph. D, or a Masters in-whatever, or because they went to Cambridge or Harvard, or because they hold a high government position with "experience", or because they are schooled in one of the many "disciplines" that have been designed to enslave You -- Religion, Banking, Law, Government, Military, Archaeology, Science, etc. These are all EARTHLY disciplines. They have meaning and "clout" here only on this Earth. We have been BRAINWASHED to respect the "representatives" of these disciplines from the time we are very little and to accept their ego-based, self-assertive and speculative spewings as "fact". We grow up retaining our child-like faith that all of these disciplines and "experts" are needed, can be trusted and would never betray us.
Well, I'm here to tell you that that is not true. All of these disciplines are designed to ENSLAVE us and, most importantly, to RETARD OUR SOUL-GROWTH, preventing us from acquiring the True Knowledge that we need to advance ourselves and the entire Human Race.
I wish to humbly offer you tips and guidelines that have worked for me and many others inhelping to see beyond the Illusion.
1. Know That You Are Not "Crazy". If you are Questioning things, then you are definitel

2. Understand that the World is "Upside-Down and Backwards". Saddam Hussein, a "villain"? No, my friend, you need to look DEEPER.
3. Accept That You Have Been Programmed Since Birth -- and then begin to take steps to throw off that programming
4. Accept that once you make "The Breakthrough", you will not be able to reach everyone in attempts to awaken them. Do not despair, for the decision to remain ignorant will be their Choice.
5. Be Prepared, NOT SCARED -- big things are about to go down in our World. Those of us who Know, MUST NOT PANIC. We must think clearly no matter what the situation. It is what we have been trained to do. It is what we have come here for.
I no longer care whether my sanity is questioned or not, nor by who. I know what I have to do. And I am taking my first steps towards fulfilling my Mission.
Are you ready to take yours? If not, never fear. I am here to help you to Remember how.
All Love,
~~ G
21 December 2008
For the last week or so I've been reading up on something totally foreign to me. It's bananas, but it resonates. I've been able to assimilate it with everything else I carry within me and that process has been the reason for my recent silence. I'll probably bring it up here in the near future.
I'd like to offer a suggestion to all. Something that has helped me in my search for Truth in a World constructed of Lies. There is a lot of dis-information and outright mis-information out there. It is up to us to slice through the baloney and find what's real. Every morning after I awake, I ask my Higher Self, my guides and whoever is of Light and wishes to assist me to "please help lead me to the Truth today and away from blind alleys". Invariably, at some point during the day, I will see or hear something that, once investigated, will yield me tons of important and useful Information. It's not magic, and anyone can use the same method in their Search. It works because of the following little-accepted fact:
We Are Not Alone.
In the world beyond the Physical, there are those who are Willing and Eager to lend us their support. But we must ask. They are not allowed to "lead us". We must ask for assistance, and then wait for the answer. If we miss the Answer because it comes in a form that we do not recognize, then that is on us. We must learn to be ready to recognize and accept the Help that we seek. We must then be equally ready to understand and incorporate the information that we receive.
This is how True Knowledge can be acquired. This is how freedom from the Lies of this World can be obtained. I'm not a big Bible fan because I know that it has been extensively tampered with but there are also many nuggets of Truth contained therein. I believe that it has been written:
"Ask, and it will be given to you;
Seek, and you will find;
Knock, and the Door will be opened for you;
For everyone who asks receives,
And everyone who searches finds,
And for everyone who knocks,
The Door will be opened."
- Matthew 7 7:8
These are not idle words. They were Spoken and Recorded 2,000 years ago for Us to benefit from today.
All Love,
~~ G
14 December 2008
Now, Why Did I Go Through All Of That?
I'm not trying to come off as a "know-it-all". One thing that I can tell you about me is that everything that I write has years of research and consideration behind it. If I don't know the answer to a question, then I'll just say that I don't know. I'm not asking anyone to take my account of the "Brief History of Man" as fact. Actually, I always urge people to do their own research when presented with new or challenging information. Never take anyone's account of anything for granted or for gospel unless it resonates within you in a manner that you cannot deny.
The Information in our World that is presented to us as History, Science, Religion, Law, Politics, etc. is purposely Inaccurate and has been designed to Mislead and Deceive us. The Internet is Our Gift to Ourselves where "ordinary" Humans can post formerly hidden or hard-to-find Information to help educate other Humans, while cutting out the "middleman" of the so-called "Establishment", whose over-riding goal is the complete subjugation and suppression of the Will of Humanity.
I know a lot, but I don't claim to know everything. It is always up to The Reader to remember to check with their Inner Guidance in order to validate the Truthfulness or Accuracy of ANYTHING he or she reads, from the ingredients on a cereal box to blog treatises on the recent History of Man.
That said, I hope that the previous series has been informative and if not, then I hope that it has been at least entertaining.
All Love,
~~ G
08 December 2008
A Brief History of Man - The Root Races - Part IV
It is commonly believed by many that Atlantis disappeared due to a Flood that occured several thousand years ago. The Greek philosopher Plato referred to this catastrophe in a work that has become known as "The Critias". What is not commonly known is that Atlantis was not just one continent, but a collection of large islands and that it did not sink "all at once" but suffered catastrophic floods over a period of hundreds of thousands of years. The Flood that Plato spoke of was simply the final and most recent Flood of 11,000 years ago. It is at this point that I resume this brief historical outline.
As previously stated, many Atlanteans were warned of the coming destruction and fled, mostly to the outlying colonies mentioned earlier (Egypt, the Yucatan peninsula, off the Spanish coast, etc). From the Fifth sub-Race (Original Semites) of this Fourth Root Race (Atlantean), the Fifth Root Race (the Aryan), was born.
When the last Flood occurred approximately 11,000-12,000 years ago, it signaled that Humanity had finally descended all the way into 3D experience. Hit "rock-bottom", so to speak. Earth still retained some higher 4D characteristics, but these were slowly fading. It was at this point that "outside forces" began to meddle in man's evolution in earnest.
After the Flood, there were pockets of Atlantean civilizations scattered across the globe. These were composed of those who had been able to escape the Atlantean continent before it sank. There were also some dying Lemurian civilizations still in existence. And there was the seed of the Fifth Race that had been selected and hidden away for development in Central Asia.
Central Asia was the cradle of the Aryan Races, the "seed" of which was selected from the Original Semites of the Atlantean Races. The names of the Aryan sub-Races which have spread over the Earth during this Fifth Epoch, up to the present time, are as follows:
1. The Aryan, which spread to the Near East and India
2. The Babylonian-Assyrian-Chaldean
3. The Persian-Greco-Latin
4. The Celtic
5. The Teutonic-Anglo-Saxon
6. ??
7. ??
The area now known as the Gobi Desert was where the seed of this Fifth Root Race (collectively known as the Aryan Races) got its start. An interesting side note: wherever there is desert and/or similar desolation on this planet, you can be sure that the remains of a great civilization lay beneath it. One will have to dig deep to find evidence of it - not ten or fifteen feet deep - we're talking hundreds of feet. If this is done, one will find wonders and knowledge beyond belief. Earth buries then hides her great civilizations so that knuckleheads like us cannot find them. At least until we are spiritually mature enough to handle the Knowledge we would gain from such a find.
