31 December 2016
Rollover 2016
It's New Year's Eve 2016. So, what does that mean?
That means that today is the day before tomorrow.
There is no new beginning here, just a continuation of what is, a rollover.
January is not even the first month of the year. That designation goes to March.
January 1st is also not the first day of the "new" year. That designation goes to March 20th or 21st, or whatever happens to be the date of the spring equinox.
The above can be supported by the names of the months themselves:
September = 7th month - 'Sept' means seven.
October = 8th month - 'Oct' means eight
November = 9th month - 'Nov' means nine
December = 10th month - 'Dec' means ten
February is actually the 12th and final month of the year, which is why every fourth or "leap" year, a day has to be added to the month of February to make up for the 1/4 days of the previous three years.
Everyone alive in the 1st century knew this to be true. Not sure of the reason why Julius Caesar mandated this radical change in the natural calendar, but the smell of shenanigans is in the air.
With that in mind, Happy January 1st, the start of the 11th month of the year.
~ g
29 December 2016
The Dormant Principle
"Several wisdom teachings speak about an immortal Divine Principle lying dormant in every human-being that is just waiting to wake up and be active. Based on that awakened and active Divine Principle, the human-being can become a bridge between Time and Eternity.
What matters is not that we will enter Eternity, but that the Eternal Being within us may be vivified. That is the core of all Gnostic teachings and also of esoteric Christianity: the human-being is twofold, both mortal and immortal"
* * *
The mortal part is the physical body and the mortal soul, composed of the etheric, astral and mental vehicles, all of which disintegrate over time after physical death, so-called.
The Immortal part is the microcosm itself. The microcosm is the container for all of the temporary, successive mortal personalities. It persists throughout eternity.
The Divine Principle is the Spirit-Spark Atom or Divine Spark, positioned in the mathematical center of the microcosm, a location which corresponds to the right ventricle of the physical heart of the human-being.
This Divine Principle is dormant in the majority of human-beings who possess it, but can be awakened when a microcosm, after a long experience of futility and sorrow, repeatedly failing to generate a human personality that will seek and find the Key to Immortality, finally succeeds in generating a human personality that will choose to renounce the world and all the matter therein. Such a human-being will then cease to expect or desire anything of this world, and will set his or her yearning for that which is not-of-this-world. As the entity sets a focus upon that which is not-of-this-world, That Which Is Not-Of-This-World will step forward to touch the Spark. A Child of God will be re-born.
As a result of this Light-birth, a New Soul will be constructed to replace the old, mortal soul. A new, purified etheric body will also be constructed from pure, Divine ethers. The new Soul-Body combination will be of such purity that Spirit will finally be able to make use of it. The Divine Tri-Unity will be re-established within a glorified microcosm. Spirit-Soul-Body will once again form a Divine bridge between Eternity and Time.
~ g
25 December 2016
No 'Empty' Space
This post is in response to a comment from Anonymous posted on Sunday, December 25, 2016 6:23:00 AM in The End?
Indeed, there is no empty space! The majority of earthly mankind has simply not yet developed or activated the sense organs required to directly observe the activity of higher planes of physical existence taking place all around us. A few who have developed such abilities in past lives manage to bring them into their current incarnations (i.e., clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, etc.). With these 'gifts' they are able to 'see' into the Invisible Worlds and relay their findings to humanity. Madame Blavatsky and many of the Theosophists used their gifts in this manner.
Even so, those gifts only allow man to see the Invisible Worlds that exist on the physical plane, the 7th Cosmic Domain. Very few have the ability to connect with and experience in the 6th Cosmic Domain, the Divine Astral, the realm once-removed from our 7th. By the grace of the Logos, the human-being does possess the sense organs necessary to experience in that Divine Realm, but those sense organs are in a state of latency. They must be awakened by a process. That is the aim of the Gnosis, and that is the Knowledge that pure gnostics of all times have been endeavoring to impart to humanity (those who were/are ready) for long ages of time.
We have now reached a point in space/time where the largest percentage of human souls are at a state bordering upon readiness to take a leap in evolution. Some entities will graduate to experience in the higher realms of the Cosmic Physical (Lesser Harvest), others will succeed in obtaining Liberation, crossing the Divide into the 6th Cosmic Domain, the Divine Realms (Greater Harvest). What Glory awaits an awakened humanity!
As for the written word, it is true that it can be a bit clumsy when used as a tool to communicate grand ideas. However, it is the only mass communication tool that humanity has at this time, so we must work with what we have. In times long past, in the aftermath of the most recent Cleansing of the Earth, mankind communicated via telepathy. The ley lines of the earth were also used to transmit information over great distances. As humanity again began to fall in consciousness, the medium of communication devolved into pictograms (Mayan), then hieroglyphs (Egyptian), then cuneiform (Sumerian), then Sanskrit (Hindu), and was finally alphabetized by the Phoenicians and the Hebrew. The latter developments broke down the written word into its smallest components, atomized it, as it were. However, those who study language and numerology will tell you that all letters contain and convey a meaning. Unfortunately, those who can understand the inner workings of the written word are very few.
Even so, the written word retains usefulness, as it is an extension of Thought. Of this there can be no question. What the writer thinks is transmitted to paper, or parchment, or keyboard, or whatever. Thought itself is a connection with a particular vibration, or energy. If one's thinking is keenly focused upon automobiles, it is possible for that one can form a link with all of the knowledge of automobiles that ever existed. From this reservoir of "car knowledge", the writer can, if sensitive enough, obtain impressions that can be brought down to earth via Thought and then converted into the written word.
The same goes for matters metaphysical, and by extension, matters of the Gnosis. The knowledge of all the gnostic thinkers and teachers of all time still exists "in the aethers", as they say. One has but to form and maintain a link with that Knowledge in order to be able to receive their impressions. This is the key to gnostic understanding. It is also the key to genius in all areas, as some human-beings are born with the ability to form and maintain such links (i.e., Tesla, Einstein, Yogananda, etc.). Tesla told anyone who would listen that he possessed this faculty. They dismissed him as just a 'mad' scientist.
Yes, the written word has its drawbacks. But we must muddle on, despite its limitations. As it is written, it is the duty of those who wish to serve to:
"Start where you are, Use what you have, Do what you can".
~ g
24 December 2016
A Child Is Born
"Though Christ a thousand times in Bethlehem be born, yet not be born within your heart, thy Soul will remain forlorn"
The story of the birth of the Christ in a feed trough in Bethlehem is an allegory. It symbolizes that which results when the Divine Spark in a Seeker's microcosm is touched by the radiations of the gnostic Christ-power. At that point, a Christ "child" is born. Note the term used: Christ-child. What is a child? A child is the offspring of the union of something greater. A child contains the attributes of its creators but must be properly cared for and properly raised in order to ensure that the desired attributes successfully ripen and mature
In the case of the Christ-birth of the Seeker, a connection with the Divine Kingdom has been established, but it is a very tenuous one. That connection must now be nourished and strengthened.
Not long after the birth of the Christ-child, Herod sends his soldiers on a seek-and-destroy mission, with orders to find and kill this "newborn King". This story symbolizes what happens with the candidate after the awakening of the Divine Spark. The aeons of this nature will double their attacks against the candidate, working overtime to try and snuff out the fledgling Light.
To avoid assassination, the Christ-child is taken away to Egypt, where He is hidden until the threat has passed.
We, too, must protect the newborn Flame that has been lit in our hearts. The burning ember of our sleeping Divine Spark has been stirred to life and must not be allowed to be extinguished again. The majestic powers contained within the Spirit-Spark Atom will inevitably unfold with the nurturing help of the candidate, if he or she perseveres.
The Birth of the Christ-child is but the start. This Light-Birth is the beginning of a long and difficult journey that is destined to end in glory on Calvary.
May God's Peace be upon you. And may you be led to The Good End.
~ g
17 December 2016
The Holy Aim
"We intend to place you once more before the Holy Aim, which is hidden to those who are understanding and wise by the standards of this world. If only you can find the Missing Thread again and hook the Missing Link to the chain again, then for you The Call will not have sounded in vain.
