18 April 2009

Update re: "Three Days" and Evacuation

Something just came to me.

The Three Days of Darkness/Light and the Evacuation are not sequential events. Logic is telling me that if one happens, the other won't. Here's what I mean:


Evacuation will only take place if the Galactic Brotherhood has to step in to remove Souls from this planet. Due to the Law of Free Will, this action will only be allowed if Mankind threatens or activates some sort of Mass Extinction of Humanity. The threat of nuclear war was once an example of such an Action. However, some time ago, an agreement was reached among the Brotherhood, with permission from Source, that any attempts by Man to ignite yet another full-scale, unrestrained nuclear war will be stopped.

This does not qualify as interference because a handful of Evil Beings cannot and will not be allowed to threaten the Evolution of Humanity, the Earth, the Solar System and the Galaxy. Remember Hydrogen is one of the building blocks of Life. A large percentage of the Sun is Hydrogen. When Man "splits the atom" to release the Power that holds it together, he has no idea of how far-reaching the effects are.

The only other human-caused Mass Extinction Event that I can think of is Biological in nature. I don't know if our Brothers would step in over such an event, but I would believe that it qualifies as an abridgement of Free Development and Evolution of the Many by the Few.

Earth Changes and How They Relate to Evacuation

The Earth is preparing herself for Re-birth in a Higher Dimension. This is the reason that there are more earthquakes, hurricanes, natural disasters, etc. happening during this era. The Earth is in the process of shedding the Negative Energy that countless races of Man have deposited with her over hundreds of thousands of years. Out of her Love for us, the Earth is trying to space out these natural occurences, attempting to minimize as much as possible the harm that could come to Humans.

Try to look at it as Earth being "in labor". She is trying to control her "contractions", but once "the water breaks" the baby's comin'! So, if the Earth can no longer hold off her Cleansing Process, at that point our Galactic Brothers will begin their assignment to Evacuate.

We now have examples of the kinds of Conditions that would trigger Evacuation. If none of these come to pass, if there is no Evacuation, then another scenario comes into play.

The Three Days of Darkness or Light

There is a huge mass of Light Energy approaching this Planet that will assist both the Planet and all qualified Humans to advance to a Higher Dimension. This Mass of Light Energy is known as The Photon Belt or The Manasic Ring. This Belt will eventually engulf the entire Solar System. Anything in the Solar System whose vibrations are high enough to "mesh" with the Energy of this Belt, will experience a "rise in Consciousness". If the Sun enters this Belt first, we will have three days of Darkness here on Earth. If the Earth enters the Belt first, we will have three days of Light.

We can't predict which will happen. It all depends on where these celestial bodies are when they first enter the "Null Zone" of the Belt. In the past, I've stated that those whose Vibrations are high enough will be removed from this Earth, the rest would be left behind. After recent consideration and meditation, I realize that I may have had this completely backwards.

The Meaning of "Left Behind"

I've always thought that Biblical prophecy "one will be taken, the other will be left" was a bad thing for the person who got "left". I'm now beginining to Realize that those who are "left behind", those who survive The Chastisement (The Three Days of Darkness or Light) are the ones who will Inherit a New Earth. The Three Days are not a Punishment, but a Cleansing. Those who are Ready and Willing to live by God's Laws will be Spared. All others will meet their Demise.

This is why the Instructions call for Man, during those times, to "close all windows and doors" and to not look out. For Hell will be Unleashed on Earth and Battle will have been joined with the Hosts of Heaven. A Cleansing will be taking place. All those who are of God, of Love, of Peace and of Service will be saved if they follow the instructions that are being given to them.

I have come across a revelation from the 1950's that warns of these events and gives explicit instructions on what we are to do when the "Three Days" fall upon us. Mercifully, it states that we will be warned. I plan to share it with you all by posting excerpts and a link to this message in my next post.


To conclude, Evacuation will only occur under certain specific conditions. If Evacuation does not occur, Earth will be cleansed via The Chastisement - its entry into the Photon Belt and the ensuing Three Days of Darkness or Light.

This is a fluid situation. We are trying to piece together a very big puzzle. The more I think about these things, the more I research, the more I meditate, the more that is revealed. I am not afraid to say that I may be mistaken, because the ultimate goal is TO GET IT RIGHT. This is a Situation where I have decided to modify my position on some critical issues and to make those modifications known to you.

You don't have to believe a single word of anything that I write -- today. Just Remember what you've read here -- for when the Time comes.

That's why you were led here. For Information and Instruction.

Love to All. Be Prepared. Fear Nothing.

~~ G


Anonymous said...

Hi, Brother G,

No comments here other than to let you know that we are reading your words, and love you.

BrotherGee said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I return my Love to You All, Sevenfold. Always, each of you are on my Mind whenever I sit down to Write.

To Our Future,

~~ G