From Central Asia, there were migrations to India, Mesopotamia and Europe where new sub-races took root. It is in Mesopotamia, the land currently known as Iraq, where the events affecting our current history were set into motion. "Mesopotamia" means "land between two rivers". Those two rivers were the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Iraq.
To review, the Lemurian races were primarily black and brown races. The Atlantean Races were primarily red, brown and yellow races. The Aryan races were the Indus Valley and Near Eastern races, along with some white sub-races. Egypt was founded as a major Atlantean colony. The Maya were Atlantean refugees. The Basque of Spain were Atlantean. Archaeologists theorize correctly when they state that the ancient island of Minoa (in the Aegean Sea) was Atlantean. They err when they propose that it WAS Atlantis. Minoa was a small Atlantean outpost, founded by like-minded people who wanted to live life a certain way. Remember, all of the Atlantean races did not get along.
Here is where I conclude this briefst of outlines of the origins of the various races of man upon this sphere. I may be off a smidge here or there as far as time goes, but these are vast amounts of time that are being referred to. What I have tried to provide is a progression, a logical flow that will illustrate the manner in which the Races have come about and how one Root Race evolves to become the next.
Into this mix of Earth races, separated and scattered by the several Floods which consumed the islands of Atlantis, intruded a manipulative and controlling race from the beyond this solar system. This race of off-world beings has deliberately caused much trouble and confusion for Earth man. This race has worked tirelessly to set back the development of Humanity by thousands of years. This race or collection of races is commonly known by the ancients as
All Love,
~~ G
04 December 2008
A Brief History of Man - The Root Races - Part III
As the Lemurian civilization was dying, the Fourth Root Race, the Atlantean Race, was being birthed. The Atlantean Race was a scientifically advanced race. Their continent initially spread across what is now known as the United States and the Atlantic Ocean. They were extraordinarily gifted in their knowledge and use of natural forces. They could literally control the Elements. They, like the Lemurians, also communicated telepathically. They excelled in the building of canals and waterways for irrigation. They were knowledgeable in the use of crystal technology for the purposes of healing or for use as weaponry.
If I may, a word about the word “crystal”. When we refer to crystal, most of us get a picture in mind of something clear like glass, and expensive. But crystal in the context of the ancients actually stands for a type of molecular structure – the crystal lattice. This arrangement of molecules is found in all precious and semi-precious stones. It is also found in materials like marble, limestone and granite. Huge pyramids were constructed that acted as power plants and healing temples.
The method of power generation had to do with the collection of Solar and Earth energy and spiraling it through the pyramid structures, which were always built with impeccable geometric precision over powerful sacred sites on the Earth's surface. These sacred sites are actually "nodes" connecting powerful ley lines which criss-cross the earth, themselves originating from one of several of the Earth's chakras. The Atlanteans knew where these "energy centers" were, and built crystal structures (i.e. granite, limestone, etc.) over these particular locations in order to take advantage of the energy that accumulated there.
One such pyramid sank with the destructive floodings of Atlantis and lies underwater in the so-called Bermuda Triangle. This submerged pyramid has a crystal capstone which is still functioning, but is functioning out of control. The disappearances in the Triangle are the "effects" that we see. Now you have an idea of the "cause" of these effects.
The Atlanteans were able to communicate with the Consciousness of the materials that they were building with. They (or rather, certain members of their Race) had the ability to literally "speak" with stone and ALL of nature. This telepathic link enabled them to transport their building materials great distances, locate them with precision and construct edifices of tremendous beauty, precision and magnificence. This is how the great pyramids, Stonehenge and structures like them were built. No ramps, no legions of slaves rolling monoliths on logs or sleds or any of that other rot has been force-fed into our brains by our Controllers in a monumental insult to our Intelligence and our Human Dignity.
The Atlanteans had air travel and also knew how to travel by sea. Because of the knowledge of impending floods, some segments of the Race left the main islands and founded colonies in Egypt, Ireland, Mexico (the Maya) and North America (certain tribes of Native Americans). Atlantean colonization spread as far east as Mesopotamia, Central Asia and Mongolia. The Chinese are descendants of ancient Atlantis (the Japanese are more in the line of Lemurian ancestry). The Atlanteans co-existed with the remnants of the Lemurian civilization but warred with them as well. They looked down upon the Lemurians and their spiritual way of life. Many times, they attempted to conquer and enslave these peoples.
To complicate matters, the Atlanteans had learned how to travel through Space and Time. They were able to bring other Entities to earth through the use of what are known as portals or stargates. However, some of the invited guests weren't always benevolent. Because the Atlanteans had superior mental abilities but the discipline, discernment, curiousity and ethics of a two-year old, they were easy to manipulate. Due to this off-world interference and their own spiritual immaturity, the Race hurtled towards decline. The Atlanteans sank into Depravity, Deviance and Sorcery (what we call "black" magic). As the Atlantean sorcerers abused their powers more and more recklessly, greater and greater numbers of people acquired and practiced these terrible "black arts".
The Atlantean lands and its people became divided between those who followed The Good Law (The Law of One) and those who were followers of The Left Hand Path. A good portion of Atlanteans shunned the Spiritual and worshipped Selfish pleasures instead. Because of this imbalance, many of the wonders produced by this race were put to destructive uses. For example, because of their pre-occupation with Sex and their high scientific knowledge, they often indulged in the grafting of larger sexual organs onto their bodies. Just because they "could".
As with Lemuria, the Earth was negatively affected by the negative actions of the Atlantean Races. This time, Earth's destructive response came via floods of varying degrees of severity. It has been said that there were 3 major floods. The first two catastrophes broke the Atlantean continent into several pieces. The final one sank the last vestige of Atlantis about 11,000 years ago. This was the island historically known as Poseidon. This was the Atlantis that Plato described in his work, The Critias.
The names of the different Sub-races are said to be as follows:
Note the 5th sub-race, which according to the formula I outlined earlier, is always used to provide "the seed" for the next Root Race. This sub-race is called "the Original Semites" to distinguish them from the people who call themselves Semites to day. The Original Semites actually correspond to the early Mesopotamian, Babylonian-Assyrian and Caucasus peoples.
I'll pause here.
~~ G
01 December 2008
A Brief History of Man - The Root Races - Part II
The Lemurians were the Third Root Race. They were a spiritual race, aware of their connection with the Creator and of their responsibility to the planet. They were able to leave their bodies whenever they wished. They communicated telepathically. They were primarily composed of black, brown race and yellow sub-races. The Lemurian continent, sometimes called MU, generally stretched across what is now known as the Pacific Ocean.
As the planet continued to move downward into the heavier density of 3D, Lemurians became aware of their emotions and desires. Some became Willful and Selfish, craving Power over others. These began to act evilly towards their more spiritual brothers. As the civilization sank into Materialism and Decay, their actions (as all of our actions do) had a negative effect on the Earth. Eventually, catastrophic volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and "fires from below" broke up and devoured the continent. Although the majority perished, a few were warned and were able to escape. Creator always provides a safe haven for "the remnant", those who stay true to the Laws of the Creation.