You are not expected to apprehend the complete fullness of the Divine Life in the twinkling of an eye. The issue is the restored contact, the being Born Anew.
Even if you are still in the swaddling clothes of your new Childhood, you are already worth more than if you possessed the highest consciousness estimated by the norms of nature; for you know the words:
“The things which are hidden from the wise and understanding of this world are revealed to
the Children of God.”
14 December 2016
The End?
Whenever there is an extinction event on Earth, a.k.a. "the end of the world" (of which there have been countless many), a couple of things happen:
1. a group of prepared human-beings are removed from the physical plane and into a higher state-of-consciousness. State-of-consciousness is state-of-life.
2. A group of unprepared human-beings are removed from the Earth-plane in a mostly unpleasant manner. Their microcosms are recycled and they are lined up for another set of rides on the Wheel of Death and Rebirth.
3. Some of the Unprepared survive the catastrophes and live to tell the story of The Destroyer. The reports that have come to us down through the ages have been extremely unsettling to many. So much so, that when humans think of an ending-cycle, they only see horror and destruction. They do not see cleansing and recycling. Nor do they see the Great Transformation that has taken place for those who were moved to a Higher state-of-life.
Unfortunately, those who are taken to Higher Realms do not return to Earth, and so, they are unable to tell us their wonderful, glorious story. We are unable to see the truth behind the "end-of-the-world", which is that it does not signify "The End", but rather a New Beginning for both prepared and unprepared humanity. When the planet is overrun with negativity, when humanity has completely rejected God and is immersed in their own sinful pleasures, that is the cue for the Earth to shake man from her back like fleas. It is also the cue for the Christ Power, the Reaper, to return to Earth and gather up all those who are ready and prepared.
Thus, mankind has been left with half a story. We truly believe that the "end-of-the-world" is really "The End". When messengers appear to tell us that this is not the case, that "The End" is really both an End and a Beginning, we scoff with disbelief. This is where Faith must come into play. One has to believe, with an intuitive Inner Knowing, that we were created for a much, much higher purpose than we know. How many times have we squandered our opportunity to escape this prison-planet? How many times more will we fail?
Once more, a Golden Opportunity is being presented to mankind. The Start / Finish line has again been reached. Don't wait for the last minute to try and board the Ark. Purchase your ticket now, and hold on to it.
~ g
08 December 2016
Creator Gods
The creator gods are space-beings who have their own home in space. They are also evolving. There are those who would like to kick them out of the "creator gods club" because it is felt that they do not value the life that they create. Before the takeover about 300,000 years ago, many of the Original Team worked here to bring information and create this vast information center that was to be used to connect many galactic systems. Then there was a great war among the creator gods, and the space-beings, whose stories are in the ancient manuscripts of this planet, won the fight. They came here because thy wanted this place for many of their own reasons. In Prime Creator's universe here, all things are allowed. Because all things are allowed, many lessons are learned.
Some of these creator gods married and merged their lines, just as on the European continent different monarchs and royal families have married and merged their kingdoms. The creator gods would mix one kind with another to see what they could create. Remember, they understood genetics, and all things were created by manifesting and using the life-force and understanding how the life-force works. It is beyond your comprehension at this time how vast this project has been.
Who are these beings who came in and rent asunder the original plans for Earth? Who are these space-beings we sometimes refer to as the Dark T-Shirts? Be kind when you speak of the forces of darkness. Do not speak as if they are bad. Simply understand that they are uninformed, and they create systems that are uninformed because that is how they believe they must operate. They fought at one time and separated themselves from Knowledge, so now they desperately hold onto their existing knowledge and onto life as they have evolved it into being. It is life based on fear, life that does not honor other life, life that uses other life. Who are these beings?
They are the reptiles.
These space-beings are part-human and part-reptilian. We call them the Lizzies because we like to make things a little less emotional and a little humorous so that you don't take them so seriously and get so upset. We are not here to frighten you -- we are here to inform you.
Creator gods take many forms, and they are not all Lizzies. There are creator-gods who are insect-like. We Pleiadians are associated with the creator gods that are bird-like and reptilian. There were those who came from space and worked with the energy of the birds in many different cultures. If you look at the drawings of ancient cultures in Egypt, South America, and North America, you will see signs of the birds and reptiles. At one time, the birds and the reptiles worked together, and at other times, they fought. As you comprehend more, the story will get larger. You will begin to remember your history.
The creator gods are very connected to you. When you decide to become a parent, you agree to learn from your children, to be responsible for their welfare, and to teach them to become responsible for themselves. It is the same with the creator gods. Through watching you grow, they are learning about life; they are learning about what they create; they are learning how to be good parents, so to speak.
Some creator gods created life just to have it take care of them or meet their needs. They have fed off your emotions. One of the big secrets that has been kept from you as a species is the richness and wealth that accompanies emotions.
As the frequency of Fear begins to diminish upon this planet, many activities will be promulgated to bring about an increase in fear because those who live off the fearful frequency will be losing their nourishment, their food. They will make an attempt to reinstate that frequency before they change their nourishment to the new frequency of Love. The Lizzies have set Earth up with devices that can broadcast and magnify the emotional turmoil on this planet. That turmoil is sent to them, and it sustains them in some way.
The creator gods of ancient times are being drawn back here at this tie because of the Divine Plan. They must participate in it and understand that their frequencies are going to be changed. They are resisting this, just like many humans are resisting. Yet, they create their own realities. These creator gods of 300,000 years ago have forgotten who created them! They have forgotten their gods.
Light is underestimated on this planet, and these creator gods underestimate you. Even in their own brilliance, they have blind spots. They are so enamored of power that they fight among themselves.
The creator gods are coming back to raid you again because they don't want to starve. They understand that there is "systems-busting" going on through you, so they are here to create greater havoc and fear, to fight once again for this territory. Their food source is important to them. They are losing control of the planet, so they are going back to their prime portal in the Middle East, where their nest is located underground, to create fear and chaos.
From "Who Your Gods Are" - Bringers of the Dawn - Barbara Marciniak
The foregoing is an accurate explanation of this aspect of the present situation.
Note that the reptilian creator gods are split in their orientation. Some positive, some negative. To identify, remember that entities who are negative will always try to control you in some way, even through flattery.
The "bird tribes" are well-documented the world over, from the An-Gal of ancient Sumer to the Kachina of the American Indian. The American Hopi Indians speak unashamedly of the ant-people who sheltered them from previous planetary destructions.
Earth is 4.5 billions of years old. Awaken and understand that within that period of time there have been multitudes of civilizations, from super-highly-advanced to the most primitive, that have risen and fallen on this planet. Awaken and understand that this sector of the galaxy is a free-will zone and that Earth is a free-will planet. Awaken and understand that there are countless civilizations spread across this galaxy and others, who have exercised their right to visit this free-will planet and to create forms. Some created in line with the will of The All, others created with selfish intent.
Finally, awaken and understand that the human form on this planet is a recent innovation. Human forms were created to house the souls that would need to incarnate on Earth. Certain sub-races of the human species were created by the dark creator gods for their own nourishment, comfort, pleasure, amusement and for use as conduits to the physical world. It is through the human forms provided by these select sub-species (or "blood-lines", as some refer to them) that they have been able to exert and maintain their rulership over the planet.
The creator gods are master geneticists. They know how to create life "from scratch", as it were. The Original Plan of one group of positive creator gods was to create a human-being who would be multi-dimensional and have the ability to help connect the planet with higher realities. This project got hijacked by the dark creator gods and the project's resources were diverted to suit their selfish purposes.
Again, this information is provided FYI-only. Maintain an awareness of these things but do apply any undue focus. These matters will be fully revealed to humanity in due time. Right now, we have bigger fish to fry.
~ g
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Sumerian "An-Gals" |
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American Hopi Ant-Friend, Mantis Race |
04 December 2016
Who Your 'Gods' Are
Just as you have hierarchies upon Earth that you may or may not be aware of, there are hierarchies in the cosmos. You can live within a certain area and not be aware that any hierarchy exists. You can farm your land, pay your taxes, decide not to vote, and simply be oblivious to any bureaucratic political structure. In somewhat the same way, Earth is oblivious to the bureaucratic political structure that operates in the Universe.
