13 July 2013

The Thread of Tao


If you think all this over carefully, you will surely sense that behind this Spiritual School there is a tremendous power. In your own way, you will surely have experienced that power. Now the most one can say about this, is that is the thread of Tao, the Thread of Ariadne. How did we get hold of that thread? We will gladly tell you.

Is the thread we hold the beginning? No, for there is no beginning! You do not see its beginning and you do not see its end. Just like you, we too searched through dualistic nature. We were able to do that because we are of this nature. With our I-being we were able to try and test everything this world had to offer. And lo and behold, everything was trouble and sorrow. We found out that this nature is a nature-of-death, and we had no desire to jubilate with the 'blessed' before the throne; neither did we want to strive to make this accursed order acceptable in any way whatsoever. After years of trying and testing, we came to the conclusion that this could not be the true meaning of existence, and that it would not be good to go on having any part in deluding people in the nature-of-death.

One can draw such conclusions, but afterwards, one has to make a decision. The time must come when one must 'govern one's present existence'. So we had no option but to fathom the Tao of antiquity, not with the aid of authorities, but objectively. Can such a thing be done? Yes, oh divine rapture, it can, although we soon found that on all sides, everything was (and is) being done to hinder these discoveries. Many sources had been ruined; others were inaccessible, because they had been locked away in deep cellars beyond human reach. The rest, without exception had been terribly mutilated.

We began with the few fragments of the holy language that had survived. From these, it became clear to us that there exists an Original Kingdom, another Order of Nature, a Realm far beyond the highest nirvanic plane, a Realm quite separate from the nature-of-death and its two spheres.

Once we had realized this, we set out to discover whether there had been people, or groups of people, who had striven to find that Other Realm, what their lives had been like, and what features distinguished them from others. We tried to find out whether such people, although widely separated from each other in space and time, had followed the same pathways. We discovered that the efforts of all these people and groups followed the same basic pattern. We hoped to make contact with those who had gone before us, and in our efforts to do so we exhausted our entire arsenal of magic capabilities -- but not one faint glimmer of the Brothers did we obtain in response.

Now we can laugh at all those attempts, for were we not seeking the image of the imageless, the form of the formless? If the Brothers had revealed themselves, they would have been de-throned. They would have been inhabitants of the reflection-sphere. But they had disappeared forever; they had not died. Countless were the invitations we received during that period, invitations from numerous brotherhoods: 'Come and join us, and give up your useless efforts'.

Then we immersed ourselves in self-freemasonry, because: he who knows the beginning of the Original has the thread of Tao in his hands.

What is the beginning -- not of the Original, but what is the Beginning that leads to the Original, the Beginning that all our predecessors had found? What else could it be but the practice of the fivefold universal Gnosis:

yearning for salvation
the new way of life
and through it, fifthly,
revelation, the thread of Tao.

Not a communication in the personal sense, but an electromagnetic connection with the Gnosis through which the soul, the wholly Other One, is awakened and becomes conscious. That is the thread of Tao. That is what it means to be linked with the chain of the Universal Brotherhood. Anyone who holds that thread in his hands will proceed from power to power and from glory to glory, and he will be following in the footsteps of those glorious, Divine Brothers who have vanished from the earth.

Such a person will then begin to invite others to take hold of the same thread, to follow the same method, to build with him, according to the design of the Original Beginning. And together, all the companies who join in and take up the thread form a new brotherhood, a Living Body, and all bear the magnetic sign of the Son of Man on their foreheads.

The first Gift of Grace received in this state-of-being is the experience of being able to 'govern one's present existence'. Such people have been freed. They are strangers on earth, travelling to the true Fatherland. What is hidden to the 'wise and understanding' of this world is revealed to the children of God.

From "Look At Tao And You Do Not See It" - The Chinese Gnosis - Catharose de Petri, Jan van Rijckenborgh



Anonymous said...