What remains of Lemuria are a few islands on the eastern coast of Africa and the entire continent of Australia. In the Pacific Ocean, islands such as Galapagos and Easter Island are simply the tips of Lemurian mountain ranges, now covered by the sea. There are huge monolithic structures submerged off the coast of Japan which are obviously man-made. These are Lemurian. In Australia, the aborigine people are a slowly disappearing sub-race of the Lemurian civilization. Surprisingly, the Hopi Indians are also Lemurian descendants. They migrated to the Peruvian coast of South America to flee the catastrophes that destroyed Lemuria. They settled there for a while, then migrated north through Mexico and into the United States. The Hopi are critically important to the future of the planet because they are one of four groups who have been entrusted with Secret Knowledge, not to be divulged until Mankind earns the right to know.
An additional note regarding Australia: this continent has a rich, varied assortment of very odd and unique flora and fauna, some not found anywhere else in the world. The reason for this is as follows: When a Root Race is in decline, the method used to “phase it out”, so to speak is to confine the sub-races to an island and/or to decrease the fertility of those races. These twin actions combine to eventually eliminate a Root stock. It doesn’t happen overnight, it takes thousands and thousands of years. In the meantime, there's an "overlap", if you will. The “dying” race can be found living side-by-side with more modern races. This explains the Aborigines of Australia, the Polynesian Island races, even the pygmies of Africa. These races are all of Lemurian stock, and as such are part of a dying Root Race.
Eventually, the Lemurian body-type will no longer be available for souls to utilize for their experience. Those who are using such bodies now are “stragglers”, the tail-end of our Life Wave, who have just begun their journey of spiritual growth through incarnation.
~~ G
29 November 2008
A Brief History of Man - The Root Races - Part I
There are Seven Root Races of man in this evolution: The first five Root Races are named
6. ??
7. ??
Each Root Race is composed of seven Sub-Races. Each Sub-Race spawns in turn, seven sub-Sub-Races. A Root Race will usually reach its zenith during its fifth Sub-Race. After that, it begins its decline. The seeds of the next Root Race are taken from "the cream" of the current fifth Sub-race. The new Root Race is born while the current one begins its decline.
The World is currently under the dominion of the Fifth Root Race, the Aryan (although this word has recently acquired a negative connotation, the word "Aryan" is derived from the Sanskrit Aryas and means "noble"). There are two more Root Races to come. The Sixth Root Race will be borne out of the Fifth Sub-Race of this current Fifth (Aryan) Root Race. The "seed" for the coming Sixth Root Race is destined to come primarily from the United States. This is why so many different races and nationalities have voluntarily emigrated to the U.S. or have been brought to this country by force. The "melting pot" feature of the U.S. is a portent of the World to come. Those who can learn to handle living and working with beings that are different from them enhance their chances of graduating to 4D. These "pioneers" of the Sixth Root Race will be the ones selected to move into 4D with the New Heaven and the New Earth.
This does not mean that inhabitants of other nations will not be able to move ahead in their own evolutions. Anyone, from any country, who can learn to love their fellow human as they love themselves will be eligible to "graduate". The United States simply offers a naturally diverse environment of a necessary intensity for a particular group of Spirits to develop in.
The Polarian and Hyperborean races existed millions of years ago but left no archaeological traces. Because the planet at that time was still partially 4D and descending into 3D, their forms and the form of the Earth were more etheric than solid/material. "Science" searches in vain for evidence of man from millions of years ago, fails to find it, then arrogantly pronounces that "Man did not exist" millions of years ago. Make no mistake, a form of humanity did exist millions of years ago. Traces of their remains can be found embedded in the Earth's etheric plane. This plane exists side-by-side with this physical plane. Those who have access to esoteric knowledge know this. Our Controllers are well aware of this. WE are the ones who have been left out of the loop.
The Polarian Race lived where the North Pole is located. However, the North Pole wasn't always the North Pole. At that time, the area now known as The North Pole was located 90 degrees from where it is today. The magnetic poles of the Earth were east-west, or horizontal. How can I express this? The Earth rotated on its side with the Polarian continent facing the Sun. This made for an equatorial, very tropical, temperate region. When the time came to remove the Polarian Race from the planet to make way for the Hyperborian Race, the planet shifted on its axis (pole shift). This action moved the Polarian continent towards the North, in the area that has become known as the Arctic Circle.
The Hyperborean Races then assumed their position in roughly the same equatorial region. Again, when the time came to make room for the next Root Race, the Lemurian, there was a series of catastrophes, and the Hyperborean continent was erased. The Lemurian continent arose in its place, situated primarily in what we now call the Pacific Ocean.
The 3rd Root Race, The Lemurian Race, will be outlined next.
~~ G
27 November 2008
A Brief History of Man - "777"
We'll start with “777”.
"777" stands for “The Seven Revolutions Around the Seven Globes of the Seven World Periods”. This is also known as “The Pilgrimage of the Virgin Spirits”.
People have wondered for ages why seven is supposed to be a lucky number. It's because "7" is the number of Creation. We refer to Lucky Seven, Seven Seas, Seven Continents, Seven Sacred Planets. There are seven major Chakras, seven orifices in the skull (two eye sockets, two ears, two nostrils and a mouth). There are seven ductless glands in the human body (pineal, pituitary, thymus, thyroid, two adrenals and the spleen). It is said that if you skip a rock on a pond, it will skip seven times maximum before sinking. If you tap your coffee cup, you will see seven concentric rings (if you can count them fast enough!). I could go on and on, but I think you get my drift.
"As Above, So Below". If we look into higher aspects of The Creator's Creation, we will see that Seven is always at work. The Creation has no Beginning and no End. Instead, there are a series of "Out-breathings" and "In-breathings". The Out-Breathings and In-Breathings are known as World Periods. Each World Period is trillions of years in duration. Between each World Period is a "Rest Period" (I believe the Hindu call it "Pralaya") of an equal duration. During this time, all Activity ceases. The Creation rests.
For the purposes of this Creation, there are Seven World Periods that concern this human Life Wave of which we are a part. Remember, each period represents TRILLIONS of years.
1. SATURN Period - we were Mineral-like
2. SUN Period - we were Plant-like
3. MOON Period - we were Animal-like
4. EARTH Period - we are HUMAN
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?
I'll leave the coming Periods blank for now. Below is a graphical representation of what was outlined above. This indicates the direction our Spirits are traveling, starting at (1). We are currently halfway through the 4th Period, the exact midpoint of all Seven World Periods.
Each circle, or World Period contains seven "globes", marked "A" through "G" (just like a musical octave. Hey, there's that "7" connection again!). So, Period 1 will have a Globe A, Globe B, Globe C, etc. A group of Spirits, or a "Life Wave" will travel seven times around a globe before moving on to the next globe in that Period. When all seven globes of a World Period have been traveled seven times by a Life Wave, the Life Wave rests for an Eternity of equal duration before reawakening for the beginning of the next World Period. This is why "777" is referred to as “The Seven Revolutions Around the Seven Globes of the Seven World Periods”.
