This is a response to
a recent comment from a reader. i knew that the response would be lengthy, and so the decision has been made to post it.
Dear Anonymous: First off, i never take anything "personally". There is no longer anything one can say or do that would "hurt my feelings" or "make me" angry. That ship sailed long ago.
i will break up this response into segments.
Anon: "My contention is this, you are quoting a vast amount from the written works of
'others', do you have any personal experience of the ecstatic liberation that
you are speaking of here?
Answer: Here we have a request for proof. "Prove what you say. Show me proof of the transfiguristic process and of the existence of a Divine Kingdom and
then I will believe". Like Thomas the Apostle, you need to "stick your fingers in the nail-holes" before you can accept what has been revealed to you as being true. Jesus was able to accommodate Thomas. i will not be able to do the same for you.
This is not because i don't want to, but because i cannot. i, and others, are currently
on The Path, working towards the One Goal. We have not reached the point of transfiguration, and if we had, we would no longer be visible or present on this plane to tell you about it.
The latest form of documented "proof" that we have was given to us at the beginning of the Piscean Age through the life of Jesus, the Christ. There were no TVs, radios or Internet when He walked the earth, but His life and deeds were witnessed by tens of thousands of people. His daily activities were meticulously documented in order to preserve a living record of the Process of Transfiguration for future generations. So many people witnessed the life and activities of this Avatar that the memory of Him could not be erased. Thousands upon thousands turned away from the Pharisaic religion (now cleverly re-branded as "Judaism") and began to walk the fivefold Gnostic Path. Of course, the Pharisees were furious about this and their efforts to shut down and discredit Him are well-documented.
What many do not realize is that these efforts did not end with the ascension of the Christ, but continued on well into the 4th century until, at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D., "churchianity" was codified and the entire message of self-freemasonry (doing the work required to go the Path) was perverted into a ridiculous fantasy of "salvation-by-proxy" and some guy "having died for our sins". People now laugh and ridicule the New Testament, the very testimony that was intended to provide man with the means to escape his prison.
The four gospels were allowed entry into the Bible after undergoing strategic mutilations, but documents such as
the Pistis Sophia, which the Christ dictated to His apostles and select disciples during the 11 years He remained with them after the Resurrection, were purposely excluded from the Bible. Why? Because in it, the Christ exposes the activities of the aeons of this nature and their human minions here on earth. In the Pistis Sophia, He explains what happened to Him after he "died", of His travels to "hell" (so-called) and back. How he went through all of the spheres of the reflection-sphere (the so-called 'heaven-worlds") and disarmed the archons and the aeons of a third of their power. This was done in order to loosen their grip on mankind and afford future generations a fighting chance to approach The Path prior to the commencement of the Age of Aquarius, two thousand years beyond His time.
Anon: You responded with smugness and self-righteous
indignation of someone who seems to 'know' some of all therefore let me extend my
apology if you found my post offensive.
Answer: Your interpretation of my answer is your interpretation. Again, i repeat, nothing that anyone can say
to me or
about me can cause me to "take offense". Part of surrendering the self is to do the work of de-activating all those aeonic connections that stimulate us in a knee-jerk fashion to think that
we are the center of the world, that
we must be "respected" and that those who are against us are our enemy. You are my brother. i understand where you are coming from. i have been where you are now.
Anon: To borrow your own analogy of sticking a
knife, what is attempted here is akin to trying to describe an orgasm to a
person who is not even aware of his sexual organs. One needs to experience it to
know the throes ecstasy and sweet pain/agony of that indescribable sensation. So
do you speak from experience or are your merely parroting the 'teaching' of
Answer: This analogy is correct. It is impossible for a human-being immersed in this undivine nature-order to be able to explain the first thing about the Divine nature-order, a nature-order which is not-of-this-world and inaccessible by our current set of five senses. Again, i do not
know, remember what it feels like to be Liberated. But i am devoted to doing the hard and difficult work that is necessary in order to find out.
