12 May 2009

The True Symbolism of "The Matrix"

I'd like to talk for a bit about the 1999 motion picture "The Matrix". Some thought that it was a cool sci-fi action flick with great cinematography and computer-generated imagery (CGI). Some thought that it represented Humanity freeing itself from Taxation and Oppressive Governments and Materialism, etc. I remember leaving the theatre and literally asking myself, "What did I just see?". It took a lot of time for me to answer that question. I believe there was a very deep Symbolism buried in the the movie.

I believe that "The Matrix", on a symbolic level, was about Human Ascension.

I invite all to read the following comparitive synopsis. "TM" stands for a summary from the "The Matrix", while "BG" stands for my interpretation of the symbolism of that summary.

[TM:] The main character (Neo) was a normal, everyday Joe until one day he gets what can only be described as a "wake-up call".

[BG:] This represents our Spirit communicating to us its desire to move to a new level of Knowing. Neo is YOU.

[TM:] He meets up with a character (Morpheus) who offers to help him to see "the world that has been pulled down over your eyes". Morpheus offers him the Choice of two Pills. One pill will put Neo "back to sleep" in the Physical world that he has Experienced all his Life and believes to be "real". The other will take him on a Journey of Discovery "down the rabbit hole" to begin to see Life as it Truly is. Notice that Neo is not forced. He is given A Choice.

[BG:] This is the moment we first begin to Doubt things as they are. This is when we take those first tottering steps on The Path. We are Uncertain, perhaps even Afraid. At this point, we have the choice to step off the Path and return to the comfort of what we "know", or to move forward into the Unknown, to explore those Doubts, gain new Knowledge and perhaps find Truth.

[TM:] Neo opts for the Journey and is told truths that are nearly impossible for him to believe. Such as, all existence is the projection of a massive computer program called "The Matrix". By way of example, everything from how one feels to what one smells are just computer codes that a person is wired to interpret as "feeling" and "smelling". Nothing is "real", things are only "interpreted" as being "real".

[BG:] This directly parallels our Physical human existence. That is not a computer monitor in front of you. It is a collection of molecules vibrating intelligently in a particular manner that your eyes "interpret" as being square, flat, lighted, etc. Your human eyes were specifically designed to interpret these particular vibrations. A dog's eyes will see something entirely different, perhaps a blur of reds or blues. A cat's eyes will see something else. A bat won't even "see" the monitor, but will sonically "interpret" its vibrations in a different fashion.
Only the human eye will see the monitor as a monitor because these vibrations are projected for only the human to "see". Nothing is real, things are only "interpreted" as being "real".

[TM:] Neo slowly overcomes his Disbelief and begins to Accept and Understand that the "life" he has been living is a Lie manufactured to keep him Docile and Enslaved. He also comes to see that humans do not actually exist in this False Reality but are literally sleeping Captives, hooked up to The Matrix and "dreaming" the events of their "lives". To top it all off, Neo is brought to undertand that the Life Force of the sleeping humans is systematically siphoned off and used to power a Robot Race.

[BG:] Here's where things may get a little dicey for some. Our Physical Reality is a huge Lie insofar as the Events which occur and are eventually referred to as "History" have all been contrived with one focus in mind - Absolute Control of the Human Species and Suppression of their Latent Power.

There is a portion of the Human Mind that is extremely susceptible to Suggestion. That portion is known as the Sub-Conscious. The Sub-Conscious Mind plants the seed for the actions that we perform every minute of every day. The Sub-Conscious says "I need a cigarette after every meal". Absently, we reach for a cigarette after every meal, without even thinking.

Our Sub-Conscious Minds are being Exploited by Intelligent Beings outside of our 3D Realm. They work in the lower 4th dimension, which takes them out of the Physical 3D and places them more in the realm of Desire. From there, they attempt to influence our Sub-Conscious minds by planting certain negative Desires or Coarse Vibrations. It is up to us to choose whether to Indulge these Sub-Conscious impulses or not.

These Beings do not eat Physical food to survive. They are in a non-physical realm and require non-physical nourishment. As such, they live off of our Coarse Lower Emotions -- Anger, Fear, Perversion, Sadness, Violent Frenzy, etc. These Lower Emotions are their Food! Which is why they have influenced and guided Mankind for millenia to Separate, to Hate, to Fear, to Mindlessly Fornicate, to Kill and to Wage War.

If Man would learn to Stop these indulging in these Behaviors, he would Change his World overnight while Starving these Beings of their "Food Source". They would then have to Depart this World or Die. Yes, it really is that Fantastic...and that Simple.

[TM:] At that point, Neo begins his "training". He is taught how to defeat The Matrix. He has already been "unhooked" from The Matrix (the critical first step) and is no longer "dreaming the dream". He then undertakes learning everything he can about the Tools he will need to wage battle with "the Smiths", who are the Enforcers for The Matrix. Neo realizes that he can do "impossible" things such as learning the art of Kung Fu in a few hours. He can do these things because he is no longer hampered by the false, implanted belief that he CANNOT do these things.