Creation works on a merit system, based on vibrational suitability. Starting with the Saturn Period (Period 1), our individual Virgin Spirits spent eons experiencing all of the kingdoms below the Human, beginning with the Mineral Kingdom. After spending trillions of years experiencing "life" as sand, metal, moss and mountain, our Life Wave moved on to the Sun Period (Period 2), where we experienced a Plant Consciousness. From there, we moved on to the Moon Period (Period 3), to experience an Animal-like existence. You may not remember being Predator or Prey, but you were. Those of us who had advanced sufficiently left the Moon Period and began our evolution here in the Earth Period (Period 4). We have are now halfway through this 4th World Period.
Gaining Experience is the reason that The Creator divided Itself into countless Divine sparks to begin with. When our spirits reach a vibrational level that matches the next "step" on the ladder, we move on to the next. We move on collectively AS A LIFE WAVE.
A portion of the Life Wave may develop or advance quicker than the rest. They are the “pioneers”. Most pioneers will choose to wait for the rest of the Life Wave to "catch up". They reach back and help pull us up. This is why it’s important for all to remember that we are ONE. We cannot move on until our entire Life Wave is ready to move on.
Those who lag behind in their learning, are known as “stragglers”. These are the ones who are in the most danger of not “graduating with their class”, so to speak. Keep these concepts in mind. If it doesn’t make sense now, it will soon.
Once again, we are now at the midpoint of the Fourth Period, which is also the midpoint of the Seven World Periods. We are at literally at the Fulcrum, the Balancing Point, the Turning Point for this Life Wave. We do not have unlimited time to “graduate”. At this point we have to choose between the Light and the Dark.
We spent the last 3 1/2 periods on a "descent into matter", also called "Involution". It’s called involution because our Spirit was "involving" itself INTO matter. Our Spirits were focused, or concentrating on adapting to the material universe. We are now at the point where we are about to make the turn UPwards to begin our "Evolution". Evolution is where we “evolve” our Spirit FROM matter. The difference is, as we evolve towards higher Spiritual states, we will take with us the attributes of Love and Wisdom acquired during all of our experiences in this difficult Earth Period.
During our Descent, we as Spirits were totally aware of all Wisdom and all Love. Being brand-new individualized sparks of the Creator, we contained all of what the Creator is. As we descended, the farther away we moved from our Source, the more we forgot. This was The Plan. We purposely forgot our origins so that we could experience our Involution honestly… devoid of Wisdom. We were purposely separated from the Love of Creator in order to “learn” what Love is. That is why this era that we live in is so extremely critical. It is The Turning Point., the far swing of the pendulum.
This brief period, this Pivot, represents The Gate of Choice. It is time for all Souls in this Life Wave TO CHOOSE.
The Pivot Point
This "Gate" is the shortest of all the developmental sectors. It has to be. The Illusion is so strong (to which we all can attest) that there is a very real possibility of losing much of this Life Wave to the Darkness.
The decision we are now making on a Soul/Spirit level will determine the next untold Eons of our Spiritual Evolution. There is a possibility that many will remain trapped in this dimension for an unfathomable length of time. It is this terrible possibility that looms before us now, in THIS era. And it is this terrible possibility that we are here to mitigate and/or prevent, by whatever means we can.
As an introduction, I hope that this hasn't been confusing. I'm trying my best to put what I've learned into plain language, so that all will have an opportunity to understand the overall scheme of our Development and Evolution.
I’ll pause here.
~~ G
23 November 2008
Re: Evacuation - Our Beloved Pets
"Do you know if we will be able to evacuate with them?"
What follows is my response to a very good question.
There are four major "kingdoms" of Life in this, our 3D reality:
-- Mineral
-- Plant
-- Animal
-- Man
The Spirits that inhabit the Animal Kingdom evolve by assisting Nature and Mankind in a variety of different ways. At the "high end" of the Animal Kingdom is the "domesticated animal". The dog, the cat, the horse, etc. These animals are at a higher stage of evolution than their brother animals because of their direct proximity to Humans. By living with and learning how to help Humans, by communicating with the higher Human Kingdom in an effort to cooperate and assist, our domesticated animals are taking a huge leap in their own Evolution.
They are learning to leave the "pack mentality" behind and are at the very earliest stages of learning what it is to make independent choices, assert their personality, accept and return Human "love" and "affection" and to incorporate so many other qualities that they will need when THEY someday ascend and evolve into Lower Humans.
Because of this, they are a bit more Special than their brother "wild" animals because their brother animals are completely controlled by a Group Spirit which governs the actions of a "herd" or a "pack". The Spirits inhabiting our pets have earned the right to live with Humans in an effort to begin their Long Journey towards being Human. The same Journey that You and I took untold millions of years ago.
Therefore, during Evacuation, OUR PETS WILL BE RESCUED AND ACCOUNTED FOR. The question has been posed, "Can we take our pets with us?".
Based on my knowledge of how The Evacuation will work, here is the answer to that question.
We have no idea of how large the motherships are. They span MILES. I believe it was the American actor Will Smith's movie "Independence Day" which attempted to show the enormity of one of these motherships. Well, they're bigger than that. They're "city-big" with room for everything one would find in a modern, metropolitan Earth city. Several ships of these size have been specifically set aside for housing and caring for the domesticated animals of this planet. Everything that will be needed for their comfort will be made available to them. I know it sounds almost hard to believe but I also know that it is true.
To our Brothers and Sisters above, ALL life is Sacred. Unlike us, they are completely aware of The Law of One, and will do all that they can to ensure that those we love, two-legged AND four-legged are safe and secure.
But I haven't answered the question: Will we be able to take them WITH us? Here's how I believe it will work.
1. First off, there's no guarantee that we will be "home" when the Evacuation become necessary. We may be at work, or at the local shopping center. We will be wherever our Soul Agreement has decided we need to be during this Event. I, personally would love to be home with my kids and I always envision being home. But we just don't know. In this scenario, our pets will be evacuated to the special "Zoo/Kennel" ships and we will be informed of their whereabouts once we are safely aboard ship.
2. However, if you are "home" with your pets when everything hits the fan and you've got your pet on a leash or in your arms as you perpare to step into the lifting beam, I'm POSITIVE that our Brothers will not say, "I'm sorry, you cannot board this ship with that animal". They are not that petty and besides, there will be no time for quibbling. Also, to deny a pet-owner the ability to carry their pet aboard will just produce Anxiety in the Human, lowering their Vibration and making it harder, if not impossible, for that Human to be successfully "lifted". That is definitely against the Mission requirements. Therefore, if keeping a person calm enough to be lifted means taking their pet aboard, so be it. Besides, pets and animals are more greatly attuned to 4D energies than humans are. They won't have a problem stepping into the lifting beams.
