15 April 2009

Tribulation: What About The Children?

For those who may have asked this Question:

Universal Link - Borup - transmitted Christmas 1967


Well, if you had listened, and if you had understood your schooling you could have answered this question easily yourself. And besides, if a couple of parents ask about their children, you haven't got a chance of answering them, not one! But ... I have explained that the children belong to God, and I have drawn your attention to the fact that children are something that has been granted you as a loan. It is something you have been given as a task - to help and guide in life. But life as such, the life of the child, does not "belong" to the parents and never will; it belongs to God!

And let me tell you in plain words once more, since you seem to have forgotten: We cannot show consideration for you more than for some little Chinese - certainly not. And when people ask such questions - they haven't grasped anything at all themselves. To us, life looks quite different than to Man, and there is only one thing for you to answer in the situation we are now talking about:

"We have no influence on what is going to happen, - everything is in the Father's hands. He - and He alone - is the Originator of Life, and Life belongs to Him. What is to happen to somebody's children is up to Him, not to us. We have been given a Message to Mankind which we are now passing on, but we cannot promise anything to anybody. It is the individual life that is now in the Father's hand. That is how it is."

Your concerns are completely unnecessary - and especially after all I have taught you. What you have been given by us should by now have brought you to full understanding; but let me be long-suffering once again with you. You know I am always, and I will always help you - and you know that ! But, please, do understand the over all picture:

Man will soon find himself in a situation where many people will wish they could die quickly; remember this and don't forget it! Lots and lots of people will find themselves in a situation where they ask: Might death come to me and free me, free me out of my troubles and sufferings. This will be true of men, women and children alike, and it will be a question of millions and millions of them; This is one side of the matter. And now, let us have the Understanding spring forth:

You know that help is on its way. You know that millions and millions of people will come up into space ships, placed at the disposal of Man, where everything has been planned, where everything has been carefully prepared to receive them. Those who are taken up, and who have been mutilated or maltreated because of other people's misunderstandings towards them will be given help immediately; and it will be a help that is effective and 1oo per cent.

The others will die. That is something you have tried so often yourselves. You know they will soon be incarnated somewhere else. They will have forgotten everything: this is true of children as well as grown-ups. They will live a new life in another place. You will know, they will not know what has happened to you; that is the difference between them and you. They will live a new life. Their memory of what has happened will be gone. They suffer no longer. In that way. But they will again be living a life where Delusion still exists, because they have asked for it themselves!

They who survive, who may not have got their friends or relatives or even children, or children not their parents any longer, will know where those who were dear to them are now, and what is the situation. And when they have got this understanding they will have no sorrow; for at the same time they will have the understanding that life is something personal, something absolutely personal. And I have taught you, you just cannot go about binding yourselves to one another. It cannot be done and, in particular, not spiritually; for then you will get nowhere!

They have lived by the flock, they have howled by the flock and they have killed by the flock, because they were not independent, not independently would follow their own ways. They who have done so on this Earth have always had trouble, have always suffered have always been disliked because they deviated from the norm.

Others have taken gross advantage of this principle and for their own benefit. Although they were negative they had found out, nevertheless, it was an advantage to stand alone. And they totally disregarded their fellow men. They represent the opposite pole; and they are the ones who will start up what is now at hand.

Your understanding of this fact must be absolutely perfect by now, and therefore you cannot have any concern and should not have any concerns. You should know and you do know there is a God, and you know that Life belongs to God. And when these facts are firmly established in your consciousness, you will have no concerns about any man, not one!

Nobody feel pity for anybody, really. Only a very few will realize what is actually going on. Therefore will happen to the Earth what is now about to happen. This is one of the reasons. Therefore, when people ask, you can quietly tell them - that God governs life, and because life has been abused it will now be taken from large parts of mankind, simply.


We must ease our Concerns for our Loved Ones. All will be placed at the Level suited to their Evolution. As I repeatedly state, There Is No Death.

All Will be Well.

~~ G

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