[BG:] This symbolizes the next step for those who Embark upon the Path to Knowledge. We have to learn to Master our Desires, Control our Thoughts and Measure our Reactions. We have to Learn how the Physical and Non-Physical World really work, what are the Cosmic Laws and how to use them in a beneficial manner. We have to learn who and what Creator is and if we apply our Lessons properly, we will recognize that we can develop the ability to channel the Power of Creator through us and into the 3D Realm, if necessary.

That last development is reserved for those who are Extremely Advanced in their Spiritual growth. Such a person must be Pure of Mind, without Ego and without Pride because access to Limitless Power cannot be entrusted to those who think solely of the "I" and the "me".

[TM:] In the end, Neo does battle with "the Smiths" and after some difficulty, ultimately defeats them. Victory is only assured once Neo stops thinking about what he has learned and begins to know that he can fight off blows of amazing speed, dodge bullets and even stop bullets in mid-air. "The Smiths" are vanquished, and Neo finally Understands that the Purpose of all of his Training was to move him from Disbelief, to Belief, to KNOWING. He now knows what is "Real". And he knows that in this True Reality, HE is more Powerful than the Evil Forces that controlled him for so long.

[BG:] This symbolizes the point where we begin to look at the world around us and see it for what it really is. We will look at Vice and see it for the Trap that it is. We will look at Ego and see it for the Prison that it is. We will look at World Events and see them as the Contrived Instruments of Control that they are. We will Cease to be negatively Affected by the Temptations and Desires of the Physical World. It is here that we Transcend the Physical. It is here that we "de-activate" the Influence of the Satanic-Luciferian Consciousness that permeates the World's Sub-conscious. We will walk through the Valley, untouched. We are beyond their ability to Coerce or Control.

[TM:] In a final act of Liberation, Neo simply flies up and over the city as effortlessly as a Falcon. Finally, he KNOWS who he really is. Neo-Human. The "New Man". Free of the Illusion. Re-born in the Real. Ready to work to Awaken his Brothers.

[BG]: Here is a symbolic depiction of what will happen when one has reached the state of Total Detachment with Physical and Total Connection with Source. We will be able to do the "Impossible" as easy as we will draw our next breath.

We will be Free of the Illusion. Re-born in the Real.

I've been wanting to write this for a long time. The Matrix was a Gift from Beyond and a message to the sub-conscious mind of Humanity. I just wanted to try to help people "see" what I "saw" in the movie. Thank you for your indulgence.

All Love,

~~ G


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much. I believe "The Matrix" is like a "crop circle".
We are slowly learning the meanings--but not quite yet. Thanks for your help. Best I've heard.

BrotherGee said...

Thank YOU, Anon!

I agree with you. "The Matrix" has many layers and can be interpreted on many levels. It is definitely not "just a movie".

The "The Wizard of Oz" was another movie whose symbolism was not properly understood in its time, but can now be deciphered along the same lines of "The Matrix" if one thinks about it.

Everyone has a mission or missions to accomplish when they incarnate here. In my opinion, the Warshowski brothers have fulfilled their mission admirably.

Now, it is up to us to make use of their work.

To Our Future, My Friend.

~~ G

Haley H. Haynes said...

Do you remember the series of interviews that Bill Moyer did with Joseph Campbell, during which Campbell said that human beings of this age have lost their 'guiding myth.' For BG, it would appear that a 'guiding myth' has been found, and a good one at that. You go, BG; happy that you have stated in such a concise way a 'guiding myth' for those human beings that "get it," can hold on to "it" and eventually manifest the same in and through all that is done 'through them.'

However, as Paramhansa Yogananda warns, as long as you are 'in it and believe the dream to be true', "If you bump you 'dream' head on a 'dream' wall you will suffer a 'dream pain!'" OUCH!!!

Haley H. Haynes

BrotherGee said...


I do indeed remember the Moyer interviews with the incomparable Joseph Campbell. The quote regarding "guiding myths" is extremely apropos. We are receiving constant Assistance from sources Terrestrial and Ethereal in an attempt to help jar us from this Heavy Slumber, remember why we are here and then to activate our missions. We just haven't been listening too intently.

As for "dream bump, dream pain", Yogananda's words ring true! Once we stop believing in this "Reality" it should no longer affect us the same way it used to. Although we are Experiencing in a Physical Realm and must abide by Physical Laws (a 150 ft leap to the pavement will still terminate the Body), we can still find ways to inure ourselves to Pain, Anguish, Sorrow, Hatred, Anger, etc. simply by recognizing that nothing can really "affect" us unless we wish for it to "affect" us.

That said, I hope that Humans worldwide are locating their "guiding myths" and integrating them into their Lives. We Live from the Inside-Out. Having profund, symbolic Truths to ponder can only help us in Navigating the remainder of this very long Road we've traveled.

Thank you, Haley, for reminding us of the exceptional human being that Mr. Campbell was.

To Our Future,

~~ G