It is important for you to understand that bureaucracies or hierarchies exist, and that these organizations have different experiences of time than you do. Others do not live within the structure of time as you know it. What you call one year perhaps to others may be only one small portion of a day. If you can really begin to comprehend this, you can understand why this planet has seemingly been left to itself the last few thousand years. Now, activity is beginning to bubble and boil again from the skies, and you will be faced with inserting a vast amount of new knowledge into your paradigms and belief systems. This planet is in for a culture shock -- a big surprise.
You have come here at this time for a certain purpose. Those creator gods who rearranged the human species are returning. Some of them are already here. This planet has been visited over and over again, and many different forms of human-being have been seeded here through a variety of experiments. There have been many influential factors that have created the course of history on Earth. There have been civilizations on this planet that have existed for millions of years that have come and gone and not left a trace. These civilizations, each and every one of them, were influenced by those you may term 'God'.
Your history has been influenced by a number of light-beings whom you have termed 'God'. In the Bible, many of these light-beings have been combined to represent one being, when they were not one being at all, but a combination of very powerful, extra-terrestrial light-being energies. They were indeed awesome energies from our perspective, and it is easy to understand why they were glorified or worshipped.
There is no literature on Earth that gives you a pure picture of these beings. All of the gods came here to learn and to enhance their own development through working with creativity, consciousness, and energy. Some became very successful and mastered their own lessons, while some made quite devastating errors.
Who were these gods from ancient times? They were beings who were able to move reality, to command the nature-spirits and bend them to their will. Humans have traditionally called beings 'God' who could do things that the human race could not do.
These beings were passed down through the ancient cultures of many societies, portrayed as winged creatures and balls of light. The world is permeated with hints, clues, and artifacts of who your gods have been. However, those who wished to manipulate humans made up their own stories to create a paradigm that would control you. You were told that these beings were truly gods, and you were taught to worship, obey, and adore them. This paradigm is now on the verge of making a gigantic shift. The truth is going to come forward, a truth that will completely change the way you view the world. Woe be to those who are unwilling to look. The shock reverberations are going to move around the world.
The creator gods who have been ruling this planet have the ability to become physical, though mostly they exist in other dimensions. They keep Earth in a certain vibrational frequency while they create emotional trauma to nourish themselves. There are some beings who honor life before everything else and there are also beings who do not honor life and do not understand their connection to it.
Consciousness feeds consciousness. It is hard for you to understand this concept because you feed yourself with food. Be advised that the 'food' for some beings is consciousness. All food contains consciousness existing at some stage in its own development, whether you fry it, boil it, or pick it from the garden, you ingest it to keep yourself nourished. Well, your emotions are food for others. When you are controlled to bring about havoc and frenzy, you are creating a vibrational frequency that supports the existence of these others because that is how they are nourished.
There are those who would like to reestablish the frequency of Love on this planet. They would like to turn this Universe into the frequency of Love so that it can have the opportunity to go out and seed other worlds.
You represent the renegade group of Light, and you have agreed to come back on the planet. You are on assignment. You come into physical bodies and take them over, and you intend, through the power of your spiritual identity, to change the physical body. You all selected with great care the genetic lines that would best give you head starts with all of this. Each of you chose a genetic history through which members of the Family of Light have threaded.
When human-beings existed in their rightful domains and could understand many realities, they had the ability to be multi-dimensional, to be one and equal with the gods. You are beginning to awaken to this identity within yourself.
The gods raided this reality. In order to have you believe they were Gods with a big G, they rearranged you genetically.
That is when the Family of Light was scattered from the planet, and the Dark Team, which operated out of ignorance, came in. Your bodies carry a fear and a memory of striving for the knowledge that those gods represented and took away from you. The gods who did this are magnificent space creatures. They can do many kinds of manipulations and work with realities in many different ways. Humans, in ignorance, began to call these space creatures God with a big G.
God with a big G has never visited this planet as an entity. God with a big G is in all things. You have only dealt with gods with a little g who have wanted to be adored and wanted to confuse you, and who have thought of Earth as a principality, a place that they own out in the galactic fringes of this free-will universe.
Before the raid, you had tremendous abilities. The original biogenetic example of the human was given incredible information, and could do many things. When those creator gods raided, they found that the local species knew too much. The local species had abilities that were too much like those who were passing themselves off as God with a big G.
A biogenetic manipulation was done, and there was much destruction. There were experimental versions of the species brought onto the planet, where the original database was scattered but not destroyed. At one time, your DNA was intact. It was like a beautiful library where the information was all catalogued and referenced and you could find anything you wanted instantly. When the biogenetic alteration occurred to unplug the data, it was as if someone hid the reference system and pulled all the books off the shelves and heaped them into a pile on the floor so that there was no order to them. This is how your DNA was scattered and scrambled by the raiders a long time ago.
We are telling you a story now; there is definitely a story to this. We speak not to your logical mind but to your memory banks, so that you can begin to remember participating in this story. In this way, you will begin to understand what has happened and who you are in this process.
From "Who Your Gods Are" - Bringers Of The Dawn - Barbara Marciniak
As part of the end-game for this cycle, a group of these creator gods from the Dark Team have returned to the planet and will shortly step out of the shadows and allow humanity to see who they are. However, there will be deception involved, as the purpose of these creatures is to arrest the process of transmutation that millions are currently undergoing and thereby stall the transformation of the Earth and her humanity from 3rd density to 4th density. Our liberation means that they are in danger of losing their food source. As part of the Great Game, a grand deception is being planned by them to prevent that from happening. Without warnings such as these, humanity will be helplessly duped.
These beings will pass themselves off as benevolent, and will display "great signs and wonders" as they provide solutions to problems that they themselves originally created.
For the past couple of decades, there has been a campaign to prepare humans for this global event, on a subliminal level. Pay attention to how many movies, TV shows, cartoons, commercials and advertisements have dinosaurs and other reptiles in them, standing on their hind legs, smiling, and speaking perfect English (Barney, Rex the Dinosaur, the Geico Gekko, etc.). The idea is to get you to become familiar with seeing this particular type of half-human, half-reptilian being, so that you will not be unduly frightened when they make their reappearance in real-life, smiling and communicating telepathically with you.
It doesn't matter whether you believe the foregoing or not. You're asked to file this information away anyway, as it may very well prove useful to you in the near future.
Do not allow this information to distract you from your mission. Continue to purify your vehicles, continue to walk the Path of Light. It is our steadfast, collective dedication to successfully completing The Great Work that will ultimately defeat the forces arrayed against humanity.
all love,
~ g
03 December 2016
Woe To The Money-Lenders
This post is dedicated to the bankers and usurers who break the Laws of Creation by keeping mankind in bondage through the practice of usury.
There was a time when usury was forbidden and punishable. If a person asks to borrow a certain amount of money, why add an additional load to the amount that he has to repay? A loan should be given because a brother or sister is in need. It should not be used as a way to make money for the lender. It's bad enough that the concept of money exists anyway. Why compound things by using this man-made concept of "wealth" and "value" to abuse others? In addition, by increasing the repayment amount, the lenders make it more difficult for the borrower to repay, thereby putting the borrower in danger of forfeiting property as per whatever was agreed to in the fine print of the loan agreement. That's the fine print that most of us never take the time to read.
Jews are forbidden to use usury in dealing with fellow Jews; however, they are permitted to charge interest on loans to non-Jews. Most of the banks on this planet are owned or run by human-beings of Jewish extraction, which should explain a lot to those with eyes to see (objectively and without prejudice). These money-lenders, our deluded brothers, are simply following their creed, and see nothing wrong with the practice.
Although a lender may agree to monthly terms, most borrowers do not know that the lender reserves the right to call in the full amount of the loan at any time. If the borrower cannot pay the full amount on-demand, he immediately goes into forfeiture and loses, property, savings, home, whatever the lender has designated as proper collateral for the loan. This is what happened during the Great Depression back in the 1930's.
