16 April 2009

Re: Evacuation and Matching Vibrations

More from ORTHON, dictated on August 14th, 1969. You may have to read it more than once (I know that I had to!). But, I promise you that it will make sense.

My comments will follow.


The Power of our Force Fields

In order to give to you an understanding about what will come, I will talk to you about the Spirit and the Power which is manifested in the Body, so that an understanding of what is ahead of you can begin to take form in your consciousness.

Spirit is Power. Light is Power. Power is Spirit, and Power is Light. Between the cells of the human body lie force fields (not "empty space"). They are force fields, analogous to the force fields in the Cosmos. The very same way the Cosmos is built up, you are built up yourselves.

The force fields in the Cosmos create the rotation (spiraling), and at the same time the rotation creates the force fields. This is the structure of the Power of a Galaxy.

The Galaxies rotate the same way, creating force fields between the Galaxies. Again, you must understand that the Power causes the Rotation, and that the Rotation increases the Power. Man lives in accordance with that Galaxy to which the earth belongs in its rotation (the Milky Way). The cells in Man are built up after a pattern equal to the Power in his Galaxy.

The Spiritual Power increases the power in the force field. Then you have (a) the power manifested in yourself through the power from the Cosmos, paired with (b) the spiritual power from within yourself. The Person, in whom the Power is increased in the form of Spirit, increases the Power in himself in such a way that the Power one possesses in himself will be raised to a higher level.

I told you, and I taught you that the Galaxy raises itself because of Power. Man raises himself in the same way because of Spirit. These two things are closely connected with one another. Also I taught you that this is the cause of the effect of the mutation of man.

Now a spiritual school is given (ie. a spiritual change in a person), which will cause an increase in One's spiritual power above Man's current Power, which is analogous with that increase in Power that is taking place in the (Milky Way) Galaxy. You are then making a "jump" in another way from the general jump, because of Spirit and Power, because of the mutation, and I therefore said to you that you would not be considered as ordinary human beings of this earth - nor after the mutation took place, because the force field you will manifest will be different than the force fields which will be the general case on earth.

Raising our Power to match the Evacuation Ships

The spaceship manifests a power, which lies at another level than the power manifested on this earth in its rotation. The molecular structure of the spaceship is other than the general molecular structure on earth. When I am talking about the general molecular structure on earth, it is not the earth's core I am talking about, but the shell which rotates around the earth's core. Because of the force field, the power of the spaceship, represented by the molecule, is then other than the power represented by this earth.

At the same time, the Spiritual Power that has manifested the spaceship, because of Knowledge, is another kind of Power. The force field of the spaceship is then far different from that of earth. Therefore, nothing of the earth as such can be taken up in a spaceship, without a change taking place in the force field of the Body. The force fields must be in accordance with one another. The man who is in conformity with himself in the form of Truth in life will have a Power in the force field, which is in agreement with the Power of the spaceship in Spirit, but at the same time in agreement with the Power of the spaceship in Matter - because spirit and matter cannot be separated.

Therefore the increase of Power that will take place at the meeting with a spaceship will work in such a way that you can feel it in your own force field, and by this the cells will be influenced. The limit between the meeting of two force fields is finely-drawn, for if the force field of the spaceship is of such a magnitude that the force field of man is so greatly increased that the human matter, because of unaccustomed dependence, cannot stand the increase in Power of the force fields, the human cells will die because of the cells repelling one another, and the body will decompose into dust.

On the other hand, if the force field of the body is in agreement with the force field of the spaceship and with the spirit of the spaceship, then the increase in Power influencing your force field will be of such a character that the structure of the cells will not decompose, but will refine through renewed power, and that matter will then rise because of Power and Spirit. Then you are in agreement with that kind of matter that is represented by the spaceship, and the unease will disappear from your body.

Therefore I said to you, go confidently and intrepidly into the spaceship, because for you it will be like going into an electrical current - know this, and know that the Power you will then receive is of such a character that your body will change.


As you can see, in order to "make this boat" it is imperative that we lift ourselves both SPIRITUALLY and PHYSICALLY. The Beams will attempt to lift all who Step into them, but if your Body and Spirit cannot match the vibratory level of the Ship's Beam, you will Transition naturally. You will then, at the proper time, reincarnate on another planet suitable to your rate of Vibration, where you will resume your Evolution.

-- We have to earnestly begin to Think Right, by purifying our Thoughts as much as we possibly can.

-- We also have to begin in earnest to Live Right, by taking Meat out of our diets, eating fruits and vegetables as close to raw as possible, drinking PLENTY of water and Exercising the Body.

-- We have to forego Vibration-lowering Vices such as Alcohol, Cigarettes and, of course Drugs.

-- We have to also cease indulgence in Sexual Activities designed solely for Gratification of Self, using others as Objects for our physical pleasure (here, I am not including Loving Exchanges between Committed and Caring Couples).

Many will read these words then Moan and Grumble, "Man, I can't do that!" or "You're taking all of the FUN out of life!".

Then you don't want to go. Which is fine. There's a few hundred thousand more years of "fun" waiting for you in another Galaxy, possibly in another Universe. Cheers.

All others, hear me Clearly -- anyone who wishes to ascend with the Earth must Understand that none of this "fun" stuff is going to be available in the Higher Dimensions. There are no Animals being slaughtered for Meat. There are no dizzying Alcoholic beverages, mind-numbing Narcotics, stimulating Pornography, etc. So, the idea is to wean yourself off of that stuff now and in the process, raise your Vibration - the Power of your Force Field - to a level that is compatible with the Dimension you wish to continue your Evolution in.

No one's going to Force anyone to do anything. The Final Decision as always, will be YOURS. Your Ultimate Destination will be the product of the Decisions that YOU have made.

Each Will Have Their Own Result.

All Love,

~~ G

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