04 July 2013

The Divine Attribute


Throughout the entire All-Manifestation, throughout the whole of Creation, Tao, the divine One, is immanent. In this unfathomable space countless astral field s exist, all of them very different from one another. And with respect to every bit of this diversity, all of it included in the Oneness, it must be said that 'Tao is present at the heart of things'.

That fact alone is very significant and comforting. But it is even more important to be able to state that emanations radiate from this Divine power 'at the heart of things', emanations whose majesty permeates the whole of unfathomable space.

The significance of this becomes even more striking when one realizes that all those myriads of celestial bodies, from the largest galaxy, zodiacal system or solar system down to the smallest planetary body, possess Tao at their center, in the most literal sense.

Every planet, every sun, every system is surrounded and interpenetrated by the spiritual essence of Tao. That essence is brought to a focus at the heart of each if these heavenly bodies and systems. So the planet we inhabit carries Tao in its heart, in the most absolute sense. That is why it is said that the Christ-Spirit dwells in the central stratum of the planet. Having said this, we need to clarify the distinction between the Planetary Spirit and the Planetary Logos.

The Planetary Spirit is the expression of the dualistic aspect, the image-bearer of the planetary nature-of-death. We could compare the planet we know as Earth with the personality of the human-being. The Planetary Logos, however, is the in-dwelling Tao-existence, the existence of the True Earth, born of God, which can be compared with the microcosm. It is the Heaven-Earth referred to in the Apocalypse (Revelations), a planet which is quite different from the one known to us, and which is nevertheless very near to us.

A still more amazing fact is that Tao is present not only at the heart of every cosmos (planetary system) and macrocosm (solar system), but at the heart of the microcosm (human system), as well. Remember the Hermetic axiom, 'as above, so below'. Tao is also present at the heart of the microcosm. concentrated at a point which coincides with the physical heart. At this point, the emanations of Tao are very clearly distinguishable.

So we have shown you, at least in brief, the nature of Tao. Tao is everywhere, at the heart of everyone and everything. That is the great miracle of Tao. This great, living, Divine power speaks and lives and radiates in the heart of everyone and everything. So that is the wonderful mature of Tao, the Divine Attribute.

'Then why', you may ask, 'is the voice of Tao so vague within me? Why am I confused about it?'.

Because Tao is indeed in you, but it is not of you. Tao is not embodied in you; it has no part in your material existence. Your existence, your personality, has its own consciousness, its own voice. You are from another nature, and the Divine nature is only distinguishable in you as a voice, a radiation. It is the Word, which was, and is, from the Beginning.

If a person is focused exclusively on this nature, if he is satisfied with that, if he is only absorbed in that and does not even know about the possibility of another Nature, whose Voice resounds in him, then it is logical that he will not understand that Voice and will only find it confusing.

If someone does know about the presence of The Other Nature, but does not adapt himself to it by changing his approach to life, he will find Tao not only confusing but also extremely elusive. In such a situation, the Light, the Word, has appeared in the darkness, but the darkness cannot or does not want to comprehend it. Do you see how explicit the prologue of the Gospel of John is?

If you want to free yourself from this confusion and  turn Tao's elusiveness into clear light, you may never forget that throughout the All-Manifestation there are always two natures: the Absolute Nature, which is Tao, and a nature in genesis, whose development may well have stagnated -- as yours has -- and consequently keeps on being brought back to the point of departure: the Wheel of Death-and-Rebirth.

And remember, if there are two natures, there must also be two separate states of consciousness, that of the nature in genesis, and that of the Absolute Nature: the consciousness of the personality and the consciousness of the microcosm.

The lower state-of-consciousness must make room for and merge into the other one. This particularly applies to the state-of-consciousness of any being which exists in a stagnated nature, in a nature which has become evil. His state-of-consciousness must be broken up, in order to make room for the Divine Nature, so that one day the liberated entity may pronounce the words: 'My Father and I are one'.

We are telling you things you have probably known for a long time, but our aim is to make them truly alive for you at this moment. We want you to realize that the Lord of All is to be found -- at this very moment -- in your innermost being, in the stable of your dualistic self; it is to be found not only in the midst of this temple, but also at the heart of your microcosm.

In the past you may have lost yourself in the labyrinths of vagueness and confusion. So now, let yourself understand the words of Lao Tzu:

Yet, at the heart of Creation, all images are contained. Oh, how vague, how intangible! Yet, at the heart of all things, the Spiritual Being is present. This Being is of the utmost reality and contains the Infallible Testimony.

From "Tao, The Great Power At The Heart Of All Things" - The Chinese Gnosis - Catharose di Petri, Jan van Rijckenborgh


Tao, Gnosis, Christos, all represent the same thing, a Universal Divine Principle that emanate from The Father, The All. This Divine Principle pervades all nature-orders, all planes of existence. Even while we experience in this undivine nature-order, a nature-of-death, this Divine Principle still lives in the center of our microcosm. It contains the archetypal image of the Divine Other One, an image that can and must be awakened and re-animated.

We are the caterpillars that can become Butterflies. In order to effect this transformation we must first realize that such a transformation is possible. Then we must come to know that we carry the Spark that can ignite the Fire, and finally, we must learn how to bring this glorious process to a Good End.

"And the same light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it". John 1:5

~ g

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