30 July 2013


Imagine that your microcosm is a globe-shaped fishbowl with you, the personality, in the center. You are surrounded and inter-penetrated by astral fluid, just as a fish is surrounded and inter-penetrated by water. As the quality of the fish is determined by the quality of the water that surrounds it, so the quality of the human personality is determined and conditioned by the quality of the astral fluid that surrounds him or her.

Our thoughts are living creations. When we think a thought, a particular vibration is sent into the surrounding astral field. If our thoughts are impure, evil, selfish, fearful, critical, judgmental, vengeful etc., the thought-vibration we send forth will color our astral field accordingly. The emotional body is conditioned by those mental emanations and the ethers that compose the etheric body are also extracted from those astral vibrations. The etheric body, as we know, vitalizes and conditions the physical body.

From the foregoing, one should be able to see that what we think dictates our desires and eventually manifests itself in the health or disease of the physical body. Man lives in a fishbowl. Our astral creations - our thoughts - surround and inter-penetrate all four vehicles of our human personality. If, via wrong-thinking we pollute our respiration-field, the astral field that surrounds us, we have to understand that there will be consequences to deal with and a bill that must be paid.

We are what we think. When we look in a mirror, or examine our desires, or take note of our physical condition, we are seeing our thoughts being reflected back to us.  If we do not like the reflection there is but one thing we can do:

Purify our thoughts. Clean up the fishbowl.

~ g

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