05 May 2009

What Is To Come (Fragment)

from The Voice From Heaven - Message to Mankind
The Universal Link - Borup, Denmark

[BG:] Most should have no problem figuring out just who relayed this Message *smile*


Here in Borup a spiritual school has been held - a school which is to bring understanding of what is to come to Mankind, in order to make it possible for people to understand the course of events to be lived through by mankind - a course of events which cannot be called good in the beginning, because man has not understood the Law of Life, but which will end in my Second Coming.

I have said, I am Life and Truth and I have said that whoever follows me will come to God. The way to God, for mankind, is through me. This I have taught and I want you to understand clearly why this is so. The people who have sought me, the people who have tried to acquire an understanding of life by listening to what I have told them have come nearer to God. Now I shall be coming to Mankind myself, full physically and with the Hosts of Heaven as has been said, and then the Earth - its Consciousness and the People living on it will be elevated with regard to Spiritual consciousness, so that they may better understand God and what God is - because we are now coming closer to one another - because I am now coming to you, you will be able to acquire a considerably better understanding of God, what God is, and what God stands for.

Many people cannot understand what is about to happen to them; they have a presentiment, they have a prescience. When I speak of presentiment I am referring to the multitude of people who have only a vague idea of the things Man has created - and what he is now about to bring upon himself. And when speaking of prescience I am referring to those who know for themselves what they have created - and what is now threatening both themselves and their fellow men because of this creation.

Man should be allowed to live his life in absolute freedom, and Man will be allowed to live his life in absolute freedom. He will be permitted to create anything that he is able to create in his mind, for whatever one is capable of creating in one's mind one will sooner or later also create in practice. Nothing of whatever the human mind can think up is impossible of creation. Anything that the mind can create can be created in reality. It is always the force of thought that is the real creating force. When this is so, you can readily understand how it has come to pass that others who have reached much, much farther than Mankind here, who have gone through a course of life longer than that of Terrestrial Mankind, have succeeded in creating a science far ahead of Mankind's.

I have also taught you about the Hierarchal Law and you have some comprehension of the whole matter: The Plants have their hierarchy, the Animals their hierarchy, Man has his etc. etc. The Hierarchal Law extends deep, deep into the Universe to Intelligent Beings far ahead of the standard represented by Man on Earth to-day. I have said that millions of Planets are prepared to help, and this is to be understood in the way that the Earth is now to enter a Higher State of Consciousness, the consciousness of the Earth is to be elevated. This I have taught you and I have also said that the entire galaxy is to be elevated.

This is why millions of Planets are ready to help in this course of Events. Many of these Planets will come directly to assist the Earth in the distress that will befall it - in the distress that Man has called down upon himself. Through the schooling that has taken place here and which has been put down in writing, some idea can be had of what is to happen, and if you will follow me
in a little thought experiment here, you may better understand the enormous operation called the Second Coming of Christ:

Now, I have said that the Earth will stand still for one second and the Earth will stand still for one second. After that it will revolve - the Earth will simply tip over, thereby altering the surface entirely. I have also told you that while this is taking place, great, great parts of Humanity will be evacuated up into huge space-ships. You know about the size of these space-ships - their enormity. But I would like to remind you that when Man returns to Earth it will be Void and Barren. No human being could manage if he were not given further assistance. I now ask you to imagine and think about the enormous supplies that are already in store for you, supplies sufficient to last for nearly a year for the people coming back to Earth. Now you will realize why I call this a Message of Joy. It is a message of joy that help so enormous will be given. This help is being given in order that Mankind will understand how to live life in Peace and Harmony and in accordance with the Law of God hereafter - in order that man will abandon the principle of slaughter, so that - as I have said - no animal or person will ever suffer injury.

In order to bring Mankind to such a high spiritual level it will be necessary that it be given a spiritual schooling, that it be given a Spiritual maturity. An entirely new understanding must spring forth in the consciousness of man. It must emerge so suddenly that it takes the form of a Spiritual Mutation. This Spiritual Mutation will simultaneously cause Science to take an enormous step forward and, when I here speak of an enormous step forward I am referring to a knowledge to be attained by Man which will be so great - I can here safely say - that Man in his wildest imagination today cannot conceive it.

I have promised that after my Second Coming, Man will not know death and many people will say that this is impossible, the human body cannot live forever. I once again request you to follow me on the way of thought, then you will understand that this is possible: A human body renews itself on its way through life. Cells are being created all the time and cells die. The blood is renewed and thus one creates within oneself a new body, which however, ages - because one has not understood the Way of Life and the Laws of Life. For this reason the cells one creates on his way through life are influenced by the acts and actions one commits - the actions one commits in the animal kingdom. It is particularly here that something is wrong - it is here that man of Earth commits the most serious breach of the Law. When Man stops eating meat, his cells will be renewed in another way than when he does eat meat. When he then simultaneously acquires an entirely new knowledge with regard to the structure of his cells and of their composition and he knows exactly how everything is renewed chemically, then one will be able to simply renew the cells in such a way - on a purely medical-scientific basis - that they remain young and fresh all the time. This is why one may look as if in one's middle twenties even if one is 800-900 years of age or even older. This is why I can safely assure you that after this Day there will be no death - no physical death will take place hereafter. It is within the limits of your ability to understand this and that is why I am telling you this. This new knowledge will show itself in many other respects.

A while ago I said that things are first created in one's Thoughts and later in Reality. When the force of Will and Thought becomes so enormous and one thoroughly masters the force of Will and Thought - one will be able to execute actions and things solely through the force of Thought and one's own Will - things that Man of to-day does not quite understand. This will condition an entirely new working-method, an entirely new Way of Life. Man will be liberated and Man will no longer have to earn his bread by the sweat of his face. Every human being will have its full Liberty, which again means that every human being can get an Education. This is something you know about en Earth to-day: People like to get an education and qualify themselves. This will be something every single human being will be free to do. In fact, every person will become a Scientist - and Women will make no exception then. Woman will have her freedom in an entirely different way than she has hitherto experienced. There will be no need of suffragettes, - there will be no "feminine cause" to fight for. Everyone will respect one another - all will be equal.

Spiritual work - may I say Spirito-Scientific work - will take the high seat, and this will cause the Sciences to leap forward in a way not before known to Mankind. Simultaneously, Man will be able to move about in Space. He will go far and deep into Space even, for Man will be admitted to the entire Galaxy to which he belongs. This means that Man may visit thousands and thousands of planets which at the present time are far ahead of the knowledge to-day possessed by Man. This again means that Science will advance even quicker - will jump ahead even quicker. But I ask you to bear one thing in mind: It is in Man's mind that all this in created. For this reason it is absolutely essential that Man has a Pure, an Open and Honest mind, that he understands the universal laws, God's laws and that he understands what God is.


Addendum from the same source: With regard to the Law of Hierarchy it is absolutely essential that you understand its function: Absolute Unselfishness, Absolute Devotion and Absolute Altruism is the Universal Law on which the Future is to be built.

All Love,

~~ G

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