Prior to the crash of the stock market in 1929, banks lent freely on margin (margin allows one to purchase a loan or securities with very little effort or personal capital) until things reached a critical mass. This is how they roped the suckers in. Just after the beginning of the Crash of 1929, the banks executed their margin calls and demanded immediate repayment of all their loans. Borrowers were instantly impoverished. Investors and businesses went bankrupt overnight. Farmers and homeowners lost everything, including their sovereign right to the land that they'd lived on for generations. Today, every acre of land in the United States not own by federal, state or local governments is owned by a bank. A high percentage of this ownership can be traced to the meticulously planned and executed land grab of the 1930's.
This is the design by which the lender creates a slave of the borrower. The borrower is enslaved by the lender's practice of usury and will not be liberated from this contractual bondage until both the loan and the interest are repaid.
The following is dedicated to every banker and lender on the planet.
"Woe and woe again unto them who burn away their minds and slay their nights and days in storing riches. For they know not what they store.
To lend, and lend with interest! That is indeed ingratitude too brazen to condone.
For what have you to lend? Is not your very life a gift? Were God to charge you interest for the least of His gifts unto you, how and with what would you pay?
Is not this world a common treasury wherein each man, each thing, deposits all they have for the maintenance of all?
Does the lark lend you its song, and the spring its sparkling water?
Does the oak loan its shade, and the palm its honeyed dates?
Does the sheep give you her wool, and the cow, her milk with interest?
Do the clouds sell you their rain, and the Sun, his warmth and light?
Rub your eyes and be awake!
Give when you can, and all you can. But never lend, lest all you have, even your life, become a loan and the loan fall due at once, and you be found insolvent and cast into Prison.
Aye, Woe and woe again to those whose riches and stock-in-trade is the sweat and blood of men! For sweat and blood will, in the end, exact their price. And terrible shall be the price. And fearful the exacting".
From "On Creditors and Debtors. What Is Money?" - The Book of Mirdad - Mikhail Naimy
Woe, indeed. The Money-Lenders have accumulated a compounded debt of tremendous proportions. At some point after transition from the body, their debt shall finally come due.
~ g
02 December 2016
Transformation And The Human Body
Your body is a precious gift of tremendous importance.
It is a laboratory.
It is a machine.
It is crystallized Thought.
It is the vehicle of Transformation.
It is your ticket out of here.
The human body is intimately involved in the process of Liberation. It has been mentioned repeatedly that in order to achieve Final Liberation, one must begin walking the Path of Return while here on the Earth-plane. The reason that this is so is because the physical body contains the organs necessary to begin the process of transmutation.
It is also understood that the physical body will not make the trip into the Next World. It will be subsumed by the process. It is the etheric double, or vital body, the subtle vehicle that imparts life and movement to the physical shell, that will be glorified and used as the lowest vehicle of man in the next Dispensation.
Your bones are made chiefly of limestone, which is a mineral. Minerals are crystalline in structure. The skeleton is a full-body crystal which has the ability to send, receive and store electromagnetic impulses. Do not doubt this. If crystals can make it possible to broadcast and receive radio signals, they will work similarly for the human-being in the manner just mentioned.
The skin sheath is a full-body sensory apparatus. It is both absorptive and eliminative. It is also a thermometer and a temperature-regulator. Excess auric vibrations are thrown off the body and radiated through the skin. When we are in close proximity to one another there is always an exchange of energies.
The human head sanctuary is the chief priest of the body. Within it are contained the organs that manage the thinking process and send instructions to the nervous system. The nervous system, in turn, spurs the physical body to action.
The internal organs of the body are specialized miniature labs that work together to serve the body. Most important among these organs are the ductless glands.
The ductless glands are the physical organs that correspond to the main chakras of the human-being. Those correspondences are:
Pineal Gland - Crown Chakra - Atma
Pituitary Gland - Brow Chakra - Buddhi
Thyroid Gland - Throat Chakra - Higher Mental
Thymus Gland - Heart Chakra - Lower Mental
Adrenal Glands - Solar Plexus Chakra - Astral
Spleen - Navel Chakra - Etheric
Prostate Gland* - Root Chakra - Physical
* Skene's Gland for women
The chakras can be thought of as transformers, or transfer stations. It is their job to transfer astral energies from the surrounding planetary, solar and galactic systems into the human-being. These electromagnetic astral vibrations are stepped-down and converted into what we call hormones. The hormones are distributed to the regions of the body with which the chakra / gland is associated with. The chakras cannot be seen by the physical eye (unless one has etheric sight). We see only their physical representatives in the body: the ductless glands.
We are living at the start of the Aquarian age, a time when New Radiations are coming to mankind from the center of this galaxy. These Christine Radiations are transformative. They are twofold, in that they break down as well as build up. These Christine Radiations reach us in the same manner as the normal astral radiations: via the chakra system. It is the purpose of these Pure Radiations to stimulate a transfiguristic process in the human-being. To change us from what we are into what we must become.
Now the key: if man cooperates with the impulses of these New Radiations, the physical body will be on its way to a major transformation, Divine in its nature. Remember, our cells replace themselves every seven years. Cooperating with the Christine radiations will result in these cells being replaced by cells of an entirely new type. If man does not cooperate or properly assimilate these Christine Radiations, degeneration and death will be the result.
Most people die due to the failure of one or more of the major internal organs mentioned above. We can surmise that they were unable to respond to the radiations that were impacting the organs involved. If we continue to fight against our transformation, the result will be death.
This is why it is heart-breaking to see people abusing their bodies. We treat it as if it is a horse or a machine that must be pushed to its limit in order for us to "feel alive", which is a sad joke. So we drink to much, we eat too much, we have sex too much, we become adrenaline-junkies (damaging to the adrenals), we ingest chemicals in order to purposely alter the normal stasis of the body, we tattoo the body with inks that damage the functioning of the full-body organ, our skin.
In mindless pursuit of sensation, we tirelessly work to damage and destroy the very vehicle that is required for us to effect our escape from the physical world! What could be more un-intelligent? This writer is not trying to kill your "fun". He is just telling it as it truly is.
"My people are lost for lack of Knowledge".
The dark masters who rule this world are completely aware of the foregoing. And so, they are more than happy to provide you with plenty of alcohol, fast-food, sex movies and sex toys, ridiculous pastimes such as bungee- and BASE-jumping, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, Oxycontin, Fentanyl and a host of other drugs, tattoo shops galore and TV shows that glorify the use of needles to damage and deface the skin.
To support this effort, advertising is provided in the form of movies, TV shows, commercials and print ads. Subliminals are placed within all of these media tools, urging you beneath your conscious level to partake of the item being advertised or discussed.
And so, man is given the keys to his jail cell at birth, then spends the rest of his life trying to swallow the key.
Respect the body for what it truly is: the vehicle that, if properly utilized, will enable you to move on to the Next Level of existence.
all love,
~ g
24 November 2016
Breaking The Seals
Notes on the historical deception perpetrated upon all of Seeking Mankind ~ g
"The destruction of libraries, scriptures and other ancient records is a fact present in accepted history. But the reason for such destruction was, and is, well-concealed.
It is little known by the common man that the Vatican now has a more complete library of ancient records than any other institution on earth. The church fathers were careful to take those ancient records that they considered too valuable to destroy and hide them from the masses."
...another quote:
"Little good has it ever done the masses to be warned by the Masters. And in every Age covered by history the rulers and despots have objected to any teaching that benefits man by increasing his knowledge. For learned people do not make docile slaves.
Hence, down through the Ages the Masters have been murdered to still their voices and keep the masses in ignorance. So it was necessary for the teachings of the Masters to be concealed in symbol and allegory in order to preserve it from destruction."
...and another...