As for 'parroting the teachings of others', i will say this: the reason that i post the 'teachings' (your quotes) of others is so that what needs to be transmitted will be transmitted. If you are referring to Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Petri, Heindel, Blavatsky, the New Call group, etc, these "others" did not 'make up" these teachings out of whole cloth. The teachings have always existed, although they were masked, veiled from the profane. These "others" found the Key required to correctly interpret the teachings of Hermes, Lao Tzu, the Christ, etc. and worked to pass this Knowledge on. It is not "their" Knowledge. They are but messengers. The
Corpus Hermeticum, The
Tao Te Ching, the
New Testament of the Christ all spring from the same fount of Universal Gnostic Wisdom. All of those works were created to serve the humanity of its time. They all relate the same Truth. Two thousand years from now, there will be other manifestations of the Gnosis,
but they will still be the same Universal Gnosis.
No one on this blog has ever been asked to blindly "believe in" what is posted here, or to "follow" anything proposed here. i've spent the last thirty years sifting through a mound of metaphysical, extra-terrestrial and New Age material. Some of it was compelling, much of it was misleading, all of it was ultimately not the Whole Truth. Why did i bother? Because i was searching for the Truth, the Thread,
the Thing that was being kept from me. After diligent and one-pointed seeking, i found It. What was being kept from me, and from all of us, is that we are exiled and imprisoned in a nature-order that is not our Original Home. More importantly, we are unaware that there is a "way out" and the particulars of that "way out" have been hidden from us by our controllers, who need us to remain here (energetically and vibrationally-speaking) in order for them to live.
Anon: I know how you are going to respond, you are not here to save my
soul but only offering the liberating knowledge to free myself.....does that
mean I can't express an opinion. "Today is the tomorrow that you worried about
yesterday". Yes, we are here so I'd rather be alive in the
Answer: At the end of this Day of Manifestation, all microcosms will return to The Father, for that is The Plan and the glory of God's plan is unassailable (
"Dei Gloria Intacta"). If we take a look at the current state of the world, it may appear to the unknowing that The Plan is not working, but it is. There are two ways to go about obtaining Liberation and regaining immortality:
1. wait until the end of this current Great Day of Manifestation, a period spanning several hundred
trillions of "illusory" earth-years or,
2. 'take Heaven by storm" by grasping the Thread of the Gnosis which has wound its way since antiquity throughout all ages of man, unseen and un-noticed by so relatively few, and following that Thread to its Glorious Conclusion.
In layman's terms, it is like this: we can take the Local train to our destination, or we can take the Express. You have chosen the former. i, and others, have opted for the latter. There is no wrong choice. You are welcome to take as much time as you need. Personally, i've seen enough of "earth experience", thank you very much. It is time to move on, to move upwards.
Anon: Speaking of rules, order and process......I am sick of putting up
with those on the earthly sphere, imagine having to content with it in the
divine realms. I prefer annihilation to this.....according to you 'I' may yet
get 'my' wish. You said "Our consciousness is cut off".....can you tell me what
consciousness is?
Answer: When i spoke of "rules", i was referring to the Laws that govern the Path, not the Divine Kingdom. But now that you have mentioned this, allow me to say the following:
The Universe of The All is governed by Universal Laws. How could it not be? There must be Cosmic and Divine Laws in order to bring order out of chaos. Man's laws are flawed and ineffective. Why? Because they disregard and ignore God's Laws. We are like children playing in our parent's closets, thinking that we are upholding order when, in fact, we are only perpetuating the swing of the pendulum and keeping duality in existence.
In the Divine Kingdom, the kingdom that is not-of-this-world, it is God's Laws that are obeyed. God's Laws are not designed to restrict or constrain any entity who chooses (chooses!) to follow them. On the contrary, His Laws are designed to offer us
every freedom possible as we explore, experience and create in His Omniverse. Hell, that is why we are here now, because we abused our freedom and, as a result of that abuse, fell into this material creation that we were ordered not to "involve" ourselves in. We were to experiment and create, but not to "I"-dentify with our material creations. Now we're stuck here and have to be rescued. That is the aim of the Divine Plan of Salvation.
