19 July 2013

Why Quote The Works Of Others?

The reason that certain authors are quoted here is because those authors have been able to properly interpret certain gnostic teachings. There is nothing that this writer can offer that would exceed the benefits offered by these teachings. This writer is simply a candidate on the Path who happened to find something and now wishes to share that which was found, nothing more, nothing less.

The works that are quoted here are largely unknown to most. What Westerner outside of Europe has ever heard of Jan van Rijckenborgh or Catharose de Petri, Max Heindel or Helena Blavatsky or Hermes Trismegistus, even? These people are not known to the masses of humanity.  There are no movies or documentaries made about them. No songs, no statues. This is not by accident as there is no way that the aeons of this nature would want to give these great messengers any type of exposure at all. So we must seek them out.

Who ever heard of The Corpus Hermeticum, the Pistis Sophia, the Tao Te Ching? Who knows of the Fama Fraternitatis or The Confessio of the Brotherhood of the Rosycross? Who knows of the Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross, the great allegorical work by Johann Valentin Andreae? Even if one knows of these works and tries to read them, some of them are almost indecipherable without the Gnostic Key. Try reading the Pistis Sophia one day. You'll only be able to make out bits and pieces. But if you read "The Gnostic Mysteries Of Pistis Sophia" the analysis written by van Rijckenborgh, everything becomes crystal-clear. Same with The Corpus Hermeticum. Difficult to read cold, but explained beautifully in four volumes of "The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis" by JVR.

All messengers are gifted in some fashion. This is by design as they must possess certain talents in order to carry out their function here in the nature-of-death. Van Rijckenborgh and de Petri had the ability to interpret and transcribe these ancient texts so that they could once again speak clearly to the candidate on the Path in the present time.

Although aware of certain things, this writer is by no means an expert, a teacher or a guru. He is a seeker, just as you are. He is one who has, after long years of searching, found the Golden Thread and is determined to follow it to its Glorious End. As others are not aware of these teachings (this writer himself was not aware of any of this ten years ago) it is only fair and proper that they be given exposure so that those who seek tirelessly might one day come across them and perhaps feel the Touch.

The authors who are quoted here are not just hacks off the street. They're not your run-of-the-mill YouTube gurus or New Age "masters". They were candidates on the Path, just as we are. Perhaps they were a little farther along than we are, but with a shared awareness of the power of the Spark we all carry within our heart and determined to spread the Doctrine of Transfiguration to as many as will listen.

There is no need for this writer to talk about himself or his experiences on the Path. Truly, they will probably closely resemble your own. Although each of us have different life experiences, various difficulties and challenges, all springs from the same fount. We are all victimized by the same nefarious energies. We are all struggling to get out from under the influence of the archons and aeons of this nature. The entire nature-of-death, with its twin spheres (material-sphere and reflection-sphere) works non-stop in its quest to drag us all deeper into the pit, by any means necessary.

Messengers sent before us have worked tirelessly and at great personal sacrifice to provide us with the important and valuable information needed to effect Liberation from this world of sorrows. They left these writings for a reason. That reason is you.

Let their work not be in vain.

~ g


katrin said...

Dear g,
i am very grateful that i have been made aware of the books from JvR and CdP via your blog as their works are really amazing. Although living inside of Europe i have never heard of these authors before.
All the best,

Anonymous said...

Dear Bro ~G,

This blog is of invaluable help to the seeker. Moreover, it also chronicles your 'evolution' and the subsequent and continuing maturity of the interpretation and revelation of the Divine Knowledge. "Others' have already blazed ahead easing the way for those who fill follow. I find it most uncanny that some of my 'doubts' are all too often clarified with your eventual posting.
I am by no means immune to the lures and attractions of the materialistic world, but like a moth to the flame I am constantly drawn back to this blog because I know that my life has never been that same since I began an earnest quest about 30 years ago, and that what has been posted here have been a tremendous revelation to me
Thank you very much....my brother on the path.