All vibration is illusion. The 'original kingdom' is an absolute state burgeoning with potential but here there is no 'relationship' as there is no 'other' within the point of reference...all is one. Experience is possible only in the dualistic illusion and so the vibrational realms were propagated with the illusory concepts of space and time. All is of the one and will eventually return to one. Power to power and glory to glory are still just illusory constructs. All the so called divine knowledge is nothing but illusory attempts to understand an existence that serves nothing more than a means for the one to experience itself. All IS, nothing more nothing less in the moment now.

BrotherGee said...


Branding all of Creation as an illusion is a simplistic and flawed way of viewing things. Stick yourself with a knife and get back to me on the "illusion" of pain.

Although what you wrote may be technically correct it serves to indicate that you have a narrow understanding of The All or of the Divine Plan. Intellectualizing about The Unknowable will not move a person one step closer to Liberation from this nature-order.

You may have a grasp of certain key concepts, but that doesn't mean that you Know. Unless you obtain some of that "so-called Divine Knowledge" (a.k.a. Gnosis, Tao, Christos) you are going to spend many eons of time floundering about in duality. In order to truly Know, certain things must be revealed to us. However, we must be ready to receive that which is offered. You appear to be one who thinks that he already has everything all figured out. Such prideful thinking may result in a substantial delay in your evolution. What is the point of appearing to apprehend the nature of The All when one does not have the faintest idea of what it is that one should be doing to effect the Return that you speak of?

"Illusion" or not, we are here. Our consciousness is currently cut off from The All and it is our task to forge a new link with The All. Only then will we become one with The One. In order to do this successfully, there are rules, there is an order and there is a Process. There is a Divine Plan and there is a Divine Blueprint. Yes, The All wanted to experience and we are part of that experience. However, nit-picking over terminology and debating high metaphysical concepts only promotes conflict and serves no useful purpose.

No, we cannot completely understand The All while in the fallen state. But it is our destiny to regain that sublime Understanding as we make our way back to The One. That is our task, to seek out the Path of Return and to follow that Path from Power to Power and from Glory to Glory.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Did not mean to rain on your parade and as you rightly said there is no point in nit-picking or having a mud slinging match.

My contention is this, you are quoting a vast amount from the written works of 'others', do you have any personal experience of the ecstatic liberation that you are speaking of here? You responded with smugness and self-righteous indignation of someone who seems to 'know' some of all (unlike me who Know it all...just kidding `g.....c'mon loosen up man), therefore let me extend my apology if you found my post offensive. I find most of what is written here very intriguing, to say the least.
To borrow your own analogy of sticking a knife, what is attempted here is akin to trying to describe an orgasm to a person who is not even aware of his sexual organs. One needs to experience it to know the throes ecstasy and sweet pain/agony of that indescribable sensation. So do you speak from experience or are your merely parroting the 'teaching' of others?

I know how you are going to respond, you are not here to save my soul but only offering the liberating knowledge to free myself.....does that mean I can't express an opinion. "Today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday". Yes, we are here so I'd rather be alive in the moment.

Speaking of rules, order and process......I am sick of putting up with those on the earthly sphere, imagine having to content with it in the divine realms. I prefer annihilation to this.....according to you 'I' may yet get 'my' wish. You said "Our consciousness is cut off".....can you tell me what consciousness is?

No one, at least no human has known, knows or will over know completely what this all about. We are not in charge. We never were and we never will be. Only the Creator is in charge, and only the Creator creates anything at all. The only place “free will” truly exists is with the Creator...all we can hope for is grab on while this particular epoch of creation expands and then finally retracts..then begin all over again.....the breath of God.

No ~g, I am not given to prideful thinking, I am only sad that the ripple of my awareness moved so far away from the ocean that I don't remember much of who or what I am. On the other hand...maybe the creator never intended us to return to it...we are each the seeds dispersed in the universe to forever forge our own universe. Just a thought.....or then again maybe not because it all begins with thought...Greeting from this fellow voyager!!!!

BrotherGee said...


Please see the blog post dated 7/14/2013 for the repsonse.

~ g