Anon: No one, at least no human has known, knows or will
over know completely what this all about. We are not in charge. We never were
and we never will be. Only the Creator is in charge, and only the Creator
creates anything at all. The only place “free will” truly exists is with the
Creator...all we can hope for is grab on while this particular epoch of creation
expands and then finally retracts..then begin all over again.....the breath of
Answer: The majority of this statement is categorically wrong. We
are in charge. To ascribe to your way of thinking is to accept what the lying churches have been spoon-feeding humanity for the last 2,000 years. "It's all in God's hands". Such flawed thinking de-activates one's God-given free-will and makes one an unwitting slave to the aeons of this nature, who are more than happy to step in and pretend to be your 'Higher Power".
The All endowed His creations with the Freedom to do whatever we wished, as long as we did not aspire to retain any power or glory for ourselves.
Our job was (and is) to do God's Will, period, end-of-story. Instead, we have become stubbornly
self-willed, and endeavor night and day only to benefit ourselves, at whatever cost. When a life-wave ceases to be "one with God" in this way, a separate universe is created for them where they can wallow, frolic and play in their miserable, self-created, sham universe for as long as they wish to do so (again, free-choice). They are segregated from the Divine Kingdom in order to keep their counter-natural way of thinking-willing-and-feeling from contaminating any of the Pure Spheres of the Divine Universe.
We are currently experiencing in such a segregated universe, a universe characterized as an "abortion" as some gnostic scriptures have described it (ladies, please excuse the terminology used). We are free to stay here for as long as we enjoy pretending to be helpless pawns on the chessboard of Creation or we can get off our asses, seek
Right Knowledge and through
Right Thinking,
Right Feeling and
Right Actions, blaze a trail through the Wilderness that will lead us Back Home.
Anon: No ~g, I am not given to prideful thinking, I am only sad that the
ripple of my awareness moved so far away from the ocean that I don't remember
much of who or what I am. On the other hand...maybe the creator never intended
us to return to it...we are each the seeds dispersed in the universe to forever
forge our own universe. Just a thought.....or then again maybe not because it
all begins with thought...Greeting from this fellow voyager!!!!
Answer: Again, this is a defeatist mindset, born out of an exhaustion. We have all encountered this feeling. Inwardly, we are frustrated with the apparent, visible futility of this existence. We are exhausted by the myriad dead-ends we encounter when attempting to find "the Truth". We feel that "all is for naught". This is beneficial in that it is when we reach this nadir that we can become susceptible to the touch of the Gnosis, the vibratory emanation that is not-of-this-world.
You see, we, as nature-born beings, have no memory of what was. But our microcosm, in particular, the Divine-Spark, the Spirit-spark atom positioned in the center of our microcosm,
It remembers! It remembers because it is not-of-this-earth, it is a stranger in a strange land. Buried like a diamond under mounds of unyielding earth, still, like a homing beacon, it issues forth a continuous Call to each and every human-being. Most are unable to "hear" this Call, and thus go to their grave thinking that existence was a fruitless waste of time.
However, those who can hear the Call are fortunate beyond belief as, once touched by this Divine Power, they can begin to obtain True insight into their condition and perhaps begin to yearn for that which goes against everything nature-born man aspires to. Nature-born man aspires to "make this world better", no matter what it may take. The Divine human-being in the making,
The Coming New Man, aspires to leave the world behind forever.
My friend, you are free to think and will as you feel. We all have our Path to walk. Currently, your path does not coincide with the Path i have chosen to walk, and so, there appears to be conflict in our positions. However, as you probably already know, this is not true.
All paths lead to the One Goal. It comes down to a question of whether we take the winding, scenic route or the shortcut through the brambles.
You appear to have chosen the former, i, the latter. Even if i and others should obtain Liberation before you, we are duty-bound to delay our ultimate exit from this nature-order. We will turn to offer our hands to our brothers still enchained, just as those hands were extended to us. We shall not leave our straggling brothers and sisters behind, for God's Law mandates that we must all obtain our Final Liberation as a unity, as a single life-wave, in group formation. We fell here together, we leave together. At the end of this Great Day of Manifestation, all of humanity must walk arm-in-arm together through the Door of Freedom, triumphantly, as One.
See you there.
all love,
~ g