Once the pets are aboard, it will be explained to the Owners that their pets are going to be removed to the special "Zoo/Kennel" ships where they will be cared for until such time as all Pet Owners can be re-united with their beloved pets (by the way, our pets will NOT be caged. They will be allowed freedom in an environment that is comfortable for them and they will be controlled and communicated with via telepathy, negating the need for cages, leashes, etc). During The Event, however, successful evacuation is the number one priority. Once aboard ship, Humans will need time to interact with one another, to receive de-briefings, instructions, etc. and to basically "wind down" from what will be, at the least, a very traumatic experience. All of this will go much smoother once we know that Others who are loving and properly-trained are waiting to care for our Animals and will temporarily be responsible for their Care and Feeding.
Our pets are important to us, as we are to them . Trust me, our Brothers are aware of all of these dynamics as they are of Light and are fully experienced in the "art" of Planetary Evacuation.
We Will Be In Good Hands.
Kevin, thanks for the question. It is my hope that the answer will ease your mind and the minds of other caring Pet Owners.
All Love,
~~ G
22 November 2008
Re: Evacuation - Comments and Viewpoints
My responses to Anonymous' posts appear below in blue.
Anonymous Point 1: The "Three days of darkness" will be the "Three hours of Darkness." Not enough people would be left if it were Days instead of Hours.
I humbly and respectfully disagree with this. Although it is easy for us to believe that murder and mayhem will be the order of the day during this incredible time, those beliefs are the result of our having been indoctrinated by Hollywood to think that when times are Bad, Humans will be Worse. Time and again, Humanity has proven that THIS IS NOT THE CASE.
The Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina of a few years ago, 9/11, the London and Bali bombings, devastating earthquakes in China, Japan , Indonesia, etc. stand as evidence that during events like these all over the world Humanity has always shown ONE CONSTANT in times of terror and disaster -- the ability to ACT TO HELP OTHERS unselfishly and without thought for personal safety. THIS is what Humans really are: Heroes-In-Waiting.
Most Humans will attempt to find shelter as quickly as possible. Only the truly decadent or evil will choose to remain in the streets during Three Days of Darkness. Sadly we know that there are a number of humans who live to Loot and Pillage, but the vast majority of humans are Decent, Law-Abiding and Spiritual to some degree. The total pitch blackness should inhibit a lot of lawlessness. Even criminals are afraid of the dark.
Besides, what's the purpose of stealing a car or television when there is no electricity available to run any of these items? If crimes are to be committed, they will be crimes against people. Only sociopaths and psychopaths will enjoy wandering around in pitch darkness trying to hurt someone else. The irony is, the people they are bound to run into will probably be others who are just as socio-psychopathic as they are. This is why the instructions are to NOT GO OUTDOORS, NOT LOOK OUTDOORS until the 72-105 hour Event is over. EVIL WILL BE CONSUMING EVIL. A "Cleansing" will be taking place.
To remain outdoors during Three Days of Light would result in physical blindness. I believe that this Event will find most people either in their homes or in the homes of total strangers, as no one will want to be on the streets. It is what happens during those several hours "waiting for the Dawn" that will define the future of billions of men and women the world over.
Anonymous Point 2:
These hours of darkness (true darkness, as in light will not penetrate) will be a final time to "fish-or-cut-bait" for those wanting to Ascend at that time. You will be faced with all of the fears and unresolved issues that you have not come to grips with by then. Your job now is to acknowledge your fears, deal with them as best you can, pass the rest of it to God, and unconditionally love what remains. You raise your vibration levels by "Love". You will be high enough to Ascend if you level reaches true "Unconditional" love.
There is always Light. Light is all there is. The "Darkness" will be a result of the lack of artificial light and the loss of sun-, moon- and star-light. However, candles can still be lit and fires can still burn, although the word is that for those who are of a lower vibration, any candles or fires those people attempt to light will not burn.
During those three days of no television, no radio, no DVDs, no I-pods or cell-phones, Humans will be left only with THEMSELVES and EACH OTHER. There will be a tremendous opportunity for soul-searching. Trust me, EVERYONE will know that what is occuring is not a "terrorist act" or an "alien invasion". Inwardly, all will know, recognize and remember that this is a COSMIC EVENT, against which human "knowledge" and "ingenuity" is helpless. Something like that will get people's attention. It will get them to re-focus their priorities, re-align their Souls. Indeed, that is a large portion of the Design and Purpose of these Events.
Anonymous Point 3(a):
Evacuation by "Ship".
Before you go up the on-ramp, check under the hood. This is based on Hopi legend, but I will lay them out in "technical" terms. First, understand that there is an Earth Spiritual idea of “prohibited Time Structures”, including Time Travel and non-calendar Space travel. These methods of travel can negatively affect humans, causing their souls (over time and distance) to lose contact with God. This is not something you want to do. This is the VOID. This is true whether you are a 3D human or a 5D human.
I'm not versed in the idea of "prohibited time structures". However, if that means that 3D humans cannot ride in 4D ships, then I would agree, for that is common sense. However, dimensions do not switch sharply from 3rd to 4th or from 4th to 5th. Just like all things in Life, everything segues, or blends, evenly into its next higher or lower manifestation. Winter doesn't happen "all at once" on December 21st. Nor does spring happen "instantly" on March 21st. Everything bleeds gradually into its next manifestation. This applies to Dimensions as well. Between 3rd and 4th dimensions is a "higher 3rd" and a "lower 4th" dimension and infinite vibrations in-between.
I wasn't ready to get into this yet, but we actually live in a 3D/4D reality. A "physical/spiritual" split. This is a part of the "Duality" or "Polarity" of our Existence. We have to work to raise our vibrations but a bit in order to be able to survive 4D space travel.
I hate to sound repetitious but we are living in a VERY SPECIAL TIME PERIOD. The Earth is currently moving back out of 3D and so are her inhabitants (you and I). The effects of The Photon Belt are being felt by humans the world over, even though many may not feel it or cannot explain it. It's one reason why Time appears to be "flying by". It is also the reason why so many of us feel "fatigued" at certain points during the day. This is because of all the work that is being done on our personal etheric bodies during sleep-state. On a soul level, we are all trying to prepare, we are all trying our best to be "ready".
Anonymous Point 3(b) The Space Brothers and Sisters of the higher dimensions have basically two types of ship propulsion systems:
1) ships powered by the Time-Space Continuum (bad for humans)
2) ships powered by a star-drive based on mental energy (good for humans)
Now, the information that I have, is that the ships of Ashtar Command are based on the Time-Space Continuum and the ships of the Galactic Federation of Light are based on Mental Star Drives.
All I know is that these ships are powered by thought, they exist in a higher dimension and that they travel great distances quickly via the use of "portals". A human can be taken aboard once that human's personal vibration is raised to the appropriate level. Our Brothers have the ability to "force" this condition as well. Something like this would only be done via prior Soul Contract. Those in the past who've boarded these ships or have been abducted all made previous Soul Agreements to particpate in those actions.
Anonymous Point 3(c) If Star Trek TNG really was based on Ashtar Command, then you can assume that all of the Fleet personnel are aliens, alien humanoids, or soul-less humans.