"In man's own body we must search for the secrets and symbols concealed in the symbols and allegories of the Bible. The Ancient Masters were not ignorant heathens as we have been taught in order to deceive us. They were scientists of the first order. Their parables conceal, in symbol and allegory, certain profound facts they had discovered as to the psycho-physical departments of the body"
All quotes from Awaken The World Within - Hilton Hotema
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
As a popular television show used to advise, "The Truth is Out There". We have but to turn our backs on what we've been brainwashed to accept as "truth", and seek out That Which Was Left For Us To Find. The Adversary has worked tirelessly to destroy or conceal all evidence of the fact that there is a Path to Liberation that all men can travel back to the True Divine Kingdom. These secrets - actually, they're not even secrets; they are referred to as such only because the Adversary has worked extremely hard to keep this information from you - this knowledge is our birthright that has been usurped and mutilated so badly that mankind is unable to recognize it even though it is staring us in the face.
The good news is that because we are at the end of a major world-cycle, all seals are being broken. The Adversary is being unmasked, and the secrets that were hidden from mankind for so long are beginning to tumble out of their closets. Sent Ones have incarnated across the globe with a shared mission: to guide humanity to a New Awakening.
Understand that there is a Divine Purpose to life that you may not have been aware of. The goal of this blog is to reveal that Purpose to you and ensure that you understand the Purpose and its requirements, so that then, armed with insight, you may be able to make the voluntary, rational-moral decision to fulfill that Purpose.
May you regain your memory of That Which Is True in time enough to make the proper Choice.
And may you all be led to The Good End
~ g
20 November 2016
The Soul-Killers
This writer once held the Bible in low regard. This was mostly due to encountering numerous contradictions and unexplained concepts. It read more like a fairy tale constructed to tuck one into bed at night than an actual work of Spirit.
This writer grew up not knowing that the books and psalms of the Old Testament had existed for an extremely vast period of time, pre-dating the appearance of the Christ by many thousands of years.
This writer grew up not knowing that much of the New Testament was purposely omitted from the Bible because of the power of the Truth that it carried.
This writer grew up not knowing that back in the late 4th century, church "fathers" held councils to decide which books would be included in the Bible. Debates were held, votes were taken.
This writer grew up not knowing that just after the Middle Ages, the Bible began to be translated into other languages. It has since been translated and re-translated a jillion times. All translations are subject to the whims of their translators and editors. Drop one letter of a Hebrew word, for example, or add one letter, and you have an entirely different word, with a completely different meaning.
So, this writer grew up under a delusion that the KJV Bible he had been given and told to read was The Word of God.
"Which 'God' is this book referring to?", was the first question asked. Was it the 'god' of the Old Testament, who sternly ordered people to invade inhabited lands, slaughter every man, woman and child in sight, usurp their property and burn their homes to the ground? The Old Testament 'god' who played a sick game of 'chicken' with Abraham by asking him to kill his own son in order to demonstrate allegiance only to call the whole thing off at the last minute by telling Abe, "I was just fooling around with you"?
Or was it the Father that Jesus spoke of often in the New Testament? The loving Father who is ready to forgive any wrong, accept any prodigal, as long as we renounce our sinful ways and travel the same Path as the Christed One, sincerely and once and for all?
These two could not be the same entity. Any child could see that! And yet, on Sundays, the officers of the church would stand behind their pulpits and read from this book without ever explaining the unexplained, never bothering to attempt to reconcile the contradictions for their questioning and troubled sheep.
This writer had to grow deep into adulthood before these questions could be answered. The answers had to be sought via an intense, personal Seeking, a desire to know that which there was To Know. During this search - which spanned a couple of decades, is still ongoing and will never end - it was discovered that the officers of the church do not have the best interests of their parishioners at heart. The officers of the churches have the best interest if their churches in mind, always.
Even though the officers of the churches falsely set themselves up as intermediaries between man and God, in truth, they have the least bit of interest in man's salvation or liberation. They serve the aeons of this nature, also known as the "Prince of this World". Their job is to hook us into a line of thought that will create a certain vibration within us so that when we die, we will be attracted to a version of their church that exists on the Other Side of the Veil, the temporary "heaven-worlds", what is known as the reflection-sphere, whence the remains of our mortal soul will be captured, and spend the next 1,000 earth-years or so in "heaven" as a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Jew, etc. That vibration remains with the microcosm, it persists. Thus, when the next personality is constructed in our microcosm, he or she will be forced to incarnate into a family that matches the vibration, i.e., Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jew. And so, the circle is closed.
Man spends his life seeking spiritual salvation, a promised "heavenly reward". He looks to the priestly class of this world to guide and assist him in this regard. Instead of providing man with the information that he requires to intelligently and voluntarily make the changes necessary to regain (the word is regain, not obtain) Eternal Life, the agents of the churches offer him stones for bread, dead-letter doctrines that serve only to nail man ever more tightly to the Wheel of Death and Rebirth.
Such deception and chicanery amounts to murder. Murder of the souls of Seeking Mankind. For when, after so-called death, we reach the "heaven" that was preached to us on earth, a different reality will be encountered. The remains of our personalities will have to undergo the Second Death, victims of the purposely-false advertising of the nature-born churches.
Beware of the Soul-Killers. They exist in every town and city in this world. They wear collars, or fancy titles, or set themselves up as religious "authorities" and "intercessors before God". Steer clear of these soul-murderers. They are but agents of the archons and aeons of this nature. Strike out on your own and seek the Truth, which does exist and will approach you, if you ardently Seek in the right direction.
This writer once held the Bible in low regard. That is no longer the case. The reasons behind the change of opinion to be presented in a future post. This much can be said: once the Soul-Killers were identified and unmasked, it was possible to find the Eternal Truth embedded in the New Testament of what man calls the Bible.
~ g
17 November 2016
The Key To Reform
'The Key to every man is his Thought. Sturdy and defying though he look, he has a helm which he obeys, which is the idea after which all his facts are classified. He can only be reformed by showing him a New Idea which commands his own"
~ Emerson ~
~ Emerson ~
11 November 2016
What Will You Do With This Life?
What do you do with the life that you have received?
Do you give it back, after the allotted years,
After working, eating, drinking, 'happiness',
After the Game of Good and Bad Fortune?
And you end up Unconscious,
Just as you began?
Or do you dare
To take the Upward Journey?
Wearisome, perhaps, but certain step-by-step
Of being conscious in Spirit, Soul and Body
Through Will, Wisdom and Activity.
In accepting everything
While knowing that nothing is without meaning.
Say farewell in Seven Spirals
Constantly more sublime,
By which, unknowing, the Straight Path appears
For the Spiritual Being whom you truly are,
Who, above dying nature
Enters into the Fields of Birth,
So Giving
Is Living.
08 November 2016
Disconnected From Spirit
How many times have you heard someone say, "I felt it in my spirit", or "My spirit this and my spirit that".
Let's make this clear: nature-born humans have no connection with Spirit. Spirit is of God. If we were connected with Spirit, we would be executing the Will of The All. You can look around and see that the only will that humanity cares to exercise is self-will.
The majority of our human life-wave lost connection to Spirit long ages ago. A small percentage of present humanity is now working to regain that link. An even smaller percentage have so far succeeded.
Since the Fall, we have been linked to what the ancients referred to as a "counterfeit spirit". This "counterfeit spirit" is the ruler of our mortal soul, which in turn, conditions the material body. Because the nature-born human-being follows his or her own dictates and not the will of the Father, disorganization and chaos reign in the mortal soul, and the physical body is subsequently sickened by disease.
Spirit, Soul and Body have to be restored as a Whole Tri-Unity (or "Holy Trinity"). To do this, man must embark upon the Path of the True Way, the Path of Return. It may not be the best of news to be informed that you currently have no connection with Spirit, but the good news is that you can re-establish this link, if you turn your focus towards returning to the Divine Kingdom.
"All those who have faith in the power of the Gnosis, are given the Power to become Children of God again".
~ g
05 November 2016
...from the Archives
A new feature has been added to this blog named "...from the Archives", that will make a prior post available for review. The feature can be found just below the Blog Archive section and prior to the "About Me" section.
~ g
Gravity And Liberation
"Yearning is a force, a force of attraction, a force of gravity, a magnetic faculty"
Our personality is the center of a system called a microcosm, a minutus mundus, a world in miniature.
