05 July 2013

The Divine Attritbute - Conclusion


From the heart of Tao flows the Divine spiritual essence, the Divine Voice, the Divine Word. This Voice, this Word, contains the entire plan.

The characters of the Divine Word consists of images, of concrete impressions. From the central principle of the microcosm, the Rose of the Heart, there emanates a radiant light-power, which bears within it a treasury of images of The Great Reality which will have to be realized in and by the human-being. Just think of how radio and television work. Though a very crude analogy, it will help you to understand what an enormous wealth of images and sounds are transmitted by the heart of Tao, so that they can be perceived by any human-being whose instrumentarium has been attuned to them.

The Divine picture-language is being spoken to you all the time; it is being transmitted constantly, from the Heart of  things. The same Divine language speaks in all of us, which gives us a means of comparison, of authentication. This language is spoken to us by the Planetary Logos (remember, not the Planetary Spirit). In short, this Word,  this speech, is being transmitted to you from countless directions.

This Word contains all True Knowledge. And, as Lao Tzu says, it conveys an infallible testimony with respect to the genesis of the entire All, explaining how this genesis needs to unfold, where it is going wrong, and how it can be put right again. The solution to every problem you place before the inner tribunal of the microcosm, cosmos and macrocosm, is transmitted to you in multi-dimensional images, which are then transmuted into images you can recognize and understand.

Everyone who, in this way, approaches the Lord in the Midst, participates in the university of the Divine World. Only the Knowledge acquired there constitutes an infallible testimony. That is why Lao Tzu says in chapter 20: "Free yourself from knowledge, your worries will cease". Only Divine Knowledge, put into practice, will benefit the world and humankind and be of service to the Plan.

Can you now see why we are urging you to do everything possible to allow the Spiritual Being within you to speak, so that the light of Its infallible testimony can shine? It is a testimony from the most ancient past, and it will last forever. It is a power through which the True Creation can be brought into existence. This Creation is produced in a completely natural, scientific way, by means of a process which can be followed to the letter by the candidate or the holy science, because the entire process of Rebirth has its origin in Tao. And Tao is in your innermost being, imparting to you Its power and enabling you to understand It by means of Its image-forming capacity.

From "Tao, The Great Power At The Heart Of All Things" - The Chinese Gnosis - Catharose di Petri, Jan van Rijckenborgh


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