This is Hollywood propaganda. The only soul-less humans are those who have been cloned upon this Earth. They head your governments, your financial and business indurstries, etc. All beings who orbit this planet are just as "real" and as "touchable" as you or I, even though some of them may not "look" like you or I.
Although I am not a TV-phobe, I will say that the only version of the TV program "Star Trek" that ever had the benefit of Mankind at heart was the original '60s version of the program. The main thrust of that program was to help people get familiar with the fact that there could be Life on other planets. The original "Star Wars" took this idea a bit further as its purpose was to acclimate Humans with the idea that not all of this extra-planetary Life "looked" like us.
Hollywood's job was/is to prepare us for an "invasion" of a particular type of "alien being" (i.e. negative). However, whatever plans that the Dark have must be balanced by those of the Light, so Humanity has generally also derived benefit from having viewed these programs. Discernment must always be used, as the "messages" in these in programs are under the control of Dark Proxies (i.e., Hollywood producers, writers and directors) who serve a Dark Master.
Anonymous Point 3(d) The catch-22 is that the mental ships are "MerKaBas", and by definition there is no way a 3D human body can board one.
The human body carries the potential to become a MerKaBa. The Egyptian translation for "Merkaba" is "To Connect(mer) the Spirit (ka) and the Soul (ba)". It's not an impossibility reserved only for "those above". If we raise our vibes so that we are LIVING EVERY MOMENT OF OUR LIVES, OUR EVERY THOUGHT AND ACTION, WITH THE PURPOSE OF CARING AND HELPING FOR OTHERSELVES, we will quicken our own Merkaba, and be ready when The Time comes.
Anonymous Point 3(e) Personally I will be staying on the ground, taking my chances and asking for directions from God. Besides, your death (for the very vast majority of us) is fixed at birth via your Soul Contract (not counting suicides) -- if you are going to die, it doesn't matter whether you are on the ground or in the air. That's why you have "Guides" to get you where you are supposed to be and "Guardian Angels" to keep you from dying before your contract date.
When these Ships appear in the sky ALL OF US will have a Choice to make. Believe what we've been Taught? Or Believe what our Hearts will be telling us at that Moment? Hey, I didn't say it was going to be easy. Hear me clearly: when the Evacuation scenario becomes a reality IT WILL NOT BE A "NORMAL" DAY on Earth. Everything will be going to hell in a hand-basket. You will INSTANTLY KNOW that remaining on Earth will be a "terminal" decision. It is within this scenario that you will then make Your Choice.
If one chooses to remain on the Earth while volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, and whole cities are swallowed up by techtonic plate-shifting and underground cavity collapses, so be it, that is their Choice and they will be allowed to Experience that which their Soul desired to Experience. They will have succumbed to the Fear of staying with "what they know" and they will have failed the Major Test of "Knowing When to Follow Their Intuition" despite what their "reality" is showing them.
I agree, ALL should check with their Inner Guidance before boarding any ship, both now and in the future. You are correct in relying on Inner Guidance for help. However, do not be surprised if/when your Inner Guidance responds with "Hop aboard, mate! It's time to go home!". *smile*
I'd like to thank Anonymous One for presenting his/her view of the matter. This is how we learn, by considering/sharing other points of view, and by accepting the Possibility of the Impossible.
All Love,
~~ G
18 November 2008
We "think" invisible thoughts that command invisible impulses to move our "solid" bodies. We "react" to hundreds of different stimuli a second, correctly filtering out that which we do not need and processing that which is important so that we can again produce invisible thoughts that will command invisible impulses to move our...
We "breathe" an invisible substance, that we cannot see, taste or touch. Yet, when it is withdrawn from us, we definitely KNOW it. This substance, called "air" or "oxygen" is light as a feather, yet, if we look up, we can see a multi-ton Jumbo jet gliding through the sky supported by the strength of that very same substance. "Air" can manifest as a gentle breeze, or a ferocious hurricane or tornado. Just as "Water" can manifest as a calm, burbling brook or slam against our shores as a roaring tidal wave or tsunami. As "Fire" can warm us, or destroy us.
Our Plant and Animal Kingdoms are miracles in and of themselves. All of us know this. We call it "Nature", because Humans like to name things. These Kingdoms, too, are "miracles".
With all the "miracles" that abound around us, why is it so hard to believe that we are as Caterpillars preparing to become Butterflies? Why would Creator give an insect transformitive capabilities yet not bestow those capabilities on Man? Why would Creator allow Humans to "suffer" and "toil" pointlessly without the possibility of Transformation or Reward?
Although Human is spiritually no Higher than any other Being (we are all One), Human is also Creator's greatest Creation. Because we carry within us Possibilities that will eventually advance Universes. We have Potentialities that even the present Angels do not have. We are the Angels who descended in Vibration in order to Experience, and we are preparing to Re-ascend to the Heavens with a Knowledge and a Wisdom that will be Priceless.
Every single one of us is Loved, Valued and Protected.
We are all Miracles about to Unfold.
All Love,
~~ G
15 November 2008
The Gate Of Choice
Creator wishes to experience ALL things, including the idea of "separation from The Creation". So, areas of The Creation were set aside for "free-will experiencing, investigation and experimentation". The Creation is ALL, and It does not equivocate. When It mandates "Free Will", It means exactly that. The Creation wants to "see what happens" when portions of Itself (all Spirits) are allowed to forget their connection to Source and do whatever they Desire. Let's leave "good" and "bad" out of the equation for now. The Purpose of the Design was to "allow experience". This is what François Rabelais meant when he mandated "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of Law".
Now you say, "Whoa! That means I can do whatever I want? Creator WANTS me to Rob, Rape, Plunder and Pillage? Whoo-hoo! I'll be right back!!". Well, uh, yes and no. Creator will not "condemn" those who commit evil deeds or acts, for these do qualify as valid "experiences". Creator knows that, in Time, the Inner Yearning of the Individual Spirit to return to its Source will eventually steer it to do Right. Although we are given Ages to "play in the sandbox" so to speak, we are given but a brief instant by comparison, to CHOOSE which polarity we are going to evolve in for the next untold eons. That "brief instant" is NOW, and The Choice is being made by every one of us, every moment of every day.
To completely understand what is happening on this planet, its Purpose and Humanity's Purpose, one must cease thinking of one's self as a "human" being and begin to realize that we are "Beings experiencing as Human". The benevolent Beings who orbit this globe and the myriad Beings who live beneath the Earth's surface and between dimensions are SPIRITUALLY no different than we are. Actually, they are US. They are our true families, our true friends and our true colleagues whom we left behind long ago in order to EXPERIENCE this adventure of Spiritual Evolution on the Planet Earth. Even our Adversaries who reside between dimensions are related to us in ways we have yet to be able to imagine. They are also on a Journey of Experience, albeit of a very different nature than ours. Nearly 100% of the 6.5 billion "Souls experiencing as Human" are not from this planet. The REAL YOU is from "somewhere else" and so am I.