Where is this microcosm and where does it live? Here in this world! This world in which you live is organized according to the same principle as your 'little world'. That is why we speak of the 'cosmos' as the world, and of the 'micro-cosmos' as the 'little world' which you, yourself, are.*
* the Solar System is the 'macro-cosmos'.
The cosmos on which we live speeds through space with immense velocity. Why is it that we are not flung away from this globe? Because of the force of attraction, the force of the gravity of this earth. The magnetic faculty of our cosmos keeps us in our places. The electromagnetic field of this world keeps all creatures gathered together within its space. The operation and binding faculty of this system, however, depends entirely upon you and me! We have been born of this nature, of the principles of matter in this order, and by virtue of our birth, our personal electromagnetic filed is entirely attuned to the electromagnetic field of this earth, so that we are entirely one with this world. When our desires, our yearnings, are focused upon the horizontal plane of life, when our strivings are directed at this nature, towards the things of this world, then obviously we strengthen the magnetic attachment to earthly nature, because our yearning has an attractive, magnetic effect. If this desire is directed towards the earth, the other magnetic pole will naturally repel everything which is not directed towards the earth and thus keeps away all liberating influences.
So we see that we are held captive because of our dialectical nature, our own electromagnetic activities and by the electromagnetic activities of the earth, whereby we ourselves are our own jailers.
Let us suppose thaty in this condition we experience suffering and are confronted with pain and resistance, which is inevitable because of the peculiarities of dialectics. Is this suffering, this vicious cycle of misery, the pain of the Spirit-spark Atom? Certainly not!
By virtue of the laws of this cosmos, locked in the electromagnetic field of our world-order, we all are subject to struggle, hate and natural passions. This is the curse of this field of existence. Now, when you experience this, when the hammer-blows of Fate fall upon you, what do you do? You long for help, for a way out, for protection. A spontaneous, electromagnetic radiation emanates from you. In this the desire, the yearning for salvation, the magnetic cry for help of the Spirit-spark Atom? Is this 'the faith in your hearts'? Certainly not!
It is an electromagnetic activity of your nature, of your threefold natural ego, which needs no deviation at all in the magnetic field of this world. It is an earthly desire for earthly possessions or earthly safety and earthly protection. When we develop mystical, occult or seemingly transfigurist activities out of such desire, we only awaken reactions in and of our natural field of existence, because of the nature of the magnetic field. We never detach ourselves from the reflection-sphere in this way. Liberation, even to the smallest extent, is out of the question.
From experience, you've probably recognized the truth of all this. How much we have exerted ourselves, in natural sincerity! We have suffered through thousands of fruitless endeavors. It may be that we have approached the Spiritual School in natural sincerity but found the door locked since the Spiritual School cannot help us before the 'faith in our hearts is aroused', before the Spirit-spark Atom in our heart has been awakened.
Realizing this, we should proceed intelligently. We know that every activity is a motion of our electromagnetic field starting from our natural status. Its results, therefore, can only be useful in this nature. What is the obvious thing to do now? We must stop this magnetic motion, this hunting after our desires. Initially, because of the discovery that this hunting brings about no result whatever; on the contrary, it causes an even greater bond with this nature. However, the second phase of this Rest and Stillness should be a surrender to the Gnosis, a bowing down before the Gate of the Mysteries, as it is called in the myths.
In the Universal Doctrine, all candidates are taught how to acquire this Stillness, this Silence. It is said in the ancient Mysteries: 'My soul is still before God -- from Him comes my salvation', and in the new Mysteries it is said: 'Aspire to live quietly'. You can find this, for instance, in the epistle to the Thessalonians. And now you will understand, that through this true Stillness and the calming of the electromagnetic storms of nature, there arises a new possibility for the pupil: in this Stillness he or she can be touched by the radiation-power of the electromagnetic field of the Universal Brotherhood.
From "Gravity and Liberation" The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh.
Your controllers have been content to name the force that keeps man rooted to the earth "gravity", in order to mislead you into thinking that it is some mysterious, unexplainable force. However, what we know to be "gravity" is but the working of the cosmic law of "attraction between like elements". That which is of the earth will always return to the earth. That which is of the air will always return to the air, and so forth.
Therefore, when applying this law to the nature-born human-being, it is very simple: where your focus is directed is where your results will come from. One must either be earth-focused or Liberation-focused. One cannot focus upon both, as these two objectives are diametrically-opposed. There can be no melding or blending of these two objectives. We must choose one, and forsake the other.
As long as your desires are directed at the things of the earth, the things of the earth are what you shall receive, including death and dissolution. As soon as you turn your heart's desire away from the things of the earth, renouncing the world with authority, sincerity and finality, you will begin to attract that which is not-of-this-world, that which is Eternal, Immortal and Divine.
~ g
31 October 2016
Faith In The Heart
One of the most important aims of the modern Spiritual School, as regards everything now being revealed concerning the coming New Human Race, is to bring the norms, principles, and aspects of this new human regeneration as near as possible to all those able to understand its message. The invitation addressed to them, to use all means in trying to partake of this new regeneration, will explain this intention sufficiently. All speculations and uncertainty, all vagueness, must be done away with as thoroughly as possible and all philosophic reveries kept at a distance.
If you possess something of true Pupilship, there is a fundamental longing in you to return to the Immovable Kingdom. In the present phase of the Brotherhood's revelation, this craving is directed into the right channels and in the development of every pupil, who demonstrates his inner decision to go the Path, 'a driving force' will be brought. But you must understand what it means 'to bring a driving force' into somebody's life. Any negative help is out of the question here; but insight and knowledge are procured in the first place. The scripture rightly states: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge".
Knowledge, in the sense of the Universal Doctrine, means to acquire, on the basis of an active Spirit-spark Atom, the understanding of the current situation: of the Path and True Life itself and also of all the auxiliary factors at the disposal of the candidate. Equipped with this knowledge, the pupil himself will proceed to activity. It is in this liberating, self-freemasonry that the Spiritual School would like you to participate.
The New Human Race will not be born by miracle, but rather, everyone who is determined to become a member will have to enroll himself in this group by means of self-liberating action. You have to initiate yourself along the narrow path of self-freemasonry. "Work out your own salvation in fear and trembling" says the Lord of All Life, namely: "Work for your Liberation, by forgetting the self" and you will succeed unconditionally, if you believe this.
To believe, in the sense of the Brotherhood, means to know from within, and this "knowing from within" is the activity of the Spirit-spark Atom. Paul, therefore, speaks about "the faith in your hearts". By this he does not mean a kind of sentimentality or some traditional bible- or church-belief, but refers to the sparkling vibration of the Spirit-spark Atom in the right heart-ventricle. This is the belief that must make its abode in your heart. In order to obtain this faith, to arouse this vibration, you are admitted to the forecourt of the Spiritual School, but do not imagine that the Spiritual School can or will do anything further for you before you "move mountains" on the basis of this new, exclusive vibration of faith.
We say that you have been admitted to the Spiritual School primarily in order to arouse the vibration of the Spirit-spark Atom or, formulated mystically: "to free the faith in your hearts". Such statements are often formula or slogans heard everywhere and from everybody; pronounced and listened to superficially, they have but slight meaning. When we tell you: "You are in the Spiritual School in order to free the faith in your hearts", this can give you, initially, a feeling of homely rest, a sensation of having returned home. But do not be mistaken: in this School you have not come home! For the task of the School is only to alarm you, since it is you who must bring a 'driving force' into your life.
Whoever feels "at home" here does not yet possess an active Spirit-spark Atom. It must be so that 'this Atom leads a life of pain in the ego' as we quoted from Lao Tzu in the previous chapter. Whoever suffers this exceptional pain in his own being, will experience the same pain with respect to the world in which he lives, and there will arise a boundless craving for the lost, Original Fatherland. In accordance with this yearning, the 'driving force' will come into your life.
