06 May 2009

What Is To Come (Fragment II)

What Is To Come (Fragment II)
from The Voice From Heaven - Message to Mankind
The Universal Link - Borup, Denmark

[BG:] More from the previous source. Those Who Have Ears To Hear...


You have heard one thing and another about the Law of Hierarchy and let me assure you, it is a law more real than the one on which Man has hitherto built his life and doings. Had Man willed, he could have avoided the situation he now finds himself facing. This Terrestrial Man didn't want to and therefore he has now brought himself into quite a different situation than the one normal development would have given him. We have known for thousands of years that this would happen-we have experienced it in other places.

You have heard said: In my Father's Mansion there are many chambers. This should be understood in the way that by far most of the planets in the Universe are inhabited by living creatures of one kind or another. However, Higher Life is reserved for certain planets which have been specially chosen. Do not by any means believe that earth's Mankind is placed particularly high measured by Universal estimation. Earth's Man has achieved much, but not until now will he begin to live as a human being. Up to now he has been living as an Animal Being. He has been living in an absolutely Animal Ego and has never, wanted to look beyond his own Self. That is why he finds himself in the Situation, that he is able to exterminate himself globally.

Simultaneously, however, Earth has managed to bring forth a crop of human beings who are sufficiently spiritually developed to make the leap to the Level that is now to come. This is why it would be against the Law if Man were to wipe himself out globally and this is why Help is now under way. The Law is carefully observed in every respect and Help has been asked for, but the difference between Help and Interference is not only fine as a hair, it's microscopic fine and for this reason certain events must have happened on Earth before we can manifest ourselves physically in such a way, that all of Humanity will be able to perceive us as they perceive motor-cars, aeroplanes and the like.

After my coming to Earth has been fully manifested - physically as well as spiritually - the Earth will Ascend from one Spiritual level to the next - it will "go up one rung on the ladder" of the Hierarchy. This Step Upwards will condition an entirely new way of Life than one that has hitherto been possible on Earth. This is why it has been said: My change on the terrestrial plane will be total and final.

Our chain (BG: "chain" = "cycle") on Earth has now been completed and the Spiritual Force which is to manifest itself on Earth with regard to the people who are to go on in an entirely new Light than they have hitherto known, is now beginning to come. It is something which people in general do not particularly notice - we simply Influence people in a purely spiritual way. We have the methods and our own way of doing it. There is just one thing I would like to point out in this connection as much has been said and written of "the Antichrist": you will see, that as our Force manifests itself on Earth and spreads more and more among Humans who feel this force and either Intuitively, Impulsively or Intellectually heed the call coming to them - well, then the Rest going the other way will be more and more Desperate. The Spiritual struggle thereby ensuing will be no mere trifles.

However, you know that it is my Second Coming awaiting you and you know what it implies, so I can only say to you: You cannot Add anything and you cannot Detract anything. That is my Final Will, but one thing I promise you: even if you use your whole Imagination it will not suffice with regard to what you may expect. It has been said that I will stop the Earth for one moment and this will happen, but it does not mean catastrophe for Mankind. There will be no "catastrophe" by this Action. Mankind's troubles will be caused by Man himself in the form of Atomic War (BG: this threat has lessened since these words were spoken). The damages on Earth will be enormous, but our Operation will prevent the final catastrophe, Global Extinction (BG: still the objective of our Dark Brothers). I bring Life and Hope for the future to Mankind. That is why the Message of My Coming is a Message of Joy to Mankind. Simultaneously with My Coming the Millenium will be introduced.

Much has been said about Heaven and what it means for Man to go to Heaven. The Kingdom I represent will now come to Earth and Man will experience henceforth a way of living and a way of associating with his fellowmen which he has hitherto not known. The change will be so radical that NOTHING of what exists to-day can survive. We will reconstruct the Earth in a way that will condition entirely new living possibilities than those known to Man to-day. Nowhere will slums be found. The monetary system will disappear and nobody will know Want and Misery. Everything will be changed to Peace and Harmony. I have told you that we for instance have Computers of such quality and such capacity that yours in comparison are like bead-frames. I am not telling you this to be arrogant or knowing but to give you an idea of what I mean when I say that we are thousands of years ahead of you in Development - thousands of years, I tell you. Then just try to realize what kind of help we are able to give you.

Buildings, yes - and schools and universities of completely different magnitude than you have hitherto known will shoot up before you have had time to look about. Our educational systems are also of an effectiveness you have never experienced and I can assure you that even your professors will be taught. In a surprisingly short time Man will have adapted himself to the new way of Life and be able to live under it because he will receive Knowledge and Understanding as its Foundation. What you to-day consider to be the utmost achievements of Science will be common knowledge to children of the first form!

So great will the difference be between Now and What Is To Come. Thereby a quick union of the entire Human race will be possible. Many people today are backward to a great degree when compared to people of Europe and North America but this is only technically speaking and, we only consider spiritual qualities. That is why what you term "under-developed" areas will disappear. All people will be Spiritually equal and their Knowledge will be the same. Nobody will know more than anybody else - everyone will walk in the same light and the same complete harmony. All class distinctions will recede and all racial prejudices will disappear totally. Many of Us are coloured.

At the same time Life itself pass off differently for Mankind. One will no longer grow old at 70. I have promised you long ago that there will be no death when I come back; and this is how it will be - strange as it may sound to Man of to-day. The Spirit will completely dominate Matter and in this way Man will also control his body in quite another way than he has been able to up to now. Man will live 600-, 800-, 1200 or 1400 years-all according to his own inclination and when he finally decides to slough his skin and acquire a new, fresh body it will happen with the entirely new Realization that this does not mean "the end", but that life is Eternal. I have promised Mankind Eternal Life and this will be given to Man now. Well, that is how it is and that is what will come to be.


We have chosen an Important, Powerful and Glorious Time to be here on Earth. Rejoice! Be Glad! Above all, Make Every Moment of Your Life count in a Positive and Loving Way! EVERY MOMENT!!! The sands of the Hourglass are dwindling down to a Precious Few. Touch those who wish to be touched, Pray for All Others.

Our Reward Is Near. A New Destiny Calls.

This is so Cool.

All Love,

~~ G

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