The true reason that this planet is over-populated at this time is because we are at the ENDING OF SEVERAL GREAT CYCLES OF TIME. "Graduation" is upon us and the "fireworks" are going to be tremendous. Figuratively speaking, Souls all across this Universe lined up twenty deep to get a ticket for this "last wild ride" on Earth. Some wanted to try and make that last leap towards Enlightment, some wanted to "wallow in the muck" for old time's sake and others are here SIMPLY TO OBSERVE OR TO ASSIST what happens when a combination of Great Cycles come to their termination point.
Those orbiting the planet from above, who are here to help, do so out of Love and Compassion for us, their brothers and sisters. These advanced Beings also have an opportunity to advance their own Spiritual Evolution depending on how successfully they execute their "missions" here.
Some are here to disseminate information to Humanity in order to help Awaken them in time to make their Choice. Others are here to defend the Planet from certain man-made and nuclear-type catastrophes if these actions ever threaten to destroy the Earth. This interference is allowed by Galactic agreement as it has been decided to never allow Earth Human's nuclear irresponsibility to endanger the free-will of the Greater Universe. Thankfully, Human free will gets "trumped" in this area.
There are those whose sole mission is to EVACUATE ALL HUMANS FROM THE PLANET when this action becomes necessary (this is the true reason you are "taught" to fear what comes from "above". The goal is to have you trained to run from your own salvation when the time comes). Still others are here to "stir the pot" (the Dark Brothers) and again, there are those who are here from distant galaxies simply to OBSERVE.
Planet Earth is not some giant "rock" careening through Space. It is a Great Spirit, with a Consciousness of its own, that long ago volunteered for an important Mission. The Mission was to allow itself to become a home for an experimental Paradise. A Paradise where Beings from all over the Universe could come and contribute their Knowledge and creations to the planetary scheme. About 300,000 years ago, this plan got hijacked by a group of off-world Beings. The Earth has been in torment ever since, as it struggles to support the negative thought-forms that humans have accumulated in abundance since that time.
Now, she is tired. Earth has petitioned for relief. She is ready to move forward in her own Evolutionary Journey. As such, she is on-schedule to be fully "de-commissioned" by Dec 21, 2012.
-- All humans alive at that time whose physical bodies are able to make the Transition will move forward to continue experiencing in the higher 4th Dimension in their transformed Light Bodies.
-- All those who die prior to Transition, but are of sufficient vibratory level, will be moved to higher existences on 4D planets elsewhere in the Galaxy by way of incarnation. They will be born with Light Bodies.
-- All will be given the choice of returning to their true "home planet", choosing a new 4D home or staying with the New 4D Earth.
-- All those who fail to raise their personal vibratory rate to the required level will be re-located to another 3D-like planet, somewhere else in this or another galaxy. There, THEY WILL BEGIN AGAIN AS STONE-AGE MEN AND WOMEN, WITH NO MEMORY OF THEIR EARTH INCARNATIONS. They will "start from scratch" and once again try to lift their soul energy to a sufficient level of Light in the hopes of graduating at the end of the next "Great Cycle", eons from now.
Our Brothers and Sisters of LIGHT, the so-called "ET's" know this, and THAT is why they are here. The Dark Brothers also know this, and they are working feverishly to keep as many human souls as possible from graduating.
After all, they are going to need Souls to Abuse, Control, Enslave, Lie to, etc. when they move on to the next 3D "playground". What we should be asking ourselves is do we want to go with them for more of the same negative crap we've indulged in for ages and ages of Time? Or do we want to finally assimilate our Lessons, leave our Earthly schoolroom and move forward into our next Great Adventure?
Believe it or not, all human Souls have finally arrived at THE GATE OF CHOICE.
Hey, it had to end sometime. What made you think that you weren't going to be here when it did?
Choose Wisely.
~~ G
12 November 2008
The Results of Fear — You Have Exactly What You Have Created
Sometimes, it's better to allow a Teacher and Elder Brother to Speak...
The Results of Fear — You Have Exactly What You Have Created
6/17/02 - Violinio St. Germain
Good evening, I am Violino St. Germain, and I am here this day to bring a message that will hopefully shake you ones awake upon your planet. I am here in the Radiant Light of the One True Creator – whom you ones call God. I am in Service unto God and am with the Host of Heaven.
I am come this day to speak to you about the energy and results of one thing: FEAR. It is a very powerful and emotionally charged energy.
Remember: Universal Law will always return unto you, many times over, that which you put your energy into. So, that which you fear will actually be brought right to your door.
You have created, in your world, exactly all the things that you ones fear; you have created exactly the things you most dreaded and wanted to avoid. Those who have other than your best interests at heart have been using your fears for a very long time to manipulate and control you, and it has never been more evident than it is today.
You have been played like a fine violin, and most of you ones have followed along like dutiful little lemmings, following those controlling ones into your own destruction. It is past time for you ones to awaken from your dream state and see exactly that which has been right in front of your eyes for a long, long time.
This is precisely why we have spent so much time over the years attempting to reach you ones with messages about creating the type of world you actually desire. Yet you have chosen to create the world you fear, instead. You have refused to turn off your televisions and put down the mainstream newspapers, and have instead gobbled up their twisted, manipulated, and controlled agendas like a cheap wine, indulging yourselves in the drunkenness of their making.
Those of the Higher Realms, and those of the Light, have been attempting, through so very many sources, and for so many years, to teach you, and to inform you, to enlighten you ones, to awaken you from your drunken stupor.
We told you that everything was accelerating, and that all energy was returning with greater speed and greater impact. And yet, the majority—approximately 90% of you ones—chose to disbelieve the truth and follow the lie, instead. You chose to believe that these messages were being delivered to you by some figment of the imaginations of a handful of lunatics—by those who were living as some kind of fringe element who were to be ridiculed and ignored.
I challenge each and every one of you who ridicule these ones, to open your eyes, to awaken from your dream state long enough to take a long, hard look around at your world, and tell me which part of your world has not become exactly as these ones said it would. All your fears and your doubts are coming to pass exactly as you have feared they would, and have come about exactly as those message-bringers foretold.
No, these ones are not fortune tellers. They are merely a handful of individuals who have chosen to NOT follow the lie, and have, instead, listened to the Higher Realms. These are ones who do not swallow—hook, line, and sinker—all the controlled, manipulated disinformation you are fed on a continual basis. These ones are those who long ago made the decision to GO WITHIN for their confirmations and information. These are the ones who learned to question things. These are the ones who have stayed in touch with Creator and the Host of Heaven, for we have NEVER left your side. You simply became too “sophisticated” to pay attention to us, choosing instead to get your information from those controlled media sources on your world.
Many of you claim to be Christians, yet I challenge you to tell us exactly what that term means, for most of you have not the slightest idea of what a TRUE Christian is. You believe that if you believe that a man named Jesus shed his blood and died on a cross for your sins, that your soul is saved.
But that has little to nothing to do with what the man you call Jesus attempted to teach. He actually tried to teach you that you could have exactly what you desired, and that which your hearts and minds are filled with would come to pass. He also warned you that doubt and fear would also create, but they would create exactly what you feared.