Because, as seen from the natural-scientific standpoint, what is yearning? Yearning is a force, a force of attraction, a force of gravity, a magnetic faculty. And, just like every magnet, this one has another pole, a magnetic pole that repulses. When our yearning, the one magnetic pole, is directed towards a subject, then the second magnetic pole will repulse the opposite. This is of tremendous importance and we advise you to think it over thoroughly!
From "Gravity and Liberation" The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh.
23 October 2016
The Root Of All Evil / How To Avoid The "Second Death"
The Root of all Evil is not Money. The Root of all Evil is Selfishness.
The idea of the separate Self, the idea that the person in front of you is a separate entity and somehow "different" from you, these ideas drive the belief that there is an "I" as opposed to a "Them". The "I" must be protected at all times from the "Them".
Human-beings are essentially all part of a single organism. The opposition and conflict that humanity engages in has resulted in disorganization and dysfunction within the human organism. Imagine if your hand told the brain, "I want to be the brain", I refuse to be a hand!" Or if the legs were to chime in, "No, that job is best left to me. My talents are wasted in this going to and fro!". Then the arms, and the eyes, and the internal organs all begin to argue the merits of their own individual talents. Meanwhile, the body flops around like a fish out of water, because its constituent parts refuse to work together as designed.
This is what has happened to humanity. We are so busy "doing me", that we are unable to recognize the harm we are doing to the entire human family. Although long ages were spent in developing the individuality in mankind (involution), the time has come for the human race to integrate those individualities into a single, functioning organism (evolution).
Before one can consider walking the Path, one must recognize that one's "I" will have to be left behind. It should be understood that the "me" that we feel the need to protect, please, pamper, exalt, etc., must be allowed to die, to disappear. Without this recognition, any attempt to walk the Path will result in either failure or delusion.
John's symbolic words "He must increase, and I must decrease" are not empty and devoid of meaning. Properly interpreted, they mean that the "I" must make way for The Other One that is attempting to awaken from its aeons-long slumber within the Rose of the Heart, our Divine Spark. The terrestrial self cannot inherit the New Life. That Kingdom is not-of-this-world.
Yes, we've become accustomed to being who we are. We may love ourselves (or not). But we must come to realize that, as personalities, we are but temporary, emergency-order beings. When natural death occurs, resulting in the loss of the physical body, we will return to the reflection-sphere where, one-by-one, we shall lose our etheric, astral and mental bodies, leaving but an emptied microcosm. This is what is known as "the Second Death". The First Death is that of the physical body. The Second Death is the gradual decay of what's left of the more subtle vehicles of the personality as it travels through the etheric, astral and mental regions of the "heaven-worlds".
The emptied microcosm will then be driven to assemble a new personality and re-enter the earth-plane via the agency of natural childbirth. That new personality will not be you or I. It will be a completely new personality who will be burdened with your karma and the karma of all other personalities that previously inhabited the microcosm. It is the microcosm that persists, not the personality.
The only way to avoid this fate is to make the decision to walk the Path of Return. Once the Divine Spark has been awakened and the candidate takes his or her first tottering steps on the Path, the construction of the New Soul begins, which will eventually lead to a reunification with Divine Spirit and the building of a new, glorified Personality. This magnificent process of transmutation can and must begin in the here and now. All that is required is that the candidate gains the proper insight as to his or her true predicament, learns what is required to walk the Path and then dedicates their entire being to completing that Walk.
If one can do this, if one can even lay the very first building stone, then that one can avoid the "Second Death". Upon transition, when the physical body is laid aside, the remaining vehicles of the personality will not shuffle off to the reflection-sphere for its inevitable dissolution, but will take a detour to the Vacuum of Shamballa, the safe haven that exists for the express purpose of taking in those who have begun the mighty process of transfiguration while on the earth-plane. This will be their home. The personality (minus the material body), the "you" that experienced on the earth-plane, will remain intact until the Great Work is completed. At that time, "you" will be merged with the reborn Other One, and will share in the omniscience of the Resurrected One, the True Man.
Please note: one should not choose to walk the Path because it promises to preserve the "I". If one ventures on this Journey with that mindset, he or she will fail miserably. In order to become the last personality in your microcosm, in order to "go no more out", it must be your overwhelming desire, your duty, your prayer, to liberate the Other One within. That should be the Aim. That should be the One Goal. Whatever positive things that happen to impact the personality (good health, etc.) as a result of taking on this glorious Task should be looked upon as fringe benefits for those who have chosen to make the Supreme Sacrifice.
"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who is victorious will not be harmed by the Second Death." Rev 2:11
all love,
~ g
The Path To The Heart Of The Universe
The path to the heart of the universe is one and yet different for every human-being. The meaning is that every human-being himself is that pathway — that pathway which is builded of thought and consciousness and of the fabric of your own being. It is builded of the stuff of the Divine Nature’s heart.
There is a long road; it is also broad. It is the road whereon you have the Divine Nature’s streaming current of energy with you, and following this road you will reach perfection in due time; but this is the road of long-enduring slow evolution, moving ahead little by little in each life, through the incalculable ages.
There is another road, steep and thorny, difficult to follow, but which the Great Ones of the human race have trodden. It is the quick road, but the difficult one. It is the road of self-conquest, the road of the giving up of self for the All, the road by which the personal man becomes the impersonal Buddha, the impersonal Christ; the road by which the love for your own is abandoned, and your whole being becomes filled with love for all things both great and small. It is a difficult road to follow, for it is the road of initiation; it is the steep and thorny pathway to the gods; for when you climb the heights of Olympus you must tread the pathway as there it lies before you.
Beautiful are the pathways, sublime the goal, and quick the feet of them who follow the way of the Still, Small Voice Within, which way leadeth to the heart of the universe. This is the core of the messages of the great Mysteries of antiquity — the union of the simple human being with his Divine Source, with the root of himself, linked as that is with the All, for that core is a spark of the Central Fire, a spark of Divinity; and this spark is in everyone.
Divinity is at the heart of you. It is the root of you. It is the core of the core of your being; and you can ascend along the pathway of the spiritual self, passing veil after veil of obscuring selfhood, until you attain unity with that inner Divinity. That is the most sublime adventure known to man — the study of the self of man.
Thus you will climb the mountains not merely of Parnassus and of Olympus, but you will in time, by following this inner pathway of self-knowledge, grow so greatly in understanding and in Inner Vision, that your eyes will take in ranges and sweeps of Inner Light, unveiling to you holiest and the most beautiful, mysteries of the boundless universe.
The first step on the pathway to the heart of the universe is to recognize the Truth that all comes from within. All the inspirations of genius, all the great thoughts which have made and unmade civilizations, all the wonderful messages that have been delivered by the Great Ones of the earth to their fellow human beings — all these come forth from Within. The battle of union, towards union, for union, with your own inner god, is more than half won when you recognize this Truth.
How splendid is the pathway seen after that! How glorious is it! Leading ever more inward and inward, which is the same as saying upward and upward, ever higher and higher, till you become at one with your own kin — the gods — who are the governors and rulers of the universe, and of whom men are the children.
The inmost of the inmost of you is a god, a living Divinity; and from this Divine Source there flow downwards into your human mentality all the things that make men great, all the things that give rise to Love and mighty Hope and Inspiration and Aspiration, and noblest of all, Self-sacrifice.
In yourself lie all the mysteries of the universe. Through your Inner Self, your spiritual nature, you have a road reaching to the very heart of the universe. If you travel that road leading ever Within, if you can go into yourself, go behind veil after veil of selfhood, deeper and deeper into yourself, you go deeper and deeper into the wondrous mysteries of Universal Nature.
Knowing yourself, you progress more quickly than the average running of the evolutionary course; and when this pace is quickened to the utmost, there are initiations, short cuts in fact, but only for those who are fit and ready to take these difficult, very difficult, short cuts. Growth proceeds step by step.
This pathway is spoken of as a road, yet it is the unlocking of the heart of man — not the physical heart, but the heart of his being, the essence of the man; in other words the unlocking and development of his spiritual and intellectual and psychical powers and faculties. This is the doctrine of the heart, the Secret Doctrine, the doctrine which is hid. The eye doctrine is that which can be seen and is more or less open.
