22 May 2009

Don't Worry! Be Happy!

I've been going over a lot of my posts and I noticed something. I've noticed that the overall Tone and Message of this blog could be misconstrued as having a "Gloomy Gus", Chicken Little", "Debbie Downer" sort of vibe. I just want to assure everyone that my fervent Intent is exactly the opposite. I want to Inspire others by making available to them Important Information that they just might not be aware of. My hope is that a Spark will be lit that will Prod others to Awaken and begin their own Seeking.

We, all of Us, are on the verge of something HUGE. I take it seriously because it is Serious Business. I am very concerned about those of us who are still Entrapped in "the Dream". We need to work as hard as we can to provide the Energy and the Impetus for them to begin their own Seeking.

I'd love to be able to have my own TV channel so that I could spread this message to the World quick-fast-and-in-a-hurry. That's not going to happen, as the broadcast systems of all Nations are regulated or owned by their Governments. Those Governments are corrupt. Their members serve "other Masters" who do not want to allow Humanity free access to this Information. So, Truths such as those that we have been able to ferret out on our own must be unearthed with quite a bit of effort on our part. That is as it should be. Ascension is an Individual Journey. Each one of us has to do whatever it takes to progress ON OUR OWN. Otherwise, it's not personal Soul Growth. People like me are allowed to Provide Information, Explain Concepts, etc. but that is all that we can do. If our Brothers or Sisters ridicule us or refuse to Investigate further on their own, we must respect their Choice and their Journey.

As for the rest of us, I guess that what I'm trying to say is this: Do not be afraid of the Times we are in, or the Times to come. We are involved in a Great Adventure. All Souls Are Immortal and as such, All Will Survive. Placement will be the only Issue -- where will we end up when it's all over.

Besides, we've already participated in an Adventure that has been even more Arduous than the one we are facing. We agreed to Come to Earth to expedite our Soul Growth. We agreed, even though we knew that the Possibilty existed that we might permanently forget our Connection to Source and Forfeit hundreds of millions of years of Spirit/Soul growth. Now, THAT'S scary!

Heck, we've already taken the Biggest Risk imaginable. Raising our vibratory rate to a level high enough to escape this Dimension/Density is nothing in comparison . A veritable "piece of cake". So,

Don't Worry.

Be Happy.

Our Future Awaits.

All Love,

~~ G

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