Being a “Christian” means you follow the ways of the Christ—which is not a last name, but rather a state of being: a state of enlightenment, what your Bible refers to as an anointing from God [BG: Christ Consciousness]
Being “Christian” is a way of life—a state of being—not something you go around professing with words, but with thoughts or deeds. If you were TRULY “Christian”, you would be healing the sick, raising the dead, and creating anything that you desire in the physical world right out of the aethers.
What you have chosen to believe is what some ministers tell you to believe. And most of them merely believe the same thing because some minister told them what to believe, and so on and so on.
Most of you have never sat down and actually read your Bible while asking the Creator—or even the one you call Jesus—to open your heart and your mind to what the book ACTUALLY says.
Your religions are filled with fear about “the devil” and “hell” (which you should look into, by the way, for the truth of this subject is quite enlightening in and of itself). And you ones act and believe as though this negative energy has more power than your “savior”.
People, I am telling you that this is nothing more than a tactic of fear used against you. You have no power because you are so filled with fear and doubt, and believe that you aren’t “worthy enough” to emulate the man you profess to follow. Yet, he himself told you that: “All these things I do, you shall also do.” THAT IS A VERY POWERFUL STATEMENT, AND YOU SEEM TO SIMPLY IGNORE IT!
Others of you believe that you cannot go directly to God or “Jesus”, but must go through some earthly mediator. What sort of nonsense is that? God does not put ANY man above another man! So, to believe that someone has a more direct line to God than another, is just another form of a lie and a manipulation and a control tactic.
Remember: even the Dark Energies—or what you call “Satan” (which, in Hebrew, simply means adversary)—believe in (recognize) God. These Dark Energies have simply chosen a contrary and extremely difficult learning path based upon the free-will premise that they can somehow be “better” than He who created them. In due time they will come to appreciate how their God-given uniqueness can be expressed quite magnificently without resorting to the posture that you would recognize as a “power trip” of the ego.
One of the favorite tricks of the Dark Energies is to give enough truth, woven in with lies, to reel you in. So, be careful as to just what you swallow and what you spit out. This is a VERY useful and VERY effective tactic, which is why it is so important to pay attention to things you hear or read.
As if there weren’t enough fear going around your planet already, you now live in fear of so-called terrorists—from third-world nations, who supposedly want to kill Americans. Under this guise, you have willingly given up your God-given rights, as recognized and stated in your very Declaration Of Independence and Constitution Of The United States, the documents upon which your nation was formed over 225 years ago. And, you are more than happy to become submissive to your government in order that you may be “safe”.
It is your own fears that have created exactly all these so-called attacks. Those who manipulate your world for their own gain and power have capitalized upon your fears to bring you ones to your knees. You have been manipulated into giving up your basic freedoms and rights, so that your nation resembles nothing of what your Founding Fathers envisioned.
There is so much askew upon your planet right now that it is difficult to zero-in on any one particular subject, for in reality it all is entangled and connected. You are standing at a very dangerous crossroads at this time, as has never been before in the known history of your planet, and so it is more than imperative that you awaken and see The Truth for what it actually is.
For any changes to take place—anything that will change the course you are currently on—you ones must take very drastic measures. You MUST, I repeat MUST stop believing the lies! You MUST stop believing everything you are fed by the television, radio, and newspapers, and now, even your Internet. (Although the Internet is still mostly uncontrolled, you must develop a necessary discernment, for there is as much garbage as treasure available through that speedy conduit.)
You have NO TIME left to procrastinate! You have NO TIME left to let “someone else” take care of things for you! You have NO TIME left to wait around for changes, for time has run out.
Where do you begin, you ask? YOU BEGIN WITH YOU!
You have all the Power you need WITHIN YOU! God is not “out there” somewhere—as you have been manipulated to think. God is right there, within you and about you, and all the Power you need to change things lies within you. You must go within and listen to that still, small voice. You must get quiet on a regular basis and LISTEN! Stop talking and start listening, for you learn much more that way.
There is no need—I repeat: NO NEED—to pick up any kind of weapon, or take up any anger against anyone. Anger is yet another form of what you would refer to as negative energy, and will only return anger unto you. That is one of the reasons why the wars you fight are so foolish.
The God-given Power that is within you is greater than ANYTHING you might be able to imagine. You are, quite literally, untapped Potential.
Rather than turning on the evening news on television, GO WITHIN through meditation. Spend time in daily meditation, which is listening to the Higher Self (your direct connection to Creator) and your Higher Guides.
Pray on a regular basis, and make your prayers meaningful, and powerful, by FIRST eliminating fear and doubt, for these will only act to nullify. Stop accepting everything you hear as gospel, for the majority of what you are bombarded with is useless. In your prayer time, learn to ask for the ability to discern the truth from the lies, for this is your first line of defense against the Dark Energies that surround you ones.
I cannot emphasize strongly enough the absolute necessity that you ones change your ways and your beliefs—your very lives. If you do not, the path you are now marching down will surely lead to its destination.
But that destination does not HAVE to be Dark! You have the ability and you have the authority to change the path you are on and begin walking your lives in the Light. But only YOU can make that change for yourselves.
One more thing: There is a growing movement afoot in your world with regard to extraterrestrials and their agendas. Some of you are more aware of this movement than others, but I will tell you this: You have much more to worry about right there upon your own world than you do from any extraterrestrial source. The Dark Energies have made Earth their base of operation for a VERY long time. And here again, I will remind you that those of you who believe anything extraterrestrial is evil, have forgotten how your own Bible tells you the Evil One was cast down to the Earth.
The Lighted extraterrestrials who are near and upon your planet right now are there to assist in your Awakening processes. You see, the destiny of Earth affects the entire Universe, for as you have been told, all things affect all other things. (Your theoretical physicists now call this the Theory of Non-Locality.) In other words, what happens upon your planet is not isolated to your planet, for all things are linked together in a commonality which, by the way, is what you call God—the Force of Creation, and all things stem from that One Source.
I will close by saying to you that your "dreamtime" is over. It is the dawn of the new day, and the day will turn out exactly as you deem it. Your every thought and every action will determine its outcome.
You have no excuses, now that you have been shown The Truth, for if you read these words, you are not in ignorance. You, and only you, are responsible for your destiny, and only you can create your destiny.
I am Violinio St. Germain. I am a Servant of Creator Source. I am with the Host of Heaven, and I am in service unto you ones of Earth. Thank you for your time, and thank you for your attention to these most serious matters. Good day and Salu.
From WISDOM OF THE RAYS website www.wisdomoftherays.com/02-6-17.html
[BG:] My man Germain. Always gets directly to the point. His bark is definitely worse than his bite. He loves us all and is in a position to recognize what many down here on Earth cannot: that we are locked in a "prison" and sitting on the keys! WE CAN DO THIS! We've been watching "The Disaster/Doom Channel" for far too long. We have the power to CHANGE TO A REALITY MORE IN LINE WITH OUR SOUL'S DESIRES.
Know it. Know it.
Then Live It.
All Love,
~~ G