The same Universal Life flows through all things that are. The same stream of consciousness which flows in the mighty Whole and through the mighty Whole of the universe, flows therefore through man, an inseparable portion of that universe. This means that there is a Pathway by which you may come into intimate relation with The Heart of the Universe itself; and that Pathway is you, your own inner being, your own inner nature, your Spiritual self. Not the self of ordinary physical man, which self is just a poor reflection of the spiritual brilliance within, but that Inner Self of pure consciousness, pure Love for all that is, unstained by any earthly taint — your Spiritual being.
From "The Path to the Heart of the Universe" - G. De Purucker
12 October 2016
The Call
"When at last—at last—we have become wearied to death, sick at heart and despairing, staring with eyes that do not see into the drab misery and dreariness of this existence, of this existence without purpose, without sense, light, nor deliverance, then … then the “Inner Light” speaks to us from out of the Spirit-spark Atom.
Only then can the “Inner Light” speak to us. Then It calls us and only then do we understand Its continual urge to Awaken, the longing for Deliverance, and for the truly liberating Light. Then the liberating Call: “Awake, O Sleeper, arise from the dead and Christ shall shine over you,” will become real to us."
11 October 2016
The Perfect Triangle
"The body of man must be regarded as a holy temple, a shrine of the Divine, the most marvelous House of God that exists, fairer far than the fairest temple raised with hands. For this natural temple which the Divine has wrought, is a copy of the Great Image, the Temple of the Universe in which the Son of God, the Man, dwells.
Every atom of every group of atoms, every limb and joint and organ, is laid down according to the Divine Plan; the body is an image of the Great Seal, Heaven-and-Earth, male-female in one.
But how few know or even dream of the possibilities of this living temple of the Divine! We are sepulchres, for our bodies are half-atrophied, alive only to the things of Death, and dead to the things of Life.
The Gnosis of the Mind thus teaches us to let the Life flow into the dead channels of our corporeal nature, to invoke the Breath of God to enliven the substance of our frames, that so the Divine Quickener may first bring to birth in us our Other Self, our long-lost Spouse.
And then we may ourselves with ungrudging love bring our True Selves to birth, so becoming regenerate or reborn, the Perfect Triangle, body-soul-spirit, jeweled with all three sparks of perfected manhood."
- George R.S. Mead, Echoes of the Gnosis
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10 October 2016
Awakening The Divine Spark
Once one becomes aware of the fact that he or she carries a Spirit-spark atom and obtains an inkling of the possibilities that can be realized by activating the power of that Atom, the natural urge is for one to think something like, "Oooh, that sounds so cool! I want to do that!".
Be advised that embarking upon the Path to Liberation is not the same thing as taking a yoga class, or learning how to read astrological natal charts, or mastering the art of astral travel, or any of the popular occult and New Age roads to "enlightenment". Choosing to walk the Path of Return is not a speculative venture. One cannot approach it with an attitude of "let me try that and see what happens". It requires the complete and steadfast dedication of the candidate as well as an understanding of what must be relinquished in order to obtain the Great Goal.
Although desire to awaken the Spark is to be applauded, that desire must originate from the proper cause. One must have a better reason than mere experimentation to want to take this step.
If, despite all trials and tribulations, one is comfortable with living in this world, that one is not ready.
If it is a goal to do all that one can to "make the world a better place", that one is not ready.
If one is determined to use any and all occult means to get to the heart of physical reality in the hope of transcending physical reality, that one is not ready.
If one blesses the world and all of its "gifts" and accepts his or her lot in life without complaint in expectation of a reward after death, that one is not ready.
If one has sought the Truth, has studied the world that is hidden from view and found the world wanting,
If one has discovered that everything about this life is "vanity and vexation", as the Buddha stated,
If one is thoroughly tired and exhausted from living on a treadmill of tears,
If one has tried everything possible to obtain peace, enlightenment, true Knowledge and failed,
If one has reached a border region, an end to hope and desires, desiring with every atom of his or her being to be released from this Lie and shown the Truth,
If one strives to obtain the Insight necessary to enable him or her to see the world as it truly is,
If one, once achieving insight, begins to Yearn from the heart to leave everything of this world to permanently return to the Divine realms,
If one accepts that the personality must be sacrificed, completely erased in order to obtain the Great Goal, and accepts that requirement unconditionally,
...then that one is ready.
"Go, sell all that you have, and follow Me".
Insight and Yearning for salvation from this fallen existence, if true and sincere, will result in an awakening of the Spark. Once one begins to yearn for the things that are not-of-this-world, that which is not-of-this-world will come for him or her. The Gnosis will reach out to the awakened heart.
"I will set out and go back to my Father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ So he got up and went to his Father.
But while he was still a long way off, his Father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."
If one is happy here on Earth, there is no shame. One will eventually learn over the course of perhaps many future lives, that the only purpose of Earth-life is to reveal to the human-being that he or she does not want to live on Earth, but wishes to return to a Divine Home that he cannot see, but knows must exist.
If one is desperately unhappy here, but at a complete loss as to which direction to turn to next, when all attempts crumble to dust in one's hands and one realizes that the material world has no lasting answers, that one will "lift up his or her eyes to the Hills, from whence their help will come".
Once you reject this world, and all the matter therein, the Divine Realm will approach you with open arms.
~ g
07 October 2016
God Within
For those who lament that God is nowhere to be found, seek understanding.
God, the Ineffable Nameless One, the Father-Mother, created all there is from Itself. How could it be otherwise? If the Ineffable had to gather materials from somewhere else to create the Omniverse, that would imply that there was something greater than God, for where would that other material have come from?
The All emanated the Omniverse from Itself. This means that every atom, every atom of every created and uncreated thing in every universe not only contains God, but is God.
So, then why are we here in these seemingly inadequate material bodies? Surely we, as flawed and fallen creatures cannot be made up of God-atoms?
Well, yes, we are.
"In Him we live, and move, and have our being" Acts 17:28
In the Omniverse, Original Divine Matter vibrates at different frequencies and wave-lengths. The lower the frequency, the further away from The One we are. We essentially "lose touch" with God, as we are no longer consciously linked with the Divine Frequency.
Thankfully, when the human life-wave fell into this Physical Plane frequency, each microcosm carried within its center a single tiny atom that retained its link with the Divine. This link was feeble, but it was a link. This wonderful atom is known as the Spirit-spark Atom, the Divine Spark, the Jewel in the Lotus. It is also known as The Rosebud, for as it sleeps, its seven petals have tightly drawn closed.
It is God Within.
"The Kingdom of God is in your midst" Luke 17:21
That's "midst", as in the center of your microcosm.
The powers of this Atom are in latency. The Atom is asleep, as it were, narcotized and muffled by the coarse, low-frequency vibrations of this Physical Realm. It is like a man trying to speak as a train roars into a station, or as a jet plane takes off. His mouth will move, but no one is going to hear him.
As it is a Divine God-Atom, the powers that it contains are beyond description. These powers cannot be expressed on this plane of existence, for if this Atom were to be split by force, a great conflagration would arise. You've seen what happened with the splitting of the atomic and hydrogen bombs. Well, that is only an inkling of the power that is locked up within the Divine Atom.
The Spirit-spark Atom has to be awakened slowly, systematically, and according to a formula. If the Rosebud is allowed to unfold properly, the result will be the rebirth of the soul, a purified microcosm, and a re-establishment of a link with Spirit, which is a link with God.
You are not just a bag of flesh and bones, doomed to slave and suffer in sorrow until the grave beckons. You are a Prodigal Child of God, who carries within your microcosm everything that you will need to restore your Godhood!
This Divine Atom does not respond to vibrations of this nature-order. So it will not awaken by meditation, or concentration, or any of the many occult methods of achieving "enlightenment". It will only respond to the touch of the Divine Radiation. This is so because like will always attract like. Therefore, the seeker must find a way to attract a radiation that is not-of-this-world. This Divine Radiation must be enabled to make contact with the Spirit-spark Atom. That is the starting point. That is the beginning and the genesis of The Coming New Man.
~ g
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